What stack you like Better?

test e tren a mast p and var ran tren e before fucked myself up and couldn't adjust fast enough
4everstrong said:
Test E
Tren A
Mast P


Test E
Tren E
Mast E
Tren a 100mg a day for first ten days to preload the good stuff while the long esters build🙂

Running this now!

Test E
Tren E
Mast E
essentially those are the same things...just depends on how you feel about injections frequency and how long you plan on running that cycle. I usually do short esters for contest or if Im adding in a little 6 weeks of something into my run.

the advantage of the short ester would be quicker effects.

I prefer long ester myself....I usually do Enanthate at E3D or E4D....however as of recent I love mixing prop with cyp of enath ...gives me a little faster release and works out perfect
I've never ran this cycle before but have done research on it and going to start this coming January with the TEST E. TREN E. MAST. and EQ with a DBOL kick
I've never ran this cycle before but have done research on it and going to start this coming January with the TEST E. TREN E. MAST. and EQ with a DBOL kick
LBORRACHITOHave you run tren? Imo tren e is a bottle of sides tren a kicks in quick and you see daily changes in your body. Ive never run eq but I bet it would be bad ass with tren. I did tren e once I hated it anxiety like a mf and I ended up stopping cuz of sides.
Test prop finish 150 mg ED
test cyp duration 600mg a week no tren 400mg a week w/tren
tren a start 8 weeks, finish 8 weeks 100mg ed
mast prop finish 150mg ed
bold cyp duration 600mg week

anadrol kick start 6 weeks 50mg ed split 25mg am 25mg pm
winstrol finish last 6 weeks 100mg ed split 4 times a day

also ran a shit ton of peps on this cycle ghrp 2-6 and cyc wo dac

I ran this cycle for 24 weeks. it was amazing.. and I wouldn't change a fucking thing about it.. Its not cheap but it was worth every penny..
I like Odin's template. But it the original post, its the same damn thing, man. Ran both plenty, not a difference aside from how long it takes to kick in. Blast A and E at the beginning and 2-3 weeks end drop the A if you prefer long esters.
I like long esters. Less pinning.
49ER said:
Have you run tren? Imo tren e is a bottle of sides tren a kicks in quick and you see daily changes in your body. Ive never run eq but I bet it would be bad ass with tren. I did tren e once I hated it anxiety like a mf and I ended up stopping cuz of sides.

had the same experiences you did Niner on Tren E
49ER said:
Have you run tren? Imo tren e is a bottle of sides tren a kicks in quick and you see daily changes in your body. Ive never run eq but I bet it would be bad ass with tren. I did tren e once I hated it anxiety like a mf and I ended up stopping cuz of sides.
I also did Tren E once. I had very bad anxiety attacks from it. Had to stop it. Thats why im thinking about going with the Short esters. Im on EQ right now. ONly on week 4 though so it hasnt got to kick in yet.
If I could I'd have an IV of Tren E hooked up to me. Other than the night sweats I love that stuff.
I'm trying to figure out a test e, tren a, mast p and eq cycle myself.. thinking of running test e 20+ weeks @500mgs. Eq @600mgs with test. Start cycle with tren a @ 400-600mgs? For 6-10 weeks.. then finish with mast p for 8-10 weeks @800mgs.. not too sure about it tho...
tbonexl said:
I'm trying to figure out a test e, tren a, mast p and eq cycle myself.. thinking of running test e 20+ weeks @500mgs. Eq @600mgs with test. Start cycle with tren a @ 400-600mgs? For 6-10 weeks.. then finish with mast p for 8-10 weeks @800mgs.. not too sure about it tho...
I was told by a vet to run My eq at 700-800mgs. Im running it at 720mgs. This is my first time with EQ. Only on week 4 so it has not kicked it yet. Cycle im on now is Test E NPP EQ cherrybomb. Im going to run my test at 125mgs-200mgs when im on Tren and My Tren A dose is going to be 350mgs.
4everstrong said:
I was told by a vet to run My eq at 700-800mgs. Im running it at 720mgs. This is my first time with EQ. Only on week 4 so it has not kicked it yet. Cycle im on now is Test E NPP EQ cherrybomb. Im going to run my test at 125mgs-200mgs when im on Tren and My Tren A dose is going to be 350mgs.
4everstrong50mgs ace ed? Thats where I started I bet you'll bump it up once u see the changes thats what I did lol
4everstrong said:
I was told by a vet to run My eq at 700-800mgs. Im running it at 720mgs. This is my first time with EQ. Only on week 4 so it has not kicked it yet. Cycle im on now is Test E NPP EQ cherrybomb. Im going to run my test at 125mgs-200mgs when im on Tren and My Tren A dose is going to be 350mgs.
I notice EQ sides in 2-3 weeks... the "6 week" rule with EQ is bs. I also believe that if you not working out to the extreme and dieting is impeccable and you already ripped up with low bf%, EQ is not the compound for you. My .02 is stick with 2 hormones and a kicker until you get a solid, solid base. You dont need all that gear bro, trust me when I say that I have run ridiculous amounts of gear cycles in the past and speak from experience.

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