
  1. Dago

    Donating blood

    When running cycles like test/eq/tren making for very thick blood increased rbc often should I donate ?
  2. RockShawn

    Water manipulation to get you stupid lean!

    THIS IS ONE METHOD OF WATER AND CARB DEPLETION. This article may seem like it only applies to the small number of you who plan on competing at some point. This is not the case. Anyone who is sitting at a reasonably low body fat percentage (<12%) and wants to go from simply “lean” to “holy...
  3. Torres

    Stetching B4, During, Or After A Workout !!!

    Many studies have shown that stretching a muscle can increase IGF-1 levels. That rise is desirable because IGF-1 has been shown to slow the process of protein breakdown. Bodybuilders have also been told to stretch before, during, and after workouts to stretch the connective tissue surrounding...
  4. krustus

    TNE in guiacol... slin pins , sub q, im...???

    you guys that do TNE... i'm gonna give it a shot... i need tips 1. how long before should i do it 2. is it thin enough for a slin pin.. 3. sub or IM? and where do you inject... thigh. butt..etc... 4. use it every workout?
  5. flyingfox

    Oh yes I did!

    Get the balls to ask the pharmacist for Novalin R at Walmart. I know this is not something to be taken lightly but when I run my next "real" cycle, insulin will be part of it. More than likely I will use it pre-workout with the Dave Arnold protocol which I posted previously. [attachment deleted...
  6. luckyluke

    Halo....feeling nothin!

    So a bit ago I got a large order from a vendor not on this site. It was when I was on BOP. Vendor was PPP. Now everything I have used of his/their I got has been TOP NOTCH except for the halo pills I got.....nothing. Tried them 4 times @ 10mg, 20mg, 30mg and even 40mg.....didn't feel any...
  7. rboy101

    Test Flu..

    So this is the first time i've experienced test flu. been on prop for only 6 days. I got all the sinus shit, some body aches and mild headaches that have been goin on for about 16 hours or so but its starting to go down. I took a shitload of vitamin c and zinc a few hours ago and that seems to...
  8. S

    Deliberately crashed my test and it sucks!

    It's been a loooong 5 weeks but I came right off cycle and went cold turkey. No pct no nothing in an effort to crash my test. I get bloods done Monday and me and my doc are hoping for a low test number so my insurance will pick up the TRT tab. I have looked into my box of goodies multiple times...


    Here are some before and after shots of me. Apologies about the bandages on the before shot. I had just gotten out of surgery. I still got a long road hoe mane. Chime in if you like brothers. All comments are welcome mane. More result pics coming soon! Thanks! TRAIN HARD [attachment deleted...
  10. H

    Ghrp 2 Mod Grf 1-29 run

    Going to begin a run here pretty soon. Any of you brothers have any experience with these peptides? I know what my protocol will be. Was just wanting to hear some of your results/experience.
  11. Paulrockr


    Alright I don't want spoon feeding , trying to wrap my head around the peptides... Any of y'all run CJC 1295 w/o DAC and GHRP-6 ? I've read a lot of stuff over the last few months and from what I can see its more of a leaner. Nothing I read really puts it in lehmans terms. I need English ...
  12. D

    Time to get HUGE

    Well I started my get big cycle last week. Im doing: 1500mgs Test Enan EW 750mgs Deca EW 600mg Test Prop EW 50mgs D-Bol ED I am pinning 6 days a week and taking sunday off. Each pin has Test Prop and Test Enan 1ml of each and on M,W,F I am pinning 1ml of Deca with them. I am taking my full...
  13. RockShawn

    Amazing Before and After photos

    Wow what a difference [attachment deleted by admin]

    a tad over 12 weeks

    I know some may not go into the homegrown section. But I wanted to take this time to say a few things.. First, working with him was more than a pleasure. He was always there when questioneS needed answering.. I started out in pretty bad shape. I had a few spinal surgeries last year that left...
  15. RockShawn

    Optimal pre workout meal timing

    How long before you workout do you eat? What do you consider optimal? 1 hr, 2 hrs, etc.
  16. D

    DGAF cycle log

    My cycle starts tomorrow. Its gonna be my first in 7 months so Im excited about it. I will be shooting 3cc ED along with hcg 1 time EW and ghrp-6 and mod grf 1-29 3x`s ED 5 days on 2 days off. Ill be running var ED too. My weekly amounts are: Test Prop- 700mg Tren Ace- 700mg Mast Prop- 700mg...
  17. Augustwest

    GW-501516 Peptide

    Hey has anyone ran this or have any more info on it? Sounds good, just want to know what kind of results everyone was seeing.
  18. TSizemore

    Favorite Toy

    Since we don't have a topic for this, I'm gonna start one. What's your favorite sex toy! And, it can't be a random Tranny! This topic has proven to "stimulate" conversation in the past. So, I bring it up again. I'll answer with mine after a few responses!
  19. V

    My Var Cycle..

    Any Advice, suggestions or opinions welcome. I am thinking of trying this simple cycle once I get settled in my new place and can focus on the important things in life.. Working out and eating right. Week1:: var10/ed fat burner(hydroxy cut or jet fuel) T3-20mcg (stepping up slowly for...
  20. GRIM


    Looks like I may have to take it into my own hands, was on trt before strokes, got the test levels of an 80-90 year old but the endo called and said all my tests are normal, she will not be doing a thing. How on earth could they consider all my issues plus the extremely low amounts of food I...