
  1. D

    Curious what the board has to say

    What are your thoughts on morality? Let's see where this goes lmao Morality - principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior. Do you believe there is such a thing? how can you say something is wrong? Who are you to say that is wrong or right?
  2. misterB

    Classic physique come to USA!

    SO damn excited this is opportunity knocking and im starting to train for this today! finally a division that's BodyBuilding with posing but focus on aesthetics and muscle density and shape, no bikini bottoms more like brazilian boy shorts. height and weight limits, its going to be awesome and...
  3. F.I.S.T.

    Quote of the Day: Frank Mir “Is Not Happy” About Potentially “Derailing” Andrei

    Quote of the Day: Frank Mir “Is Not Happy” About Potentially “Derailing” Andrei Arlovski at UFC 191 Frank Mir and Andrei Arlovski have a lot in common. They’re both over six feet tall, they were both born in 1979, and they both recently used Antonio “Bifgoot” Silva as a stepping stone for...
  4. halfnatty

    thinking the tren has took over maybe time yo get off

    Been on for about 7 Weeks now and last night I just started crying out of no where about my kid cause I don't get to see her much and I been thinking about suicide a lot also I'm losing my job i just feel like I hit rock bottom maybe it's time to just say fuck the tren I do have npp and mast but...
  5. W

    Favorite injection site

    Hey guys....just as the title says. What's your favorite. My glute is mine off and on. I get a fatty ass at times and end up with hematomas half the time.... I've recently been doing frontal gluteal but I can't be confident in saying I'm doing it right ! Lol ;( 2 inch all the way in the side I...
  6. halfnatty

    dnp cycle need the vets here

    I been doing a lot of research on this shit and just wondering if anyone who has done it would think 125 for 5 days then 250 for 5 would have some good effect on fat loss with a mid carb diet lots of fruts also
  7. F.I.S.T.

    It Is Their Right, It Is Their Duty, To Throw Off Such Government

    It Is Their Right, It Is Their Duty, To Throw Off Such Government,And To Provide New Guards For Their Future Security By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine July 26, 2015 How many people in the United States of America do you think can tell you where that headline came from, without looking it up...
  8. F.I.S.T.


    CORE STRENGTHENING EXERCISES William_Steinset Beginner Set 1: Front plank 1 minute Set 2: Right side plank, 30 seconds Set 3: Left side plank, 30 seconds Set 4: Front plank 1 minute Intermediate Set 1: Front plank TILL FAILURE Set 2: Right side plank, 1 minute Set 3: Left side plank, 1...
  9. F.I.S.T.

    How To Look Like A Female Fitness Model

    How To Look Like A Female Fitness Model by Vince DelMonte Do you pass by the magazine stands in the store and envy the bodies of the cover models? More and more women today are coveting this body type; strong and muscular while still being feminine. Gone are the days where strong women are...
  10. pulooooooo


    I came off using gear about five months, the only thing i finished was hg. Im thinking of taking at least a full year from now, to see how I do without using anything. training better, eating more correct, but not eating 100% clean. Has anyone came off and how hard has it been. Im starting the...
  11. F.I.S.T.

    25 Super Easy Tricks to De-Stress Right Now

    25 Super Easy Tricks to De-Stress Right Now by Mike Barrett Posted on November 6, 2014 Most people realize now that is isn’t just the chemical exposure, harmful ingredients in food, or even a lack of exercise that are leading contributors to illness and disease. Those are hugely...
  12. B

    HGH with T3/Clen/T4

    Hey Guys, About to start my 2nd ever run with HGH, most of you know I've tried just about everything under the sun over the last several years, this year i'll be starting at 1iu hgh and working up to 6iu for the last 3 months of the year. Cycling on and off of aas during this as well. I usually...
  13. S

    Anyone subq for cruising?

    So I have been reading alot in regards to subq deca and test to cruise, anyone do this. What has been your experience?
  14. flyingfox

    How big are your arms?

    Just curios as to how big your guns measure. I'm a tall guy so putting meat on my arms helps my over all appearance. Pre TRT I believe I was in the 17-17 1/2 range. Today's measurement(cold) 18 1/2 right and 18 1/4 left Please be honest LOL!
  15. A

    Poor influence

    I help a few people out when it comes to aas. They're grown men and going to do it anyway so I help make sure they don't fuck themselves up. One of the guys I help told me today he had started fucking this chick from his gym. He's married with 2 young kids. He was always saying how he'd like...
  16. Hanzo


  17. M

    Need advice/help with a question

    I'm new to the gear scene so I'm trying to learn as much as possible and be smart in my choices. I have a question that may sound stupid; I just figured that with the wealth of knowledge on this site that I can't be the only one that's had this problem. I'm 41 and started by doing roughly 3/4cc...
  18. massdig

    Transgender suing crossfit -very sad day again!

    This really pisses me off hearing this shit exists. If your no longer a man why you have to still take hormones to stay a women? That is called cheating! :-\ http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/07/us/transgender-lawsuit-crossfit/index.html
  19. V

    Where I'm at what I'm doing

    So for anyone that cares. I came off everything completely for about 7-8 weeks or so. I dropped quite a bit of weight. From 205ish down to 190 currently at 6'2". Finally said F this and got back to 250mg test e weekly. My diet has basically been garbage as of late. So I'm stepping it back up...
  20. LittleTom

    Mental health

    Hey guys. I know the only way to tell for sure if things are good is blood work. Latley I have been having horrible mood swings and depression. Been on cycle since Late dec Superdrol, only three weeks on super, deca, test at 600mg now mast and winny and bold cyp. Gonna stop everything except a...