So you’ve noticed you feel a little more tired lately, your sex drive is not what it used to be. Maybe you lack the vigor, confidence and thirst for life you once had. These are all signs of low testosterone levels but you may be able to reverse them. Your nutrition, daily activity, mindset and...
It’s important to pay attention to hunger signals regardless of the type of diet you follow. If you’re following a low-carb diet and find you are constantly hungry or suffer from low energy levels, there could be several explanations. Here, a look at four common culprits and how to solve them...
This is a loaded question and is dependent on many different things.
TRT = Testosterone replacement therapy.
TRT is a general term used to describe taking a low, regular dose (usually weekly) of testosterone to replace your body’s own declining levels. I want to start off by going through...
So I have couple friends I get gear for struggling with bad acne. This is one side effect I don’t get bad. I have a little but controllable. Can anyone tell me anything that could possibly help them
With This Year Bringing In Covid, Many Of Us Are Looking For Ways Of Bumping Up Our Immunity System.
Saw This Article On Glutathione And Figured It Would Help Out Some Of Us !
Fights Free Radical Damage
You face a constant daily barrage of free radicals from cellular metabolism...
Diabetics are often advised to exercise to lose weight, yet working out can often be a double-edged sword for people with the condition. On the one hand, weight loss can help lessen the severity of some of the symptoms and, in some cases, put diabetes in remission.
On the other, exercise...
I am on TRT. My doctor is a general practitioner. He does bot have in- depth knowledge on gear or esters beyond a regular scope. He is not a Endocrinologist.
He has a very straightforward approach to TRT he told me. 2 injections of Testosterone Cyp every 2 weeks. He wants my test...
More bad news. Even after 2 weeks of not lifting heavy at all my creatinine is 1.5 n my gfr is 60%. Puts me at 3a level kidney failure. My bp is getting a little better. Im drinking 1 glass of beet root juice with my bp meds. It was 138/85 this morning. Im only running 400 mg test a week. I...
Switching from 100 MG of Prop EOD to 150 MGs of E Weekly. Also, 4 IU's of GH daily, 1 MG Arimidex, and 50 mcgs of T3 daily.
I am looking to get to more of a way of life with gear. I plan on getting my test levels and GH Serum done in about 45 days. I have been transitioning from prop/E for...
So i went n got my blood work done 2 days ago. This morning the nurse calls me says are you feeling ok. Generally speaking yes. She says if your not feeling good or if your kidneys hurt go to the er immediately. So she sets my doctor appt for 3 weeks. Now i have had kidney failure 2013. Since...
People taking oral steroids are twice as likely as the general population to have severe vitamin D deficiency, according to a study of more than 31,000 children and adults by scientists at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of...
I'm going to go over each of the most common tests. I'll include descriptions on their purpose, what results to expect, and what the typical normal ranges are. Note that the values I'll be listing are merely averages and the...
How it is Tops for Increasing Muscle Mass
Creatine continues to make news again, with several studies shedding new light on exciting new mechanisms that show how creatine enhances muscle mass and increases muscle recuperation.
Is Creatine an Antioxidant?
Researchers from Italy published...
There alot of questions concerning bloodwork so I figured that this article was never posted here before.. It gives all the bloodwork info that you will need... It is long but very informative . The hormone info is towards the bottom...
Sam Wordley / Shutterstock
If you’re feeling anxious about your job, your love life (or lack thereof), or just about anything else going on in life, you might not need a pill or even the latest meditation craze — you might just need a good night’s sleep.
That’s according to a study out of UC...
IGF1 is known as possibly the most anabolic hormone in the body, how ever not many are aware to its health benefits, especially pertaining insulin sensitivity. Modern western diet, as well as the feeding regimes of many bodybuilders creates an overburden on the pancreas due to the demand to cope...
so my estrogen and everything is back to normal
But my test levels was 88 lmao he to me we will wait a month to see if it will raise in the month if it’s still low I’ll be put on trt
Ok here's the deal my family doc is cool she's gonna give me test cyp for trt. I haven't touched any gear in over a year test nothing my levels are on bottom 187. She's willing to start me off at 200mgs test cyp every 2 weeks. But she's just gonna call in the test and needles and trust me to...