Hey all, I've been a member of this board for a long time. Took a break since I had a nice stock of test plus trt and I've basically researched till I was blue in the face about every compound so everything seemed redundant after a while. Well dr took me off TRT and I'm low on test. Not looking...
I called the pharm and they said they would fax my Dr. With a prescription renewal which is fine. But then my Dr. Office calls me back and said they refilled it but I have to get bloods done next week.....fuck me! I have been hitting some Tren and EQ and bumped up the test also. So now I need to...
Hey guys...I almost got crushed by a 1200lb rack at work on Fri. All I got was a sprained left shoulder/elbow/wrist...I'll be down for about two weeks hopefully then I can bring it back up in the gym..
lat pulldowns (cable) warmup sets and 4 med-heavy sets rep 6-10
immediately 4 sets standing db rear delt raises med-heavy weight
immediately 3 sets Aussie pullups from Smith machine less than 45 degree angle to failure
rest 1 minute
rear delt machine 4 sets med weight high rep 15-25...
Well, had to move to two different states since I've last been on.. I know I know no excuses.. Well I have still been training as much as I can and will soon be fully back on track... I hope..
So anyway fuck me in the eye cuz who gives a shit bout what I've been up to how have all my bros...
I am new again!!!! Whats up everyone?
I am looking to get back to the gym... however i will be without a partner. Super excited tho my mind body and soul needs the punishment!
Thanks :D
the new board looks good