
  1. EG News

    Hold On to Your Brews! Research Suggests that Brew May Boost Gut Health

    “Liquid Bread” or beer, as it is more commonly known, is second only to water and tea in terms of global consumption. Since at least 5,300 BC (but who’s counting?), revellers everywhere have been improving their short-term mood while relaxing and making decisions that they may or may not regret...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Is There a Body Dysmorphia Test for Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)?

    Is There a Body Dysmorphia Test? For several decades, unrealistic and subjective beauty standards have consistently been perpetuated by society and social media. Sadly, such standards of beauty have given rise to more severe mental health conditions, especially body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Water Fasting: Do the Health Benefits Outweigh the Risks?

    Are There Any Health Benefits to Water Fasting? "Water fasting" is a specific variant of intermittent fasting short-term practice that is exactly what it sounds like—fasting for anywhere from 12 hours to several days with water being the only source of "nutrition" during that timespan. Since...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    What Is "Biohacking": Defining an Ill-Defined Movement

    "Biohacking" remains a broad and colloquial term as its definition varies from one self-professed "biohacker" to the next. For some, biohacking is used to describe things as simple as following a low-carb diet to maximize weight loss; to others, biohacking refers to cyborg-esque augmentation...
  5. 01dragonslayer


    Get Healthy. Perform Better. Look Good Doing It. The Best Foods For… Everything The best foods can make you look and feel great. The worst foods can make you as soft as a bowl of instant mashed potatoes. Are you choosing wisely? While your calories and macros matter, an equally important...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    15 Health Supplements Men Need, 8 They Can Skip

    Take This, Forget About That Health Supplements: What to Take, What You Can Probably Skip When America wants nutrition advice, they generally defer to medical doctors. Why that is, I don’t know. Most medical schools only spend about 15 minutes teaching nutrition. As such, I’m always skeptical...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    The 5 Best Supplements for Feeling Good

    Boost Your Mood, Fight Cognitive Decline Many common mental health issues can be caused or exacerbated by nutritional deficiencies. Just as we can optimize our bodies with the right supplementation, so too can we help optimize our minds with the right supplements. Here are the best supplements...
  8. EG News

    9 Things You Need to Know About Olive Oil

    The ancient Greeks were on to something when they referred to olive oil as an “elixir of youth and health.” This oil is derived from the fruit of the olive tree, cultivated mainly in the Mediterranean for over 5,000 years. A few millennia later, research continues to untangle all the potential...
  9. EG News

    What is TRT? | A Comprehensive Review

    Curious…What is TRT? Do you wonder what testosterone replacement therapy is, and how it helps men just like you optimize their testosterone levels? Then you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive review, we cover everything you MUST know about TRT, including how it can help you...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Most Common Krill Oil Benefits Compared to Fish Oil

    The benefits of omega-3 supplements are well known. They’re good for preventing heart disease, promoting lifelong brain health, they offer anti-inflammatory benefits, and they can support treatment plans for depression. [1, 2, 4, 4] Fish oil and krill oil are the most widely available sources of...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    11 Foods and Supplements that Boost Immune Health Naturally

    Chances are you're aware that the immune system is crucial for overall wellness, especially during times of the year when allergies, viruses, and bacterial infections are at their peak. However, you might not know that the integrity and function of the immune system can be significantly altered...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    11 Foods and Supplements that Boost Immune Health Naturally

    Chances are you're aware that the immune system is crucial for overall wellness, especially during times of the year when allergies, viruses, and bacterial infections are at their peak. However, you might not know that the integrity and function of the immune system can be significantly altered...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Nutrigenomics: Is a Personalized "Genetic Diet" Optimal?

    The recent proliferation of direct-to-consumer genetic testing has generated a promising outlook for the future of personalized health regimens, but can you really "eat for your genes"? Well, yes and no. Genes involved in metabolic diseases and dysfunctions give us hints about how a person...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    What Are Synbiotics? Benefits, Risk Factors, and Supplementation

    Synbiotics and Gut Health: What You Need to Know Our gastrointestinal tract is home to an incredible system of beneficial bacteria (and other microbes) that comprise the human gut microbiome. From the moment we are born, our gut microbiome begins to diversify to support our digestion, boost our...
  15. 01dragonslayer


    BIOHACKING MADE SIMPLE As a biohacker, I use drugs, supplements, and functional foods to augment longevity, sesthetics, and athletic performance. As you might expect, my medicine cabinet and pantries are full of stuff that would dizzy a sorcerer or alchemist. But I know that most people aren't...
  16. 01dragonslayer


    Powerful Phytochemicals and More Health Span > Life Span When we talk about longevity and life extension, we assume that people want to live a long time, but many have no interest in facing the indignities of old age. That’s why “life extension” is a crappy term. What we should be talking...
  17. 01dragonslayer


    THE SLIPPERY SLOPE OF DEDICATION When you knowingly and willingly begin to compromise your health, your "fitness" plan has gone too far. It's ironic really. You adopt a training or diet plan to lose fat, build muscle, get strong, or extend your life, then things go sideways and your fitness plan...
  18. 01dragonslayer


    The simple test requires you to answer one question: How easy is it for you to develop and maintain an erection? Why Boners Are a Canary in a Coal Mine Every artery in the body contains a single-celled lining called the endothelium. It's this single-cell lining that releases nitric oxide gas...
  19. EG News

    Eggs: What’s Good, What’s Bad, and What’s Delicious

    Sometimes it can be confusing determining which nutrition experts you can trust. When it comes to eggs, one study finds them good for you, and then next one calls them dangerous. So which ones are right. Although this back-and-forth, widely-debated topic can be confusing, determining whether an...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    The 5 Best Supplements for Feeling Good

    Many common mental health issues can be caused or exacerbated by nutritional deficiencies. Just as we can optimize our bodies with the right supplementation, so too can we help optimize our minds with the right supplements. Here are the best supplements to consider. 1. OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS –...