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Thread 'Sugar Alcohols......What are they?'
I've been looking into these a little bit. Mainly because there are so many sugar alcohols and different products use different ones. I try to choose Protein bars with the least amount of Sugar,--but that means the most amount of Sugar Alcohols. So, here is some info I put together to help. What Are Sugar Alcohols? A sugar alcohol, also known as a polyol, is an interesting type of carbohydrate. Its structure is kind of a hybrid between a sugar molecule and an alcohol molecule (hence the...
Thread 'The thong thread'
Think we had one, lets get it going again!
Thread 'Anabolic Steroids and the Law'
United States law prohibits the possession of anabolic steroids without a legal medical prescription, imparting severe penalties (including fine and/or imprisonment) for those that choose to violate these laws. Under influence of U.S. government officials, World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) members, and public criticism following numerous doping scandals, a growing number of countries are following the U.S. by adopting their own laws against the possession of anabolic steroids and other sports...
Thread 'Injection techniques from B-D.'
.... safe injection techniques from B-D. http://meta.filesmelt.com/downloader.php?file=Safe_injection_techniques.pdf
Thread '12.5mcg daily of T3 for a few months....'
bill roberts has said he used a 12.5mcg dose for 6 months with no noticeable thyroid suppression after coming off. said it aided him in staying lean... anyone every try this?... my biggest concern would be effects on the heart long term and of course thyroid suppression. might be good for next summer ...
Thread 'Why CrossFit Women Are Stronger Than You'
by Charles Staley The Truth About CrossFit Workouts, If You Can Handle It Many CrossFit women can lift a ton of weight while sporting six-pack abs without dieting. Sound like you? Probably not. Here's why. Crossfit Women Saved Female Fitness Has anything advanced female fitness more than CrossFit? Nope. If you've always encouraged females to lift weights, thank CrossFit women for changing the landscape. Today, more women are lifting, getting strong, and looking better because of the...
Thread 'High protein snacks'
What's your go to? Mine are these. 42 grams protein for 220 calories I believe
Thread 'Who wants the cleanest liver???'
Okay, been getting a lot of questions what do I do for my liver and how do I keep it clean. It it starts off with me taking injectable glutathione M, W, F at 100mg per day. Don’t take more thinking it’s going to be cleaner or get cleaner faster, you will only feel out of sorts cause it’s potent. Now this next part is to rid the liver of fatty tissue that builds up taking heavy orals or just how we live in general, but the gear doesn’t help. All chemicals are on amazon. 3000mg inositol...
Thread 'The Right and Wrong Way to Use Pump Training to Build Muscle'
HOW IMPORTANT IS GETTING A PUMP FOR BUILDING MUSCLE? How Important Is Getting a Pump for Building Muscle? Written by Michael Matthews and Scientifically Reviewed by Dr. Brian Grant FACT CHECKED EVIDENCE BASED Key Takeaways The muscle “pump” refers to the temporary increase in muscle size that occurs when you lift weights, especially when you use higher reps and shorter rest periods. Pump training should never be your primary focus if you want to gain muscle as fast as possible, but it can...
Thread 'Inhibit Fat Cell Formation With These Berries'
A specific type of berry may help you to halt the creation of fat cells and get rid of the fat you already have. Here's the science. BLUEBERRIES GOOD, WILD BLUEBERRIES BETTER Blueberries are healthy. We know this. They're a great source of phytochemicals called polyphenols, which is one of things that make most "super foods" so super. Now researchers are breaking it down further and figuring out exactly what type of blueberries are the most healthful. Answer: wild or "neotropical"...
Thread 'whats for lunch'
spaghetti and peanutbutter must gain weight
Thread 'DOGPOUND Founder Kirk Myers Shares His Training Success Secrets'
Dogpound Gym founder and trainer Kirk Myers may look tough on the outside, but don’t let his giant muscles fool you. Myers learned at an early age how to understand women from watching his dad work alongside several female teachers in his own place of work. “My dad is a retired elementary principal,” Myers tells Muscle & Fitness. “I really came from an amazing upbringing with a dad that was a really great dad and a mom who is very inspiring.” Dogpound Once an overweight kid from Kansas...
Thread '4 Health Benefits Of Outdoor Workouts'
You know that feeling when you step outside, take a deep breath of air, and instantly feel a little more alive? That’s the magic of outdoor workouts, which we often overlook during regular gym routines. But what if I told you that there are countless benefits of outdoor workouts, and that it could do wonders for your body and mind? Here, we’ll explore four great reasons to take your workout outdoors. Trust me, once you experience this change of pace, you may do it more often. 4 Healthy...
Thread 'Comparing the Big 3, Semaglutide, Tirzepatide and Retatrutide'
So this was originally going to be a much deeper dive into the differences between semaglutide, tirzepatide and retatrutide, however, I realized that might be too high level for many folks, so instead I’m going to highlight some key differences between the 3 peptides, briefly discuss a few points and then link back to actual scientific articles I used to collect this information and allow folks to read that dense material if they so desire. So let’s get some easy stuff out of the way first...
Thread 'Single Leg Box Squat: How To, Muscles Worked, Tips and Tricks'
Love it or not, squatting is an effective way to build muscle and strength, and it’s a non-negotiable part of any serious workout routine. One squat variation that’s worth your attention is the single leg box squat. Overall box squat variations are fantastic for many reasons, but the three main benefits that keep me coming back to them are the box provides a reference point, which is essential for the novice to build good squatting form. Second, reducing the range of motion is excellent for...
Thread 'Semaglutide'
I'm on my second week so still to early to tell, but I keep reading on it :P Clinical Insight on Semaglutide for Chronic Weight Management in Adults: Patient Selection and Special Considerations Ariana M Chao, 1 , 2 Jena Shaw Tronieri, 2 Anastassia Amaro, 3 and Thomas A Wadden 2 Author information Article notes Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer Go to: Abstract Losses of 5–10% or more of initial body weight are associated with improvements in obesity-related comorbidities...
Thread 'The Swimming Workout Guide For a Shredded Summer Body'
Whether you’re freestyle swimming with your friends or treading lightly in the beach waves, time in the water calls for serious built-in resistance. From your arms to your core, the warm-weather activity can help you build lung power, muscular strength, and endurance all while lessening your chances of exercise injury. However, before you make swimming your go-to summer workout, learning the basic swimming strokes and safety rules that come with the sport is important. Here, Fayette Mong, a...