
  1. halfnatty

    Keto is killing my sex drive every damn time

    everytime I get in my keto my sex drive dies no matter how much test I’m on lol but soon after a few days of eatting carbs I get it back hard core But I almost eat no more then 5 grams to like 10 should I numb up to 50 grams of like rice ? But this fucking sucks idk what to do :(
  2. halfnatty

    Test e vs cyp

    so I had a buddy telling me he was running test e for awhile and he lost his sex drive on it so he ended up getting cyp and his sex drive went trough the roof and it’s from the same company and everything, what do you guys think about this? Now it’s funny cause when ever I tried to use test e I...
  3. EG News

    Nathan deasha: my plans for 2018

    This was my second Olympia, and it felt totally different from my first. Last year, nobody cared about me. I was unknown, so I could just enjoy it. This time there was pressure. Some people were rooting for me to do well; others wanted to see me fail. I had done a guest spot in Northern Ireland...
  4. GRIM

    What's the top

    Prohormones or OTCs available currently?
  5. millenium girl


    I'm really tired right now. I fall asleep around 4pm, wake up, eat something, go to bed around 8:30pm but wake up around 2 or 3am (bad nightmares). I toss and turn, take half a sleeping pill or do cardio .... What a mess. I keep working out 5 times a week ....
  6. Daredevil

    Supplements for BP/Cholsterol

    Besides Baby Aspirin & Fish Oil, does anyone have any recommendations for supplements to assist in lowering blood pressure and also assisting in Cholesterol?
  7. Daredevil

    Dating life lol

    So I'm almost near the end of my divorce. Yay. I've been dating a woman for about 7 months now. It's going real good, which we started living together in my shack. Recently I had sex with her sister. Of course with her permission and she wanted me to do it. Her sister has been single for years...
  8. krustus

    DMAA cuases me prostate and erection issues!

    i bought some of the new jacked3d copies that are out... got up to a sccop and half of blackstone labs DUST extreme... it really messed with my erections (could not get one) and made me have to pee all the time in small amounts... could be because i'm older and my prostate is not a spring...
  9. E

    New research could pave way for safe, effective treatment for muscular dystrophy

    New research could pave way for safe, effective treatment for muscular dystrophy New research has shown that the corticosteroid deflazacort is a safe and effective treatment for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The findings, which appear this month in the journal Neurology, could pave the way for...
  10. D

    Help, Joints sore as f*ck

    so I been on test/tren for a while... lately, like the last month and a half or so, my knees have been KILLING me.... like an annoying pain that if I touch the center of my kneecap it hurts too.... I googled and read this could be due to tren drying you out and many others experienced this... Im...
  11. Daredevil

    Low energy

    Past 3 or 4 weeks I have felt my energy levels deteriorating. It's starting to really affect me now where I feel I don't have energy to work out some days. I'm wondering what's causing it. I've heard high levels of test can cause that. I've heard Tbol can cause that. I've heard all sorts of...
  12. Daredevil

    Heartbeat racing

    Gents, I'm in California on vacation. Being a tourist. Anyways today I've noticed that my heart is racing. I can feel it. I'm feeling somewhat hot but not dizzy. As far as breath I'm breathing fine. I believe it my be due to my cycle that I'm running which is 600mg Test C & 600mg NPP and 250mcg...
  13. HTFU

    What Sups/herbs/Drugs gets women aroused easily?

    Because I'm always on test I'm always wanting to fuck 3-4x a day the miss only wants to every 3 days if she could get away with it... We've tried the stuff at sex stores, it doesn't work and only makes her sick... I'm not the cheating type of guy but dammit us men have needs too.
  14. E

    Pre-procedure medication regimen could lower incidence of hospital readmission in lung caner patient

    Pre-procedure medication regimen could lower incidence of hospital readmission in lung caner patients Researchers at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine have found that putting liver cancer patients on a medication regimen prior to undergoing a certain treatment could lead to...
  15. E

    Nociceptin could help to reduce effects of asthma attacks

    Nociceptin could help to reduce effects of asthma attacks An international team of researchers from the Universities of Leicester and Naples has examined the role of a receptor in the body that could help to prevent or reduce the effects of asthma attacks. Source: Nociceptin could help to...
  16. Dago


    Man I got the worst pip on the side of my glute I've ever had. I've been pinning out of the same jug and been using this labs gear for years I know it's not the gear. I never seen nothing like it and it's not going away. I've never had this is there something else could cause this ?
  17. Chief swole

    PCT question

    I have a buddy on deca and test.. what would be a basic cheap pct?
  18. E

    Older people could be at greater risk for negative consequences of consuming high-salt diet

    Older people could be at greater risk for negative consequences of consuming high-salt diet Aging is associated with a number of changes that cause the body to function less efficiently, including the way the body controls water and sodium levels. Research has shown that as humans and animals...
  19. 49ER

    Venting time

    Inhave no idea whos still member her but ive been gone for over a year i think..... Any ill try and keep this short cuz its long as fuck. I moved back to bay area met the girl of my dreams fell in love got her pregnant. I was there for her the whole pregnancy talking to my unborn child everyday...
  20. halfnatty

    update feeling horrble

    Well most of you know I hope off the gear after a year of being on test and been off for almost a month now I used nolvadex and felt like crap on it and my buddy have some torm and I started I swing it i been on a week started at 120 for 2 days and now at 90 a day. I have like no sex drive and...