What is wrong with my arm??

DGAF said:
That was the same thing I said to my wife but when I was reading about it a few articles said that high doses of gear can actually cause symptoms of cts from nerves being pinched and pressed on from the muscles in the shoulder and neck, that coupled with the use of hgh the symptoms can be amplified, I am at almost 5000mgs of gear a week, so I have cut all my gear doses in half starting today. I was going to taper down anyways starting this month and by the beginning of the year be on a low test cruise. Im not wanting to come completely off the gear or the hgh but if it comes down to it and I have to come off I have everything I need for a proper pct. Either way I am prepared.
DGAFGood!!!! That's the kind of thing I like to hear. You start running TRT doses, let your body filter itself out.....and, soon, you won't have to run those high mg's anymore. You'll get good results from a fraction of that dose.
TSizemore said:
Good!!!! That's the kind of thing I like to hear. You start running TRT doses, let your body filter itself out.....and, soon, you won't have to run those high mg's anymore. You'll get good results from a fraction of that dose.
Right. I figure it is time to give my body a break. I have been running huge cycles for awhile now without much time off inbetween, with the exception of my shoulder surgeries. I always start low at like 500mgs a week and then as time progresses I plateau and I have to take more to keep getting results and thus forward until I am taking 5000mgs a week. So with my damn arm acting like shit my body is telling me time to come down or even off if I have to.
I have similar sides but I have pinched nerves in my neck from an accident. only thing diff is the swollen hands.. but everything else is the same.. So from reading everyone else's post I have to agree. def not a nerve issue.. if it was a nerve issue if you were to turn your neck a certain way you should get the shock real bad.

And at least you know your GH is good.. never ran always wanted to but I am a cheap ass mofo.... haha
Yea no pain or anything from turning my head. I have had some discomfort in my neck but it was just from not being able to sleep right cause of my arms going numb I would get a stiff kink in my neck but after a couple days it goes away. I have numbness in both of my ring fingers today, more so in my left than in my right but not as bad as it was on Thursday. I started taking 2ius a day on Friday and I take the weekends off hgh so just in 1 day of doing a very low dose and 2 days of no hgh my fingers aren't as bad as they were and the pain wasn't real bad today in the gym grabbing the weights. The real test will be tomorrow and in the following days the rest of the week where I do all dumbbell work this week so I will find out how my strength is holding the weights in my hands and how bad the electrical type shooting pain is in my hand as well. So far today not super bad so I can say it lightened up today, and my hands haven't gone numb nowhere near as much today and when they did it wasn't anything compared to last week.
Yes at least I know the hgh is good. From the reading I have done on it and considering where it comes from I didn't have too much of a doubt whether it would be good or not, the tests that people did on it and have posted said it is in the low to mid 30`s. I get it for a rather good price too.
glad your feeling better. I am sure lowing the dose will help... one day I will try it lol but my pocket are not very deep shit they are so shallow I can just get two fingers up to the middle knuckle in them haha
It has helped from what I can tell so far. I just lowered it last Friday and I can tell the last couple days the tingling has decreased to just the tip of my finger and the shooting pain has diminished some too, I can actually grab the 100lb dumbells and I still get a shooting but it is a short burst and then it kinda goes away, before I would get the shooting pain and it was constant the whole time I was holding or walking with the dumbells and now it is just the initial grab of the dumbells and then almost gone so I can hold them and walk to wherever I go with them and the pain isn't there the whole time. I did get a few spurts of numbness in my hands today that would last for a bit then go away. So all in all everything is getting better with everyday that I am on the low dose.

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