War times?

There is racism everywhere. It's not only towards blacks.. blacks are racist against whites.. Asians are racist towards whites, vice versa. The thing is, not everyone always claims every single thing to be about race.

Take color out of it and look at the bigger picture. If you see two cops confront a male selling illegal objects who 20 min prior threatened someone with a gun he still has control over decides he doesn't want to cooperate and becomes hostile that puts fear in anyone in that situation. Not to mention hes much larger. They talk to him, he's violent.. they warn with taser pointed at him, still ignores all signs.. they tase him.. he rips it out and walks toward them hands by side where gun is.. they STILL didn't draw theirs. They tackled him and were struggling. Couldn't even get hands cuffed.. he out powers the cops and reaches for gun.. only one reason one would do that is to harm others. The cops did it first to save his own life. If it were a white suspect and a white/black/Asian/Mexican cop it would have been different story.

Their is racism in this country I agree but to be blind to what really happened here is just insane. Not to mention mass shooting Dallas cops when they had nothing to do with the previous incident. I'm done here. This world is falling apart and everyone always wants to play victim instead of owning up to their mistakes.

Side note: I am NOT racist.. I have a few Mexican coworkers that comes over after work and we cook etc. few black workout partners at the gym and friends I grew up with... has nothing to do about race in my eyes. I'm just annoyed about the dam issues we're having and people always playing the race card. Enough is enough.

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The only reason this is even a color thing is because it's the only thing that makes the media......a white cop just killed a white guy recently that was far more a murder than these 2 guys and that's not on the news.....black cops kill white people everyday, black cops kill black people everyday.........so why is it that the only thing that makes mainstream media the white cop killing the black man?!? The media wants us to tear ourselves apart because it makes more news!! I mean think about this, with the rise of the internet, news companies lost tons of money, newspapers are dropping like flies every year, so how do we continue to make money?!? We cause a civil war amongst people......this is why I don't read the newspaper, I don't watch the news, I don't follow politics, I barely get on Facebook.......it's all a ploy to create more news so they show the stuff that bother people the most and now look, we are having riots and shootings!

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I am going to start a movement, BB's lives mater. We are going to demand jeans with bigger thighs, protein be added to all ice cream, our own bathrooms with full size mirrors, and of course half price pizza on the weekends for cheat meals...
when will people learn they are being used as political puppets..


  • cops.webp
    36.1 KB · Views: 35
Eman, Alton Sterling pointed a gun at a homeless man and threatened to kill him because he asked for a dollar.

The homeless man called the police to file an aggravated assault report.

Police confronted him to arrest him, which Alton had a gun in his front right pants pocket.

He resisted.

Struggled ensued. One cop fired 6 rounds, Other cop didn't.

I understand your frustration, but your comments are kinda far fetched.

You act like he was just a great tax paint citizen. Did you miss the photo of him with his son and daughter both were toddlers, holding guns of his?

The officers should have restrained him better and held down his right arm and if they couldn't they should have created distance and fired as his hand went into his pocket.

Hence why it appears murder but truthfully I mean should cops let guys point guns and shoot first before shooting?
blasson said:
There is racism everywhere. It's not only towards blacks.. blacks are racist against whites.. Asians are racist towards whites, vice versa. The thing is, not everyone always claims every single thing to be about race.

Take color out of it and look at the bigger picture. If you see two cops confront a male selling illegal objects who 20 min prior threatened someone with a gun he still has control over decides he doesn't want to cooperate and becomes hostile that puts fear in anyone in that situation. Not to mention hes much larger. They talk to him, he's violent.. they warn with taser pointed at him, still ignores all signs.. they tase him.. he rips it out and walks toward them hands by side where gun is.. they STILL didn't draw theirs. They tackled him and were struggling. Couldn't even get hands cuffed.. he out powers the cops and reaches for gun.. only one reason one would do that is to harm others. The cops did it first to save his own life. If it were a white suspect and a white/black/Asian/Mexican cop it would have been different story.

Their is racism in this country I agree but to be blind to what really happened here is just insane. Not to mention mass shooting Dallas cops when they had nothing to do with the previous incident. I'm done here. This world is falling apart and everyone always wants to play victim instead of owning up to their mistakes.

Side note: I am NOT racist.. I have a few Mexican coworkers that comes over after work and we cook etc. few black workout partners at the gym and friends I grew up with... has nothing to do about race in my eyes. I'm just annoyed about the dam issues we're having and people always playing the race card. Enough is enough.

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blassontotally agree..
Daredevil said:
Eman, Alton Sterling pointed a gun at a homeless man and threatened to kill him because he asked for a dollar.

The homeless man called the police to file an aggravated assault report.

Police confronted him to arrest him, which Alton had a gun in his front right pants pocket.

He resisted.

Struggled ensued. One cop fired 6 rounds, Other cop didn't.

I understand your frustration, but your comments are kinda far fetched.

You act like he was just a great tax paint citizen. Did you miss the photo of him with his son and daughter both were toddlers, holding guns of his?

The officers should have restrained him better and held down his right arm and if they couldn't they should have created distance and fired as his hand went into his pocket.

Hence why it appears murder but truthfully I mean should cops let guys point guns and shoot first before shooting?
You said it DD, if I were a cop my main goal is to go home to my family at the end of my shift even if I have to kill someone. No one as a police officer wants to have to pull the trigger but put yourself in their place, I'm not going to die because of some out of control idiot.
LittleTom said:
I am going to start a movement, BB's lives mater. We are going to demand jeans with bigger thighs, protein be added to all ice cream, our own bathrooms with full size mirrors, and of course half price pizza on the weekends for cheat meals...
This is good shit here, I'm with you LT. 🙂
Joseph Houseman, 63, stood in his pajama pants in front of a Kalamazoo Dairy Queen with a rifle, yelling at passersby. People called 911 and when police arrived, they tried to talk to him. He gave them the middle finger and grabbed his crotch. When one of the cops asked him to put the gun down, he told him he was “acting like a prick”. Did he die? Nope. Not even arrested. They took his gun, but gave it back to him the next day.

Dylan Roof, suspected of gunning down nine people during their Bible study in a church in Charleston, was captured in a traffic stop without incident last summer. He was armed when he was arrested. He was so hungry when he was captured, police went out and bought a burger for him.

On Wednesday, the same day that Philando Castile was killed by police in Minnesota, Conrad Richard Barrera allegedly robbed someone at gunpoint in Pocatello, Idaho. Police showed up to break up the armed scuffle and he was arrested a short time later in a nearby trailer park.

Robert Dear, 58, was arrested last November, after a five-hour standoff in a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic. He had a duffle bag full of rifles and handguns. He wore a homemade bullet-proof vest reinforced with coins. Two civilians were killed, four others were shot. A police officer was killed, five other officers were shot. Dear, however, is alive and uninjured.

The above all white, good to know we are treated equally.

Don't worry guys by 2044 whites will be the minority, I'm sure your opinions won't change one bit.
Jinko said:
Joseph Houseman, 63, stood in his pajama pants in front of a Kalamazoo Dairy Queen with a rifle, yelling at passersby. People called 911 and when police arrived, they tried to talk to him. He gave them the middle finger and grabbed his crotch. When one of the cops asked him to put the gun down, he told him he was “acting like a prick”. Did he die? Nope. Not even arrested. They took his gun, but gave it back to him the next day.

Dylan Roof, suspected of gunning down nine people during their Bible study in a church in Charleston, was captured in a traffic stop without incident last summer. He was armed when he was arrested. He was so hungry when he was captured, police went out and bought a burger for him.

On Wednesday, the same day that Philando Castile was killed by police in Minnesota, Conrad Richard Barrera allegedly robbed someone at gunpoint in Pocatello, Idaho. Police showed up to break up the armed scuffle and he was arrested a short time later in a nearby trailer park.

Robert Dear, 58, was arrested last November, after a five-hour standoff in a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic. He had a duffle bag full of rifles and handguns. He wore a homemade bullet-proof vest reinforced with coins. Two civilians were killed, four others were shot. A police officer was killed, five other officers were shot. Dear, however, is alive and uninjured.

The above all white, good to know we are treated equally.

Don't worry guys by 2044 whites will be the minority, I'm sure your opinions won't change one bit.

Alright my friend jinko just helped me reread so a slightly modified version
we are at spiritual war and have been for some time. these issues of fear and anger stem from a deeper problem: lack of values, specifically love, compassion, empathy
you know what fuck it. Im just gonna lift, work, take care of my family and theres a good chance i wont get shot by a cop.

I respect people who earn my respect. Not by the color of someones skin. Its peoples actions that matter to me. Im also smart enough to know not everyones guilty and not everyones innocent.
bossman said:
we are at spiritual war and have been for some time. these issues of fear and anger stem from a deeper problem: lack of values, specifically love, compassion, empathy
Thats very pretty boss but the only thing that seperates us from animals are; a thumb joint, big brain, walking upright, and complex language.
LittleTom said:
Thats very pretty boss but the only thing that seperates us from animals are; a thumb joint, big brain, walking upright, and complex language.
LittleTomEmpathy, the ability to create art, imagination, our ability to destroy we define ourselves etc etc.
Eman said:
Empathy, the ability to create art, imagination, our ability to destroy we define ourselves etc etc.
All stems from our big brain. We can do great things. Just show me a time where there was not some sort of conflict. It seems we define ourselves by over coming self created obsticles. We were not meant to live in peace, its not in our DNA. Not everyones anyway. Show your art to a person who has nothing and watch him steal your art and shoot you.

But LT, what if we cared for and provided for each other.... There will always be people who want more and to control. The best we can hope for is some kind of balance.
Federal policing guidelines are needed because “we have 18,000 police departments… [some of which need more training to] go after systemic racism, which is a reality, and to go after systemic bias,”

PART OF HILLARY'S SPEECH TODAY GUYS. KEY WORD WOULD BE "FEDERAL". As I stated before this is there main objective riding on the back of racism which is just another tool being deployed to achieve there lofty goals
I'm prejudiced. I will admit it! How...because I hate and distrust every motherfucker that I know. White, Brown / Man/Woman. Now...once you earn my trust and are allowed in...you will be protected and cared for till you piss me off. And that applies to all race and gender. The old phrase "People either love me or hate me"... my picture should be attached.
Jinko said:
Joseph Houseman, 63, stood in his pajama pants in front of a Kalamazoo Dairy Queen with a rifle, yelling at passersby. People called 911 and when police arrived, they tried to talk to him. He gave them the middle finger and grabbed his crotch. When one of the cops asked him to put the gun down, he told him he was “acting like a prick”. Did he die? Nope. Not even arrested. They took his gun, but gave it back to him the next day.

Dylan Roof, suspected of gunning down nine people during their Bible study in a church in Charleston, was captured in a traffic stop without incident last summer. He was armed when he was arrested. He was so hungry when he was captured, police went out and bought a burger for him.

On Wednesday, the same day that Philando Castile was killed by police in Minnesota, Conrad Richard Barrera allegedly robbed someone at gunpoint in Pocatello, Idaho. Police showed up to break up the armed scuffle and he was arrested a short time later in a nearby trailer park.

Robert Dear, 58, was arrested last November, after a five-hour standoff in a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic. He had a duffle bag full of rifles and handguns. He wore a homemade bullet-proof vest reinforced with coins. Two civilians were killed, four others were shot. A police officer was killed, five other officers were shot. Dear, however, is alive and uninjured.

The above all white, good to know we are treated equally.

Don't worry guys by 2044 whites will be the minority, I'm sure your opinions won't change one bit.
Are ALL white assailants shots? No

Are ALL black assailants shots? No

I'm not making light of this shooting or any shooting, just saying there are plenty of examples of assailants/suspects being shot, AND not being shot.

My Dad taught me as a young man that the only thing you say to a police officer is
"Yes officer, no officer, have a nice day officer."
And always be sure to add the "officer".
(And my Dad was a Vietnam Vet and saw a lot of crap, and had been mistreated by the police too, I must add!!!)

This has always served me well. I have gotten out of many tickets even, just simply by being kind and respectful.
Sometimes, even when the cop was being a jerk!!!

Now, obviously I'm not saying that this solves all problems, but kindness and respect and treating someone like you want to be treated, and with the dignity they deserve as human beings created in the image of God, does go a long way in resolving problems.

What if Alton had simply put his hands up(even if he was completely innocent and being slanderously accused), simply put his hands up, laid out on the ground, been cuffed, put in the car, taken to the station and questioned?

He would probably had been released with no charges, and would be alive selling cd's today.

Sadly, that did not happen.
But, had he just cooperated, he would be alive.

He was in a public place and had been accused of pulling a gun on someone.
When we step in public, we do have a certain amount of civic responsibility to cooperate with the authorities for EVERYONE's safely, EVEN if we have been wrongly accused!!!

I think we need to start a movement called LIVES MATTER!!!
Because all lives do, not because of my opinion or anyone else's,
but because Christ said all lives do, in John 3:16.

8) 8) 8)
LittleTom said:
Thats very pretty boss but the only thing that seperates us from animals are; a thumb joint, big brain, walking upright, and complex language.
These are not the ONLY thing that seperate us from the animals!!!

If so, you are just a grow up germ, and so is your Mom, and wife and children, and me and mine and everyone else's too.

And your opinion AND life is worthless, AND so are mine!!!

So why care if anyone kills anyone, because everything is futile.

But we matter because God says we matter.
8) 8) 8)

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