
  1. Bighekt

    Blood work

    Just want to get everyone's opinion on my current blood work I know my ALT is high! I've been off gear for about 4 months but have been taking AI just because I have a small case of gyno that flares up What can I do to improve this? And can everyone give me there opinion on how to improve blood...
  2. F.I.S.T.

    8 Reasons why sodium is not the enemy

    8 Reasons why sodium is not the enemy 8 Reasons why sodium is not the enemy | Flex Online Is sodium’s bad rap justified? Here are 8 reasons why it’s not. Sodium has about the worst reputation of any element on the Periodic Table, especially for bodybuilders. Is this bad rap justified? Not...
  3. F.I.S.T.

    Viagra Improving Performance Beyond the Bedroom

    Viagra Improving Performance Beyond the Bedroom Articles, Josh Hodnik February 13, 2015 Athletes are always in search of a way to increase athletic performance. Salaries of professional athletes continue to climb to that of some small corporations, while the NFL generates revenue of over $10...
  4. F.I.S.T.

    Vinegar Improves Type-2 Diabetes and Insulin Resistance

    Vinegar Improves Type-2 Diabetes and Insulin Resistance Posted on: Tuesday, March 14th Vinegar is an interesting food. It is tangy and tart, yet has a subtle sweetness that can seriously dress up a salad. But did you know that vinegar can help the body control blood glucose levels, and even...
  5. F.I.S.T.


    Nitratine Steve Smi Nitratine is a supplement that is derived from nitrate produced in the body. Naturally, it can be obtained from foods such as beetroot and spinach. Nitratine has many benefits to athletes and bodybuilders; in the short term, during their workouts, and, in the long-term, in...
  6. F.I.S.T.


    BLOOD TEST REFERENCE RANGE CHART Test Reference Range (conventional units*) 17 Hydroxyprogesterone (Men) 0.06-3.0 mg/L 17 Hydroxyprogesterone (Women) Follicular phase 0.2-1.0 mg/L 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) 8-80 ng/mL Acetoacetate <3 mg/dL Acidity (pH) 7.35 - 7.45 Alcohol 0 mg/dL (more than...
  7. luckyluke

    Red face/cheekbone area

    So I've had a new issue for last 1 1/2 years. My face when on TRT is turning red. Not so much my whole face, but just around my cheek bones. Makes me look like I've got in a fight. Gone to see a derm and gave some stuff but not much help to take down. Get much worse when exercising or...
  8. Daredevil

    Supplements for BP/Cholsterol

    Besides Baby Aspirin & Fish Oil, does anyone have any recommendations for supplements to assist in lowering blood pressure and also assisting in Cholesterol?
  9. A


    I am 6 weeks post op .. and the past three days had some chest pain and shortness of breath and back pain.. well i know there was something up .. so.. long story short have a pulmonary embolism.. so laid up in the hospital for a few days.. and been researching the effects of anabolic and...
  10. krustus

    sarms and other chems realted to them

    i'm gonna run a few of the sarm like products... laxogenin, epicatechin, sr9009, rad140... some of these while not technically a sarm are very interesting ... sr9009.. there is a debate on bio availability when take orally... but it's similar to gw50156... like supposed to be exercise in a...
  11. blasson

    Blasson blood work

    I went get a wellness test done for life insurance and here is what they tested for.. Hemoglobin a1c 5.1 Bun 16 Creatine (blood) 1 Alkaline phos. 88 Total bilirubin. 0.7 Ast (sgot). 38 Alt (sgpt). 45 Ggt/ggtp. 11 Total protein (bld). 7 Albumin (blood). 4.4 Globulin (blood)...
  12. S

    Finasteride in Management of Elevated Red Blood Cells-Withdrawn but intereste

    H-36731: Finasteride in Management of Elevated Red Blood Cells Hypogonadism (low testosterone) is becoming an increasingly recognized problem that affects numerous men in the United States. Symptoms may be always feeling tired, lower sex drive, and loss of muscle mass. Treatment typically...
  13. Troy

    Pre-blood work test results

    this is my first time getting blood work done. can i get some insight?
  14. 49ER

    My bloodwork

    This is after a very hefty blast Deca Test EQ TNE Tren Halo/drol I havent had test since june 4th cuz i ran out but had TNE to get me by. My nips were hurting bad cuz i stop ai as i get closer to competition. Ive also smashed my e2 with letro..... Tell me what you guys think? 1st time ever in...
  15. Daredevil

    Hemoglobin/Hemocrit levels

    As we all know using AAS increases our red blood count tremendously, as does smoking and dehydration. But my question to you all is does it lower on its own over time? Here's my hemoglobin levels. May 10th - 19.8 so I did a blood withdrawal May 23rd - 16.8 I didn't do a blood withdrawal. June...
  16. krustus

    using Lisinopril while on cycle... any tips ..advice

    seems like on this AEL tren my BP is creeping up a little... i got some Lisinopril coming from Kai... any tips or advice on how to use it... and once off cycle do i just taper off... i do give blood every 8 weeks as is... sometimes have gotten my wife to draw some every 4 weeks while...
  17. M

    Blood tests for beginners

    I'm new to steroids and have no idea what I'm doing comes to blood testing. I need my bloodworks to see how pure the GH I'm going to purchase is. I live in UK. How do I go about getting it tested over here? And will it tell me specifically and in simple terms about my GH levels, T4 etc...
  18. HulkSmashes

    My 1st blood test...

    Hey guys I've been on gear for slightly over a year now. I started with Test E. (500mg/wk) and a Dbol kick start with 12.5mg ED of Aromasin. Then I went to Test E. (600mg/wk) and Tren Ace (300mg/wk) with 12.5mg ED of Aromasin but nips got sensitive because of my natural puberty gyno So I uped my...
  19. M


    Hey. So I'm new to steroids, I'm just wondering if anyone here has experience with EPO? I've done a bit of research, I know my hematocric must not go above 50, not to sure on dosing yet n not sure whether or not to run it with HGH or to come off the GH prior? I plan on starting a GH cycle over...
  20. Swampjuice

    Need advice on TRT blood work.

    I have to do my biannual blood draw for my trt doctor this month and i came off tren a and winstrol last week. How long should i wait to go get my bloods drawn so i dont have elevated test levels? Im still running my trt cyp 200mg/wk.