WORK.. What do you guys do?

This is an awesome thread. Got some good dudes here. Sounds like we all work hard and earn every bit of our money. Glad to see this!!! Keep it up fellas there are millions of illegal immigrants that are counting on all of us!!
Store mgr and I oversee mktg for my area. Supplement industry. Hoping the next step is a district mgr and then owner.
Design Network infrastructure and perimeter security, thats how I know Grims a smart guy
I am a French Fry Engineer at Mr. Burger. We are one of the slowest receding fast food chains in the country.
RockShawn said:
I am a French Fry Engineer at Mr. Burger. We are one of the slowest receding fast food chains in the country.
I'm a manager for a large vehicle corp. I'm a rookie at it and I'm at the bottom of the totum pole but getting more experience everyday.
Went to Jr college for mechanics but instead of a certificate I went for the degree. Took longer than I would've liked but worth it. And plan on going back and get some more credits under my belt.
I've had 3 jobs in the vehicle industry, this one is the best BY FAR, but always looking for improvement. There are managers making 6 figures I'm this corp, and the bonuses are great !!! I wouldn't mind making that type of money one day !!!
Everyday is a new one but I'm happy . As long as my son is happy that's all that matters !!!
I'm a heavy equipment operator at a mine until I graduate college next year in dietetics
I'm in the construction trades. Specifically concrete finisher.. I don't mess with bridge decks or stamped concrete. I don't grind and patch either!
Nutritionist, physical therapist, strength and conditioning coach. If it has to do with performance or optimal performance I try to be in the know. Always learning.
Oh and of course one more thing " I Pick Things Up And Put Them Down " !!! 🙂 😉
tbonexl said:
I'm in the construction trades. Specifically concrete finisher.. I don't mess with bridge decks or stamped concrete. I don't grind and patch either!
tbonexl I don't either I just yell at the guys that run the concrete finishing machine ha ha
IT Performance engineer contractor for Commercial companies. I work on almost anything to do with data operations. Before I got into this i used to do trades. Went to plumbing and electrical school. If I lose this job I will go back to installing furnaces and water heaters.
I own a contractor trade company. Have now for just over 10 years. Not rich by any means but doing well. All my employees checks cash every week and there bills get paid as do mine. So I say I am successful in that regards.
Wacker said:
I wish I could afford Rocks MT...still got the hots for her and I never met her-LMAO
WackerThis is fukked, she showed up at my gym last night and wanted to workout with me. I was like ok, but were doing this this this and this, she mowed right through it all. chick can lift.
RockShawn said:
This is fukked, she showed up at my gym last night and wanted to workout with me. I was like ok, but were doing this this this and this, she mowed right through it all. chick can lift.
Oh shit this is going to get good! BTW feel free to share her photos with us (me) anytime.
im an auto mechanic, grrrr...i used to like working on cars like 10 years ago, now i hate it

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