
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan Guide

    Intermittent fasting is a dietary philosophy that either involves long periods of fasting followed by short windows of feasting or 24 hours of fasting followed by 24 hours of feasting (this is known as alternate day fasting). There are several variations of intermittent fasting with the most...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    6 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

    What Is Apple Cider Vinegar? Apple cider vinegar is made from fresh, crushed apples which are aged in wooden barrels. Wood is used because of its ability to boost the natural fermentation process, as compared to other materials. It’s important to keep the cobweb-like substances, the mother, in...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    L-Carnitine: A Fat-Loss Myth or Supplement Staple?

    Sometimes there is a chemical so central to a process in human physiology that it would defy logic that supplementing the amount or function of the molecule should do anything other than make our health better. Certainly, the example of creatine monohydrate and the benefits of creatine...
  4. EG News

    Try These 3 Crushing Cardio Finishers That Will Also Help Work Your Core

    To a lot of hardcore weightlifters, the word “cardio” can be considered as blasphemous as “toning up.” Even though research has shown that about 30 minutes a day of cardiovascular exercise has a multitude of benefits, including helping reduce LDL (aka “bad) cholesterol and blood pressure to...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    L-Carnitine: A Fat-Loss Myth or Supplement Staple?

    Sometimes there is a chemical so central to a process in human physiology that it would defy logic that supplementing the amount or function of the molecule should do anything other than make our health better. Certainly, the example of creatine monohydrate and the benefits of creatine...
  6. puff88

    TRT Additions

    Does anyone low dose any other compounds when not on an actual cycle but just cruising on TRT? I know, a cruise is a cruise, should just be your prescribed TRT dose. Ive just come across some others who run low dose mast, proviron, deca, or others while on their TRT dose just as an add on, not...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Beta Alanine Guide

    What is beta alanine? Beta Alanine is a naturally occurring non-essential amino acid who’s one and only job is to act as an l-carnosine reserve. While beta-alanine typically gets all the credit for ‘reducing muscle acidity’ and improving performance, it’s actually carnosine that is doing the...
  8. EG News

    What Are the Benefits of Using Kinesiology Tape?

    You’ve seen people wearing the sometimes-colorful stretchy tape that runs in all different directions. Is it a fashion statement or are there benefits to kinesiology tape? Let’s dig in. Although it may appear to be just another fad in the athletic world, kinesiology tape (or kinesio tape or KT...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    The Performance Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

    One diet continuously tops the list when it comes to researched health benefits: the Mediterranean diet. While labeled a ‘diet’ in mainstream media, this is not about restriction. The word ‘diet’ is used here to encompass a way of eating and foods consumed, not necessarily a plan to reduce...
  10. puff88

    Anavar Cycle Duration

    I am currently in week 6 of a low dose anavar run (alongside test E) and I am loving every moment of it. It did take a bit longer to really kick in, and id say that in the last 10-14 days is when I really started to notice it. My pumps have been great, in the gym and out. Vasclarity is...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    The benefits of using testosterone for bodybuilding

    Bodybuilding isn’t simply a passion, it is a way of life, and it has to be said that the bodybuilding lifestyle is not an easy one. Building muscle is notoriously difficult, and if you’re looking for a quick fix when it comes to bodybuilding, well, sadly, you’re in for a great deal of...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Weight Loss and Many Health Benefits of Hot Peppers

    Some people crave the addicting kick of spicy foods, while others avoid spice like they avoid touching hot stoves. But whichever camp you belong to, you can’t ignore the fact that hot peppers have been in the spotlight recently for their health benefits. A 2017 study by researchers at the...
  13. EG News

    Exercise — Even Strength Training — is Medicine for The Brain

    Pumping iron not only inflates your muscles, but also your mood, and with it comes a host of other benefits confirming that exercise is medicine. So, grab a pair of dumbbells and lift your way to better brain health. (We aren’t forgetting about cardio, either!) Here, our expert explains how EIM...
  14. EG News

    Compression Gear Works — If You’re Using It Correctly

    Whether you’re in the gym or on the running trails, you’re more than likely to spot someone sporting some sort of compression gear. From socks to sleeves and coming in any color to match your workout outfit, they come with a reputation that promises support, better circulation, and an overall...
  15. EG News

    5 Things to Know About Yin Yoga

    Yin yoga may not be the first thing an average lifter thinks of when it comes to recovery. After all, that one power yoga class you took at your local gym might have left you feeling more sore than you were before. And adding “Yin” to the front of yoga likely means nothing to someone who doesn’t...
  16. EG News

    Yoga More Effective for Back Pain than Meds, Study Finds

    FetViewRoom / Shutterstock Yoga is no longer just that thing stay-at-home moms do while they wait for their child’s school day to end. The ancient Indian exercise has been found to have a number of benefits for everyone, bodybuilders included, ranging from better mental health to an improved...
  17. Wacker


    So just wondering what your thought on using a sauna after a workout are? Benefit or hinderance to BB? Personally I use one quite often but more for the mental relaxation than anything kind of like a time to meditate and chill.
  18. GRIM

    5 Health Benefits Of Steroids

    Article I found, who doesnt like positive? Introduction Do you engage in endurance sports and wish to improve on your performance? Have you heard about using anabolic steroids? These are fascinating drugs that mimic the natural hormones within one’s body. If you are planning to become more...
  19. EG News

    Is grass-fed butter actually better for you?

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Rodrigo Ruiz Ciancia / Getty What’s better for your health than butter? Answer...
  20. EG News

    The power of matcha green tea

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Ponsulak Kunsub / EyeEm We’ve all heard about green tea and...