What is wrong with my arm??



I have been having a tingling sensation in my arm for awhile now and it seems to be getting worse. I have a constant numb ring finger, its numb and tingly and is becoming very aggravating. I cant sleep well at night cause my arms fall asleep and go numb and I wake up and both my hands are numb and swollen and I cant close my hands for awhile after I get up. I wake up sometimes and have to take my ring off cause it is killing me cause it is tight from my hands going numb, I had to lick my finger today to get my ring off it was so tight and my knuckle was swollen. Now for the last few weeks I have been getting these shooting pains in my hands when I lift, the best way to explain it is it feels like electricity shocking the hell out of my hands, it hurts! It happens when I grab any weight and try to carry it or lift it, like yesterday I grabbed a dumbbell and as soon as I lifted it off the rack to walk it back to the seat I was at I got this sharp shooting like shocking pain go to my hands and fingers, it hurt like hell, I can get it to stop when I sit and rest the weight on my legs but when I stand up and hold them it shoots to my fingers and I feel like I am gonna drop the weights.

I am on a bunch of gear and hgh. I didn't really notice it too much until I got farther into doing the hgh. I don't know if it is a pinched nerve or a side from the stuff I am doing. Any advice is appreciated.
Sir what you are experiencing is CTS caused by the GH.... It is very normal for some to have this side effect. My wife still gets it to some degree. I was getting it also but now at 7months in sides have subsided. I had to tweak the dosing in the beginning because I had pretty severe case of Edema and from my thumb to middle finger were constantly numb. I got use to it. You prob need to adjust dose and or just ride out the storm. Was contemplating stopping soooo many times the first few months bit sooo glad I didnt now that I have a 6 pack for the first time EVER.. Hope this helps. BTW what is your dosing schedule and strength, what brand and how long on?
My shits not going through im not typing all over again lol. But ya definitely the hgh had similar sides
Boltbreaker said:
Sir what you are experiencing is CTS caused by the GH.... It is very normal for some to have this side effect. My wife still gets it to some degree. I was getting it also but now at 7months in sides have subsided. I had to tweak the dosing in the beginning because I had pretty severe case of Edema and from my thumb to middle finger were constantly numb. I got use to it. You prob need to adjust dose and or just ride out the storm. Was contemplating stopping soooo many times the first few months bit sooo glad I didnt now that I have a 6 pack for the first time EVER.. Hope this helps. BTW what is your dosing schedule and strength, what brand and how long on?
Ok I have heard of CTS and know what it is but not how it feels and I know that it can be caused by hgh, so that is feasible. I am about 6 months in or so, I started at 4ius a day then bumped to 5ius a day then now Im at 6ius a day. I pin first thing in the morning when I wake up. I can eat whatever I want and still wake up looking good and have abs, so I don't want to stop but I do want the damn numbness and pain to go away.

I first stated on nordictropins and now I am on elitropins. I didn't notice the numbness on the nords but on the elis it is bad. On the nords I did get water retention and I had sock line impressions on my ankles all the time, on the elis I don't see that. I do get bad swelling in my hands and fingers now but not so much during the day it is more late at night or when I wake up in the morning.

My wife is on the nords at 2ius a day and she isn't experiencing any of the sides, at least as of yet she isn't.

Does CTS cause pain and shooting like I am being electrocuted through my fingers? I mean I cant carry a dumbbell without it hurting like hell. It is even starting to go into my palm and thumb now. My ring finger is numb all the time, I can kinda get it to stop for a min or two by holding my arm up in the air in weird positions looking for just the right way, it will stop being numb for a min then it goes back numb again.
back4more said:
Are you taking any kind of stims?
No just lots of test, eq, hgh, hcg
Then my pre workout drink, my during workout drink, and my post workout drink.
Other than that I haven't took anything in awhile. No mt2, none of my vitamins, nothing.
I am hoping it is from the gh and not something I messed up in myself. It did start when I started the gh and I never had it before and I have done lots and lots of gear and this is my first time with hgh. It just sucks cause it hurts and is real annoying, my finger is constantly tingling and sleeping sucks cause my arms fall sleep and go numb and I can lay on my back for long. My wife don't like it cause I have to have my ring off because of it, she tells me I should stop cause I am messing myself up.
May be a dumb question but are you drinking plenty of water? Sounds like you .ay have a little retention if your swellimg up and your body just might need more water too. As far as sides mine never went away wether I used 1iu or 5
49ER said:
May be a dumb question but are you drinking plenty of water? Sounds like you .ay have a little retention if your swellimg up and your body just might need more water too. As far as sides mine never went away wether I used 1iu or 5
I do drink water but probably not as much as I should. The sides didn't really get bad until about 2-3 weeks into the elitropin, the nordictropin didn't cause bad sides except for sock lines but my fingers never got as big and I never had to take my ring off. Never had numbeness on nords only on the elis.
Joker said:
Boltbreaker nailed it.
Least you know your GH is gtg...
Suck it up brother. Welcome to gh land =)
Besides. ... You're on a baby dose to some guys. Got a dude now running 20 a day. ... yes..20
But he's a monster. ... he'll be a pro very very shortly ; )
(Go team Joker)
I believe it ive talked on forums with guys running 15 to 30ius with alot of insulin. Shit I wish I had the funds just to run 5ius lol
There has been a couple time I woke up with both hands numb and could barely shut the alarm clock off.
JM750 said:
There has been a couple time I woke up with both hands numb and could barely shut the alarm clock off.
JM750let me guess you were sitting on hands to jerk off like it was a stranger?
JM750 said:
I'm no expert but I think you should be splitting up that dose.
I was splitting it up morning night but after seeing rich pianas youtube video on it I started doing it like he said, all at once and not at night so I don't waste my natural gh I get for free. I do it in the morning because that is the best time for me cause I am always eating and there isn't really a time during the day when I don't have food in me, I could do it after the gym because I don't eat for awhile after I workout because my post workout drink fills me up for a bit.
DGAF said:
I was splitting it up morning night but after seeing rich pianas youtube video on it I started doing it like he said, all at once and not at night so I don't waste my natural gh I get for free. I do it in the morning because that is the best time for me cause I am always eating and there isn't really a time during the day when I don't have food in me, I could do it after the gym because I don't eat for awhile after I workout because my post workout drink fills me up for a bit.
Did you get lethargic at all on this run? That was my biggest problem. Like bolt said, I was about to give up a few times. but I just kept adjusting the dose.
Joker said:
Boltbreaker nailed it.
Least you know your GH is gtg...
Suck it up brother. Welcome to gh land =)
Besides. ... You're on a baby dose to some guys. Got a dude now running 20 a day. ... yes..20
But he's a monster. ... he'll be a pro very very shortly ; )
(Go team Joker)
I did a bunch of reading on the gh I got and everyone said it was good stuff and tested high. I haven't had the test done but by these sides I would venture to say it is good. I seen pros doses and they are crazy high, even the worlds strongest man that past away, Jesse Marunde, was on like 24ius a day.

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