
  1. MattyIce


    One of few compounds I've not tried. What to expect? Doseage? Duration? Will be in addition to test e 750 bold cyp 600. Thanks
  2. halfnatty

    what happen to ischus having issues

    This was before he was kicked off but before I go into details what happen to them on here
  3. F.I.S.T.


    10 TIPS TO GET SHREDDED FAST November 11, 2015 By John Doe 1) Don’t cut calories too far under maintenance Obviously there needs to be caloric deficit in order to lose bodyfat, but too many people are dropping down way too low. What does this mean? It means you become a smaller version of...
  4. Patriot1405


    Anyone have any experience with this? Reading up on some cycle protocols, and also supplementing with ghrp2 and 6
  5. F.I.S.T.

    5 Tips for Falling Asleep and Staying Asleep

    5 Tips for Falling Asleep and Staying Asleep by Julie Fidler Posted on October 29, 2015 #3 is especially effective. Not getting enough sleep can wreak havoc on your life and could even age your brain significantly. Sleep deprivation makes us grouchy, it makes concentration difficult, and it...
  6. F.I.S.T.


    BEST JOKES YOU'VE HEARD BEFORE Just saw this one the other day and thought it was pretty good.Sorry for those too sensitive or politically correct to find the humor in it. So it was halloween night for a young black boy.. His mother tells him to go upstairs and to surprise her with his...
  7. F.I.S.T.

    My Secrets to Clear Skin Part 2

    My Secrets to Clear Skin Part 2 October 17, 2015 By John Doe I place a lot of emphasis on my skin as well as my muscles. It sucks to have a large and muscular physique, just to be embarrassed to show it off because of shitty skin. Diet and cleansing play a role in clear skin, but most of the...
  8. Hogslayer

  9. krustus

    PIP, knots, had flu symptoms... wtf!!!

    i have gear from 2 different EG vendors... that are top notch ...and i have ran their stuff before with no issues. but now i am getting pip and knots... had the flu symptoms til i dropped the doses. can my body suddenly have reactions to gear that it didn't have before. i'm rotating glutes...
  10. krustus

    how long before HDL returns to normal

    i recently ran epistane for 3-4 weeks ... and my recent bloods all was good except my HDL was very low...doc was very concerned. how long before it returns and anything i can do to help it?
  11. krustus

    TMM test d again... off the charts

    i just got blood drawn by my doc again been on half cc of TMM test d ... actually been trying to error on the lower side of that half cc. did last shot 6 days before... my total test level was still 1273 6 days after that shot!!!!! i've been on it for a while i'm sure the long ester...
  12. Daredevil

    T3 run question

    Gents, What's the longest yall have ran T3? Currently I'm running a cycle and I'm in week 12 and running T3 at 60mcg a day. Planning to run my cycle another 7-9 weeks. I'm considering stopping the T3 when my cycle ends and doing my Cruise dosage of 200mg a week for about 8-10 weeks before...
  13. tkasch30

    When do you inject your hgh?

    Im starting hgh soon and ive heard different ideas on when to inject. Ive heard before bed is good because thats when most your recovery and growing is happening and ive heard its bad because your natural gh is highest at night? My thinking was at 35 my natural gh release at night is tiny...
  14. blasson

    HGH, cjc1295, ghrp-6

    What's the best way to run this? Been on HGH for about 5 weeks at 3ius/bed time. Started Sunday pinning the cjc1295 2x a week and the ghrp-6 3x a day morning. Before lunch after workout. (Makes me hungry as fuck too. I swear I can not eat enough to feel the void.. not even kidding) then pin...
  15. blasson

    GH Experts needed

    If you're going to take multiple GH shots a day over one large one pre-bed time. Is it better to take one immidately when you wake up over taking one around workouts? If around workouts, before or after? When is the best time to take the T4? Bedtime, morning, before workout?
  16. F.I.S.T.


    BEFORE BED OR MID-NIGHT SNACK I found this one some time ago, tried it,and it was GOOD.Been eating this one ever since.Sometimes before bed or sometimes when I wake up during the night,around 2am every night. Take 1 cup fat-free cottage cheese and mix it in a bowl with 1 scoop (any...
  17. F.I.S.T.

    Viagra and Bodybuilding

    Viagra and Bodybuilding Getting A Different Kind of Pump With Viagra by Brian Haycock Until now, getting an outrageous pump was hit or miss, seemingly impossible to predict. There may now be a simple way to enhance your pump when it counts the most...right before stepping out on stage...
  18. ram97

    up coming spring cycle question

    Ok so iam approaching my spring/summer run. I have test e and var ready but i need one more compound to run with it and i want some feedback from you guys. I have gained alot of fat so i am looking to drop weight hopefully about 20 pds. I have run npp and tren a before. I really want to run tren...
  19. O

    MY First Order with "Drakon"

    i dont know much about drakon spent xxxx but i was told u dont get a xxxxxxx and not to email until day 14! hes domestic right? im in xxand i know he is very close so how were your ta? with this guy anyone order from him before they told me pack would go out in xxxxx days damm there that busy i...
  20. Eman

    Liquid oral ?

    So we all know this cold weather is a bastard and were ready for it to get the hell out of here. Anyways I got some liquid orals in the kind that settle at the bottom and u shake to disperse the powder well the powder had become so hard it would not disperse when shaken this was even after a...