
  1. tbonexl


    Anybody got any? Leg is swelling and can't fucking walk! Don't feel like spending $150 to get bitched at by the doc. I will though...
  2. Swampjuice

    Legit IGF

    Hey brothers if you know that you are getting legit igf lr3 id appreciate if you could let me know where you are getting it. I dont wanna buy bunk shit anymore. I know Southern Research is legit but pricey. Just curious if there are any other places to purchase legit peps.
  3. Paulrockr

    I hate people

    Whens the last time you got to throttle someone? (Not you Rock)...last job of a very smooth day, some guy next door to the customers house I was at comes out yelling and cussing at me about how he cant get his mail cuz his mail carrier is a lazy bitch... move your fucking truck ... he says. Me...
  4. R2D2

    2-cyano phera and epistane/lmg

    where might a gent like myself find these two products?
  5. RockShawn


    You gotta see this. This guy is not human.
  6. flyingfox

    Low estrogen?

    Looking for some guys who may have some experience with is what I did, I'm taking 10-20 mg Nolva per day and I started taking 50 mg per day of proviron which I have been on for a week..I also take aromasin from maxim pep usually 12.5 to 25 mg per day since I started to ramp up my new...
  7. D

    New personal best

    I hit legs hard today and hit my new personal best on the leg press. I did 4 sets total with the last set being my max. I did 1003lbs for 10 reps, then second set I did 1183lbs for 8 reps, third set I did 1363lbs for 6 reps, then I did a set just to see how much I could do after my three regular...
  8. killinit88

    Need input/advice

    So.... i recently moved to a new state, my Grandparents kept asking me to come out and help them and just get a fresh start on shit.Well i been here about 2.5 months now, still adjusting, no friends yet. I dont make them easy haha i dont trust people for shit.... WEll anywho i been seeing this...
  9. ram97

    eg sources question

    I have a question out of all the vendors on eg are any of them exclusive to eg and only advertise/sell on eg and no place else? If so could someone say who they are? Ram
  10. J


    Well its me JDB3, MOD for BOP....I was Rhino for a day....I was going to take over part of the business. This guy was golden...or so we thought, I bought new laptops, opened GD accounts, Vanilla accounts, programmed phones for proxy and countermail, bought throw away phones and of course sent...

    a tad over 12 weeks

    I know some may not go into the homegrown section. But I wanted to take this time to say a few things.. First, working with him was more than a pleasure. He was always there when questioneS needed answering.. I started out in pretty bad shape. I had a few spinal surgeries last year that left...
  12. B

    possible hypoglycemia? help

    hey guys I've been having occasional "spells" of being shaky, weak, clammy, anxious... the best i can guess is maybe hypoglycemic episode? what could be causing this? what can i do about it? I'm currently 6' 240lbs 13.8%bf I'm currently on: 525mg test p/ week 80mg anavar/day 1mg adex/day CEC...
  13. dowork

    Progesterone Anyone??

    So my wife is preg with second and since first was premature this second pregnancy is at risk as well. To combat the pre labor, they prescribed her progesterone shots - that I have to give her. Having the nurse train me to do it was laughable. I've probably performed more injections than...
  14. A


    I bet she can give a head chest job [attachment deleted by admin]