What BF % you think?

first of all that bf chart is bs because a human cant even survive at 3% bf. Most pros come in on stage around 5 or 6. I would definitely say around 10% would be a starting number for you. Looking good!
Swampjuice said:
first of all that bf chart is bs because a human cant even survive at 3% bf. Most pros come in on stage around 5 or 6. I would definitely say around 10% would be a starting number for you. Looking good!
What would be your estimation of the bf% for the leanest guy in the pics then? 5-6%?
yeah i would definitely say the leanest pic would be a minimum of 5%. Ive spoke to a world renown bb'er and he said its almost impossible to dry out below 6% without being border line dead.
WTF 9 ml's from now on no more over filling.
and he is about 29% body fat minus 20 so Hush
Delete my post.
Boy you wanna go head to head? 😀

i'll show ya my math .. prices go up 5 bucks a vial
shipping is 20 bucks
Thank you very much

And i do visit threads more then once. i just dont comment.
cause ya are just too dang smart for me.
im Naive
crazerico said:
WTF 9 ml's from now on no more over filling.
and he is about 29% body fat minus 20 so Hush
Delete my post.
Boy you wanna go head to head? 😀

i'll show ya my math .. prices go up 5 bucks a vial
shipping is 20 bucks
Thank you very much

And i do visit threads more then once. i just dont comment.
cause ya are just too dang smart for me.
im Naive
Oh no you din't. You're gonna get me in trouble now. lol
crazerico said:
WTF 9 ml's from now on no more over filling.
and he is about 29% body fat minus 20 so Hush
Delete my post.
Boy you wanna go head to head? 😀

i'll show ya my math .. prices go up 5 bucks a vial
shipping is 20 bucks
Thank you very much

And i do visit threads more then once. i just dont comment.
cause ya are just too dang smart for me.
im Naive
crazericoEasy Rico. I was just messing with you. And I think Tsize was gone erase Hanzos post. Lol. We love you just the way you are, you craze little mad scientist you.

Just in case, I sure hope you shipped my order before reading this thread. 😉
RockShawn said:
crazerico said:
WTF 9 ml's from now on no more over filling.
and he is about 29% body fat minus 20 so Hush
Delete my post.
Boy you wanna go head to head? 😀

i'll show ya my math .. prices go up 5 bucks a vial
shipping is 20 bucks
Thank you very much

And i do visit threads more then once. i just dont comment.
cause ya are just too dang smart for me.
im Naive
crazericoEasy Rico. I was just messing with you. And I think Tsize was gone erase Hanzos post. Lol. We love you just the way you are, you craze little mad scientist you.

Just in case, I sure hope you shipped my order before reading this thread. 😉

HAHA!! Hell no.
Swampjuice said:
first of all that bf chart is bs because a human cant even survive at 3% bf. Most pros come in on stage around 5 or 6. I would definitely say around 10% would be a starting number for you. Looking good!
Swampjuice said:
yeah i would definitely say the leanest pic would be a minimum of 5%. Ive spoke to a world renown bb'er and he said its almost impossible to dry out below 6% without being border line dead.

I don't want to get into a pissing match, so please don't take it that way. I would love to know what "world renown bb'er" you're talking about. Is he an IFBB Pro? If so, is he a top ranked Pro? Maybe for him, it's impossible to dry out below 6%. And if that's the case, maybe he needs a better coach. It's all about water manipulation at that point.

Most of the top placing Mr. O competitors are in that 3% to LOW 4% on stage. My training partner has been competing at an NPC National (Masters now) level and would usually com in at 4 - 4.5%. If he didn't he looked like shit and you could tell. You only have to hold that low body fat percentage for a short time...a couple of days max.

But, back to the original post...I have to agree with TSize...10-11%...maybe 12%.
Too Small said:
Swampjuice said:
first of all that bf chart is bs because a human cant even survive at 3% bf. Most pros come in on stage around 5 or 6. I would definitely say around 10% would be a starting number for you. Looking good!
Swampjuice said:
yeah i would definitely say the leanest pic would be a minimum of 5%. Ive spoke to a world renown bb'er and he said its almost impossible to dry out below 6% without being border line dead.

I don't want to get into a pissing match, so please don't take it that way. I would love to know what "world renown bb'er" you're talking about. Is he an IFBB Pro? If so, is he a top ranked Pro? Maybe for him, it's impossible to dry out below 6%. And if that's the case, maybe he needs a better coach. It's all about water manipulation at that point.

Most of the top placing Mr. O competitors are in that 3% to LOW 4% on stage. My training partner has been competing at an NPC National (Masters now) level and would usually com in at 4 - 4.5%. If he didn't he looked like shit and you could tell. You only have to hold that low body fat percentage for a short time...a couple of days max.

But, back to the original post...I have to agree with TSize...10-11%...maybe 12%.

I was gonna say, the dude in the lowest bf% pic is all veins and muscles. That's incredible. I do know you have to have at least 2-5% bf to protect your internal organs. That being said, it's not like bb'ers walk around with 2-5% bf in daily life, this is a range that is reached with much work and is only held for a short period of time.
Check the thread I just posted


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