been doing the strongest cycle for me yet... 50 tbol a day, 300 npp a week, 600 mast e a week, 150 test a week. happy with the results after 3 weeks...
strength is going up and fat is going down... at 45 yrs old i'm pretty happy.
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Just wanted to do a quick drive by and say hello to you mofo's. won't be back around for quite some time. Just checking in. Might get back on here in a month or so.
Oh and life sucks at 9000 ft. I am down to a fucking weak ass 164 lbs. and the scale keeps falling. I hate my fucking...
Has anyone hurt there shoulders doing these? I never had a issue sunday I was jacked up on tne and dbol finished my session felt fine all day. I dont know if I slept wrong but my shoulder has been killing me I cringewhen I lift up my arm eespecially on the way down. I cant tell if its the...
Well I started my get big cycle last week.
Im doing:
1500mgs Test Enan EW
750mgs Deca EW
600mg Test Prop EW
50mgs D-Bol ED
I am pinning 6 days a week and taking sunday off. Each pin has Test Prop and Test Enan 1ml of each and on M,W,F I am pinning 1ml of Deca with them. I am taking my full...
Started the Kefeis at 4iu EOD and wherever i inject it leaves a huge welt/knot that turns into a bruise. Doesnt hurt extremely but doesnt feel good either. They look bad enough that i wouldnt take my shirt off at the beach. Whats the deal? Sub q injections. Is this normal????
Short answer, probably. But god dammit if it isn't one nagging pain it's another. The latest is a nice throbbing elbow tendon.
I'm just gonna start wearing daisy dukes and a bikini top. I'm turning into a soft supple women. My outer labia is still forming. Will post pics soon.
I've read this before, just as good the second, third, and fourth time as it was the first! Great read.
By Iron Addict
Here are some of the primary reasons most trainees don’t grow:
1. You overtrain and under eat. These are listed as the main primary reason because they go hand in hand and...
We post alot on safety of cycles, how to care for your body through PCT, and preach aas safety very frequently.
But, what are you doing to protect yourself from other risks? How are you ensuring your longterm safety?
I am using multiple vpn locations and changing them up at inconsistent...
As you know by now my wife is in school getting her BSN and she is going about 18 hour Ed 7 days ew. Well it's taking its toll on my home from work last night I got a call from the medics saying my wife has had a heart attack. So now I'm freaking and I'm rushing to the ER her blood pressure was...