
  1. tunaman7

    What do you think?

    Got the spring cut going. I don't get on the scale too often but...where would you put my bodyfat percentage at? Here are a couple of shots. Yes! Their clean!! [2016-05-04_04.20.26.jpg expired]
  2. GoPro

    Been A Long Time

    Hey all, Been apart of the forum for a long time. But just now getting back into the swing of things. I had a very hard up hill battle with Addiction. Finally been clean a while and have things falling back into place. I Know some of my brothers on here suffered with addiction too, and I fully...
  3. Dago

    Fresh out

    Just hit the streets checking pm's getting back to everyone. Had 45 days over my head got that shit went down over my wife at Wal-Mart last year for those that remember. It was worth everyday in. Time served. Srry for any delays or problems guys pm me.
  4. halfnatty

    bqck in the gym and just feel like shit

    It's been awhile since I been back in the gym as most know I had some health issues that I'm most recoverd from but my chorestrol at 249 Uhgg so I had to hop off everything. I just feel so soft and weak and my joints hurt, this will be a tuff ride but I need to fix my cholesterol back down I...
  5. LittleTom

    Back to the Future Day

    Kind of a fun fact for those of us who grew up in the 80's, today is the day that Marty McFly and Doc Brown went to in Back to the Future 2.
  6. BluEyeLander

    Fav Pose

    Personal Fav Pose. The Myth Signature. From my show in Nov.... Had to get my priorities straight since I am moving back to the mainland in 8 weeks, and basically restarting a whole new chapter of life since I will be back out of school with my new degree. Starting from scratch again is stressful...
  7. Bigdog6693

    Lower back pumps!

    What could be causing these horrible lower back pumps I have all day!? I'm not on dbol or any oral that could cause that! Wat do yall think?
  8. F.I.S.T.


    Going to be going away ona business,pleasure trip and will be gone for at least a few days and not sure if i'll have time to log on.So in case I can't,you guys hold down the fort and keep those posts going. Calm down,calm down everyone,i'll be back.I know you were all ready to panic. I could...
  9. T

    In hospital

    Torn stomach doing abs waiting for the scans to come back. Good news though my blood work kidneys livers are all perfect . For being on such a heavy cycle..
  10. F.I.S.T.

    Back Workout For The Ladies

    Found this one a long time ago and have seen it utilized many times with success.This is of course only one workout and doesnt include many of the popular choices of exercises but its always about changing things up. Back Workout For The Ladies Wide Grip Pull...
  11. flyingfox

    The only thing that sucks about TRT

    I called the pharm and they said they would fax my Dr. With a prescription renewal which is fine. But then my Dr. Office calls me back and said they refilled it but I have to get bloods done next week.....fuck me! I have been hitting some Tren and EQ and bumped up the test also. So now I need to...
  12. Junky87

    knocked down..but wont stop me from getting back up.

    Hey guys...I almost got crushed by a 1200lb rack at work on Fri. All I got was a sprained left shoulder/elbow/wrist...I'll be down for about two weeks hopefully then I can bring it back up in the gym..
  13. Vicious 13

    Vicious is back

    Been away from the board for a while but I'm back
  14. MattyIce

    My Back WorkOut

    MONDAY lat pulldowns (cable) warmup sets and 4 med-heavy sets rep 6-10 immediately 4 sets standing db rear delt raises med-heavy weight immediately 3 sets Aussie pullups from Smith machine less than 45 degree angle to failure rest 1 minute rear delt machine 4 sets med weight high rep 15-25...
  15. S

    Guess who's back??

    Yah buddy! What up all my mofos!
  16. B


    I am new again!!!! Whats up everyone? I am looking to get back to the gym... however i will be without a partner. Super excited tho my mind body and soul needs the punishment! Thanks :D bunny the new board looks good