High-DHA Fish Oil for Vision Health
How can you admire your abs if your eyesight fails? Here's one supplement that helps with multiple maladies affecting your vision.
A 2018 survey revealed that 8% of Americans use fish oil regularly. Today, that number is much higher. And something interesting...
Fitness enthusiasts have long known that vitamin D and omega 3 offer a myriad of health benefits, but a new study has looked at these nutrients’ potential to aid longevity, and it seems that you don’t have to take much to hold back the hands of time.
The Benefits of Taking Vitamin D and Omega 3...
Feel Good, Fight Off Disease, and Live Longer
Add years to your life and life to your years. Oh, and improve your sex life, too, with these proven health supps.
Most people want to keep it simple. They want basic supplements proven to improve health. This short list of essential supps is for...
Get Healthy. Perform Better. Look Good Doing It.
The best foods prevent deficiencies, make you feel good, and help you look even better. Live longer. Live hotter. Eat a few of these daily.
The best foods can make you look and feel great. The worst foods can make you as soft as a bowl of instant...
Fix It to Feel Better
Low DHA/EPA wrecks your body and your mind. Do you have a deficiency? Here's what to watch for.
It's easy to spot some nutritional deficiencies. For example, do you get scurvy on your long sea voyages? That's a vitamin C deficiency. We figured that out in 1747. We've known...
Foods & Supplements for Prostate Support
Insure sexual health, pee like a teenager, and maybe even live longer. This lycopene-rich juice can help... and it's not tomato juice.
Prostate health is no laughing matter, but a man’s prostate is a funny little thing. This walnut-sized gland’s job is to...
Cheese is rich and creamy, and that is the reason most of us love the stuff. So much so, that the average American guy consumes nearly 42 pounds of the dairy product each year, an amount that has been inching upwards in recent years. Sliced, shredded, melted, crumbled, or baked, we can’t get...
The Sexual Health Food
Want to improve sexual health? Here's the one food you need to eat every day, according to science.
Women with higher levels of vitamin D enjoy sex more. They experience more desire and more intense orgasms. But what about men? What can we do? Well, according to one study...
Trying to lose weight can feel like a constant battle. The yo-yo effects of dieting can take its toll on the body, mind, and soul. Finding a sustainable and balanced approach to weight loss is something that most people struggle with, but Qi Gong Master Lee Holden has the answers to take all the...
An underrated berry has become the subject of high interest to scientists as a new study showed its potential game-changing weight loss benefits after just one week. Here’s what you need to know. A clinal trial recently published in the Journal of Nutrients discovered that the humble elderberry...
Boners are a better predictor of future health than smoking, high blood pressure, or diabetes. Here's why.
As many of you know, my long-time friend and world-renowned strength coach, Charles Poliquin, died from a suspected heart attack. Charles’s death has had me thinking a lot about heart...
4 Things Healthy Lifters Should Be Able to Do
Are you strong? Great! Muscular? Neat! Now make sure you can pass this quick, four-part fitness test so you can live past the age of 50.
Back in the day, I knew a lot of guys who adopted the motto, “Whoever dies the biggest wins!” And over the years...
by Chris Shugart
The Cialis Experiment
Erection drugs do what they claim, but do they have other health benefits? Let's find out.
Talking to your doc about sex drugs is the second most awkward thing that happens in a doctor's office. (If you're over 40, you know what the number one most awkward...
by Chris Shugart
No, don't bark like a dog. That seldom works. But this tree bark extract does improve sexual health. Here's the fancy science.
Remember those erections you had as a teenager that would unexpectedly pop up like that pesky gopher in Caddyshack? That was so embarrassing… and also...
7 Health Superchargers
These foods, exercises, supplements, and drugs help you live longer and look good doing it. Check out the list.
1. Keep Testosterone Levels High
Low T is associated with a higher death rate. It also makes you fat. You know that testosterone plays a role in muscle size and...
Simple Things That Lead to Success
What daily habit have you adopted that’s helped you to get healthier, build muscle or get leaner?
The benefits of cold water immersion have been known for eons. But it wasn’t until the recent popularity of “The Iceman” Wim Hof that chilling out in freezing...
The "Downstairs" Performance Supplement
Perform better sexually. Pee like a champion. Use these ingredients to keep everything in your pants healthy.
We wanted to create a supplement that supports the health of the prostate and the urinary tract and improves overall sexual health and function...
Increase Health Span, Boost Athletic Performance
What these natural plant chemicals can do for your health almost defies description, but we'll try anyway. Check this out.
We've only just begun to explore the universe of polyphenols, and the potential benefits appear boundless. Polyphenols may...
Not everyone who is fat is unfit. But to what extend does staying active protect your life when you are losing the battle of the bulge? Research in this area continues to show that carrying extra pounds can lead to health problems, but no matter your BMI, those that exercise will live longer.
I was both excited and nervous to try out Prenuvo’s full-body scan. As I was standing in the changing room pulling on a pair of scrubs, my enthusiasm elevated as I was getting closer to experience such an advanced technology firsthand.
But I was also extremely nervous. What if they actually...