
  1. EG News

    Arnold classic 2019: brian shaw competed with a torn hamstring

    You probably didn’t know it while watching him compete, but four-time World’s Strongest Man Brian Shaw tore his hamstring on the very first event at the 2019 Arnold Strongman Classic. During his third pull on the Rogue Elephant Bar deadlift—a 1,051-pound attempt—Shaw got the bar inches off of...
  2. EG News

    Bikini olympia competitor lauralie chapados's leg and glute workout

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Chris Nicoll Lauralie Chapados remembers the date: Nov. 3, 2014...
  3. EG News

    Is it okay to eat a meal close to when i go to bed?

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: cgering / Getty THE QUESTION: I have a busy schedule and find...
  4. Chicken_hawk

    Another run with high frequency training

    So, I have fiddled with HFT before and I tend to believe from what little I know about physiology and observation of life in general that we respond better to HFT. That's not to say other methods don't work and this isn't intended to be an argument for that rather my experience and thoughts. I...
  5. EG News

    12 step sleep program for bodybuilders

    Erica Schultz We spend one-third of our lives doing it—or at least we should. Sleep bolsters our immune system, and a deficit of it has been linked to such catastrophic health consequences as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and heart failure. It’s crucial for proper brain functioning, enhancing...
  6. EG News

    Ask the athletes: january 2018

    FLEX: YOU, RONNIE COLEMAN, DORIAN YATES, LEE HANEY, AND ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER–ALL OF YOU AT PEAK FORM–WHERE DO YOU FINISH? PHIL HEATH: Top three, at the least. Top three all day. I’m trying to figure that one out. I would like to put myself at No. 1—I mean, only two of us, me and Coleman, have...
  7. TheMuscleMan

    Coughing.....not just reserved for tren!

    I have noticed that coughing can occur when using gear other than tren. I am currently doing a test and dbol cycle, 2250mg test cyp per week and 75mg dbol on training days. I did a shot of 750mg of Test cyp the other day and got that feeling like I get when I do tren, it wasn't as strong or...
  8. EG News

    Lou ferrigno's 10-step guide to monster mass

    Photographs Courtesy of WEIDER HEALTH & FITNESS & SHANNA FERRIGNO Just as Bruce Banner mutated into the Hulk, TV’s original not-so-jolly green giant, Lou Ferrigno transformed himself into bodybuilding’s ultimate mass monster. At 6'5" and 275 while in his early 20s in the early ’70s, he was the...
  9. Musclemechanic76

    What u guys run???

    I have used all the crap u can think of and I am very well versed on how it all works and offsets and what not!! Biggest problem I see is bad nutrition and guys not pushing hard enough threw workouts. Either put in earphones or leave phone in car. Focus should be on lifting, getting that...
  10. EG News

    Put Down the Barbell and Pick Up the Pillow

    Sponsored Content One thing we may forget as we’re crushing our daily routines isn’t to add that extra ten pounds to your final set, it’s to make sure we’re hitting the pillow for at least eight hours of healthy sleep. While it’s true that sleep creates the same catabolic conditions of fasting...
  11. F.I.S.T.

    How to look like Brad Pitt from the movie Troy

    How to look like Brad Pitt from the movie Troy January 26, 2017 By John Doe I can remember back when I started working out, my goal was to be 175 lbs at a height of 5'9″ with some decent definition. I wasn't trying to get on a bodybuilding stage or get as low as single digit bodyfat, I just...
  12. T

    Coming off completely

    Hey guys. It's been a while. I don't really come on here very often anymore. Just wanted some feedback on your experiences with coming off gear altogether. I've basically been on for the past 4.5 years straight. Started on TRT, did a bunch of blasts and cruises during that time, but mostly...
  13. T-bar

    Watch those lab tests!

    Went to my Dr's office this week. Keep in mind that one of the things I like about this place is that they are totally incompetent, so they let me pretty much dictate what and how much I should be prescribed. There are down sides however. After waiting an entire freaking hour in the little...
  14. S

    HDL Shift

    Just thought I would share an experience. Nothing chemically for the last four months. I wanted to lean out some and I have never tried a low sugar, low fat diet. So I got rid of my fats for the most part. No red meat, cheese, nuts, avocado, olive oil, fish oil, mayo, and coconut oil. I...
  15. Thesuperwallaby

    gyno issue

    upped me to 10mg of tamoxofin everyday and the lump still getting bigger going on the 8th to get my boobie checked.... anybody have to go through this before? usually tamoxifen clears it right up but doesnt seem to be helping this time around.... i wonder if it has something to do with the...
  16. cmeliftheavy

    Cheque Drops "Mibolerone"

    Been researching on other gears that would be profitable to take when competing on the platform. Found this article to share. Mibolerone oral steroid also known as Cheque Drops is derived from a nandralone base. It is a vet drug that was created to alter the ovulating cycle of female dogs to...
  17. T-bar

    Lower Back Pain

    I've had lower back pain issues for years because of disc damage. I can not put any weight on my shoulders without ending up flat on my back in serious pain for at least 2 weeks. That being said... the pain I've been subjected to the last few days does not feel like it's disc pain. It's...
  18. Swampjuice

    Need advice on TRT blood work.

    I have to do my biannual blood draw for my trt doctor this month and i came off tren a and winstrol last week. How long should i wait to go get my bloods drawn so i dont have elevated test levels? Im still running my trt cyp 200mg/wk.
  19. Chief swole

    Igf1 test protocol

    What would be protocol on getting an igf1 test dont.. how long into cycle. how much and where to pin? How long before test ect
  20. 49ER

    Halo for power

    Any one here mess with halo? Im on 3rd day 15mg i have 19 days until competition i want to ramp it up last week before show. Whats the highest youve pushed it?