
  1. GetBig8586

    Huge Injury Update On UFC Champion Could Impact Final PPV Of 2024

    Huge Injury Update On UFC Champion Could Impact Final PPV Of 2024. According to Islam Makhachev's trainer, Javier Mendez, the UFC lightweight champion and pound-for-pound No. 1 fighter in the world will likely not be ready to defend his title against Arman Tsarukyan at UFC 310 on December 7...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    American Men: As Fertile as Dead Hamsters

    How to Increase Your Sperm Count and Longevity Sperm counts have declined 59%. Here's why you should care, even if you're not ready to make babies. You know those science fiction movies where decades of infertility have left society on the brink of collapse? Well, don’t look now but those movies...
  3. EG News

    What is Air Protein and Could it Be the Future?

    Air protein may sound like the latest offering from Michael Jordan, but it is in fact a potential new source of muscle-building fuel that could be a gamechanger. And, far from being science fiction, the substance known as Solein is gaining ground. Here’s wat you need to know. What is Air...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Is it safe to take exercise supplements?

    An Australian woman with a genetic disorder died from consuming too many protein supplements, it was recently reported. The woman in question, Meegan Hefford, a 25-year-old bodybuilder, suffered from a rare, undiagnosed disorder that caused a fatal build-up of ammonia in her body (ammonia is...
  5. EG News

    A New Drug SLU-PP-332 Mimics The Effects of Exercise In the Body

    The idea that a pill could replace adequate exercise and healthy nutrition seems like the stuff of science fiction, but according to scientists at Washington University, a new pill really could prevent heart disease, dementia, and even build more muscle, by mimicking the effects of being active...
  6. EG News

    Looking to Improve Your Conditioning? Consider These 3 Fitness Factors

    Have you ever heard someone call themselves “deconditioned”? Usually, when someone is referred to as deconditioned, they are out of shape. If you struggle to catch your breath after a set of squats or stairs, it may be time to improve your body conditioning. Conditioning workouts are one way to...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    How to Use RPE, RIR, and Percentages In Your Training

    How hard should you train? It is a question that is debated a lot in fitness circles. On the one hand, you have an old-school bodybuilding approach of training instinctively or simply pushing everything to failure. Workouts like this leave little need for quantifying how challenging a set...
  8. 01dragonslayer


    Every year, farmers dump about 1.3 million pounds of pesticides on U.S. crops. That equates to about 6 pounds of tumor-growing pesticides on every acre of farmland. Of the 35,000 registered pesticides used in this country, fewer than 21% have been tested for carcinogenicity. Fewer than 10% have...
  9. EG News

    Who Has the Best Legs in Bodybuilding History?

    There have been a lot of discussions about who has the best bodyparts in the entire history of bodybuilding, including the best legs. Tim Wilkins, Terrick El Guindy, and Chris Cormier take up that topic as part of a recent episode of Prime Time Muscle, over at the Olympia TV YouTube channel...
  10. 01dragonslayer


    People who want to build a lean, muscular physique go through a kind of nutritional evolution: STAGE 1 First, they start to actually pay attention to nutrition. After the newbie gains fizzle out, they realize they need to improve their diet strategy... or, you know, actually have one. They...
  11. 01dragonslayer


    THE POWER OF TEA Tea? Sure, that's coffee's weaker sister. When coffee's friends come over, coffee ties tea to the towel rack by her pigtails and shuts the door. At least that's what people think. The reality is that tea has some pretty amazing cognitive and health benefits that rival or surpass...
  12. 01dragonslayer


    The 30-billion dollar a year vitamin industry is suffering from existential angst right now. Their collective stomachs are all aflutter because of the publication of a new study in the Annals of Internal Medicine that says vitamin or mineral supplements offer no discernible benefits; that they...
  13. 01dragonslayer


    The ladder system is simple: start with one rep of an exercise and keep adding a rep with each set until you reach 5 reps. At that point, revert back to one rep and keep it going until you reach a target number of reps, say, 50. This is a sure-fire way to cram as much volume as possible into a...
  14. EG News

    Small Steps Lead to Big Progress When You Train Like Arnold

    My “Train Like Arnold” Challenge is coming down the home stretch. After a workout in the middle of week four of the Arnold Challenge, I decided to check my progress. In my mind, I had taken steps in the right direction, and I was getting stronger. My endurance was improving as well. After...
  15. EG News

    Research Shows That Most Heart Disease Deaths Are Preventable By Changing Diets

    Globally, heart diseases are among the most fatal causes of threat to life, but studies are showing that we don’t just have to accept that threat as being inevitable. According to recent research published in the journals of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Heart Journal –...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Mistakes when bodybuilding

    Bodybuilding really is a science and an art. It is not easy be a bodybuilder. It takes much more than lifting heavy weights. Errors in Bodybuilding Explained By Dane C. Fletcher Some teenage bodybuilders think that by lifting weights for around 3 weeks followed by an off of 2 weeks it is...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Get Strong and Stay Strong, in the The Land of 5/3/1

    “why haven’t you heard about this yet?” and that is exactly how I feel about Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 program for raw strength. I can see how it’s probably far less intimidating to go with whatever everyone else is doing, like the latest bikini body in 30-days program, Zumba/Kickboxing class/Yoga...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    The SMALL things that turn into BIG things (Dieting Pitfalls)

    Wouldn’t it suck to spend a ton of money on preparing for a Bodybuilding or (insert division) competition only to scratch your head in wonderment after you don’t bring your best physique to the stage? How could this happen? You shopped at Whole Foods Market for the highest quality proteins and...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    Maximize Your Time in the Gym

    By: Matt Weik You have a hectic schedule. It could be due to work, kids, family life, social engagements, whatever. While we all know the benefits of exercise, there are times where we just don’t have enough time in the day to fit in everything and unfortunately, our workouts sometimes tend...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    Six Pack Abs And Diet: What The Heck Do You Eat?

    Listen up! If you want to get lean and have those abs pop, you must reduce or eliminate sugar from your diet. When sugar is in the program, it stops the ability to release stored fat for energy. If you read part one of this series you may recall the body can only process 3-6 grams of simple...