Hey guys have anyone of you ever had a cyst cut out of your back, on the shoulder blade? I was told today not to workout until 3 days after stitches are removed (upper body) because of the area its in.. I didnt want to hear that and i want your guys opinions.. What would you do? would you wait...
Cancer as a business model: $100 billion spent on chemotherapy drugs last year
Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream
Tue, 05 May 2015
If you are an American, there is a 1 in 3 chance that you will get cancer during your lifetime. If you are a man, the odds are closer to 1 in 2. And almost...
So I tried test prop but could not handle the crippling pain.
Was thinking about giving the same go around with NPP. I was going to use two long esters and kick start with npp and caber if needed. How has the pip been for others? I was thinking 3-400 a week until the longer test e and...
Peer Reviewed Research Proves Biotech’s Studies on GMOs are Flawed, Inaccurate
by Christina Sarich
October 27th, 2014
Remember when doctors and scientists told us cigarettes were safe, with doctors even showing up on commercials puffing away? Or how about when Vietnam Vets were...
Hi-larious Quote of the Day: Vitor Belfort Thinks It’s “Unfair” That He’s Being Tested for PED's So Much
Vitor Belfort is getting frustrated, y’all, and it’s easy to see why. “The Phenom’s” middleweight title shot against Chris Weidman has been delayed a half dozen times already, and was...
Evaluating Popular Training Methods
Gabriel Naspinski Feb 20, 2015
There are training modalities that many have strong opinions about. When it comes to the discussion of these modalities, the important thing to understand is the reasoning behind any particular component you may place...
After having kids with my wife, she was a total changed person. I basically got kicked to the fucken curb. I used to tell her that I didn't mind being last on the list, but I wasn't even on the list!
Her and I have slept in separate quarters for at least 5 yrs now. I only stayed because the...
I honestly can say I love this place and have love for all you guys. Im making this thread so there is no speculation and rumors this forum drama is becoming a headache. I warned us about a possible scammer to protect us I didnt know it was gonna turn into this. I dont like being involved in...
Hey bros, just askin for some prayers for myself and my neighbors. My house was less than 300 feet from the plaza towers school where so many children are still unaccounted for. My family and I are safe. Please keep us all in ur prayers.
I am sad to inform you guys, but Joe Weider died today - March 23, 2013.
You can read more here about he's amazing life, what he has done for the sport of bodybuilding and the life he has inspired...
http://goo.gl/6oOgt Thank you Joe for being the pioneer, leading the way and inspiring...
Once again we have the dubious pleasure of hosting the New Year's Resolutioners, or as I like to call them "Hasslers". These glorious souls see the New Year as an opportunity to take charge of their body, to finally lose that extra 85-90 lbs of chubbiness they have hanging off of their frame...