By: Matt Weik
When it comes to pieces of cardio equipment, each style and piece seems to have its own set of positives and negatives. You have the bike which is great assuming you don’t have any lower back issues, you have the treadmill, which is great if you don’t have knee problems… the...
The Romanian deadlift exercise was named after the Romanian weightlifter Nicu Vlad, an Olympic medalist in the ’80s and ’90s. Vlad performed this deadlift variation after finishing his Olympic lifting, and some fellow lifters asked him what he was doing. He said he did them to make his entire...
The most popular movements to build absolute strength are the barbell squat, deadlift, bench, and overhead press. With these exercises, the barbell moves in a relatively straight line for you to build more size and strength. But these are not the only exercises you should be doing in fact there...
Build both size and strength in this 4 day split based around basic compound movements. Get the best of both worlds with bodybuilding and powerlifting.
Main Goal
Build Muscle
Workout Type
Training Level
Program Duration12 weeks
Days Per Week
Time Per...
Reach your muscle building goals with this balanced 4 day training split that mixes heavy compound exercises, machines, cables and incorporates 3 second negatives.
Main Goal
Build Muscle
Workout Type
Training Level
Program Duration10 weeks
Days Per Week
Time Per...
This dumbbell only upper/lower workout program only requires dumbbells and is perfect for those looking to build lean muscle mass at home or on the go!
Main Goal
Build Muscle
Workout Type
Training Level
Program Duration12 weeks
Days Per Week
Time Per...
Have you seen lifters turn a barbell squat into a good morning by losing upper back tightness? Now the problem isn’t that the good morning exercise isn’t a great exercise, but the issue here is placing the lower back in a risky position. A squat is a squat, and good mornings are good mornings...
Dr. John Rusin describes what blood flow restriction training is, the benefits of adding it into your workouts, and how to implement it into your plan!
Blood flow restriction (BFR) training is nothing new in the world of muscle and strength.
However, recent application of this training method in...
Don't have access to your favorite upper body gym machines but still want to hit your favorite upper body workout? Check out these band, barbell, and dumbbell alternatives!
Getting the motivation to train at home can be tricky. You’re not at the gym surrounded by other people training with the...
What causes butt wink, and is it something to be concerned about? Learn how to improve your squat form and reduce likelihood of injury by minimizing pelvic rotation.
Butt wink refers to the posterior tilting or rotation of the pelvis in the hole of a squat. As a lifters sinks to depth and...
Don't let a lack of gear keep you from growing a wide, thick back. Check out the top 5 back exercises without equipment and learn how to perform them!
One of the most challenging body parts to develop is a big one that you can’t even see that well – the back.
Your upper body is composed of...
The dead bug exercise is a silly name for any exercise, there’s no getting around that. The movement doesn’t appear to do anything that beneficial, which is why many lifter may shrug it off and ignore incorporating it into their routine.
That’s a real shame because when the dead bug is...
Body part splits, movement based training, or upper/lower splits? Which of the three main ways to train is going to be most beneficial to you & your goals?
I’m probably going to be one of the very few people you hear say this over the course of your training journey: There’s NO “best method” to...
Here is a ranking of the best exercises for building a thicker and wider back based on personal experience and the training articles of top IFBB pro bodybuilders. This is not necessarily a determination of exercise order, but the exercises that are most effective for muscle fiber recruitment and...
Has your progress stalled while on your quest to put on lean muscle mass? Check out these 4 tips to bust through those plateaus and put on more muscle mass!
Head over to the mirror, strip down to your “skivvies,” and take a good, long and critical look at yourself.
Meticulously analyze your...
Are you stuck without a squat rack and bench? This 4-day upper/lower split will show you exactly how to get strong, and add muscle with only a barbell at your disposal.
Main Goal
Build Muscle
Workout Type
Training Level
Program Duration8 weeks
Days Per Week
Reach your muscle building goals with this balanced 4 day training split that mixes heavy compound exercises, machines, cables and incorporates 3 second negatives.
Main Goal
Build Muscle
Workout Type
Training Level
Program Duration10 weeks
Days Per Week
Time Per...
Get your bench press moving in the right direction with this 2 phase program. Lifters spend 8 weeks building muscle, and 8 weeks peaking towards a new one rep max.
Main Goal
Increase Strength
Workout Type
Training Level
Program Duration16 weeks
Days Per Week
The barbell bentover row is the mack daddy of all the rowing variations. It strengthens your upper and lower back, shoulders, biceps, forearms, and grip. Plus, being in the hip-hinge position under load for time improves your lower and upper back endurance. Guess what that’s good for? You...
The strict overhead press is the gold standard when it comes to overhead pressing. Using nothing more than your upper body you press a barbell strictly overhead with no help from your lower body. There’s no doubt strict overhead press is a fantastic exercise for strength and mass and requires...