
  1. EG News

    Sylvester stallone admits ‘rambo v’ did some damage to his body

    Cane in hand, Sylvester Stallone posted an Instagram video from the gym saying that the rigorous training for the upcoming Rambo V: Last Blood really did a number on his body. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been in the gym, because I’ve been out there doing Rambo, which caused a lot of...
  2. halfnatty

    Is hgh worth it at 30?

    ima be 30 this year and been thinking about doing hgh but not sure if it’s worth it or not so I’m wondering if some of you vets can kinda guide me on the right path :)
  3. D

    Mt2 sickness?

    anyone else get sick from mt2? I feel weird today, like high body temp, my neck muscles feel like someone stomped on it, and feels so tense. Also, I couldn’t sleep last night but am wired right now like I took a hardcore stim. I was shaking from being cold last night but am sweating now, like a...
  4. kragon

    Cool sculpting (self embarrassing post)

    Hey guys, my wife is getting lipo done, i aint paying it,, her mom is paying for it because i aint got that kinda moneys. Now even at my best at 6% ice always had this pubic mount of fat.. i mean with that im still ok dick size and all but wondering if cool sculpting actually works, since that...
  5. Chicken_hawk

    How serious do you take this stuff these days?

    So, I'm rewatching GOT while waiting for the ribs to cook this Sunday afternoon and just feel like randomly posting. Anyway, I wonder how many others while still enjoying training just don't prioritize it the same as I once did. I was such a tool in regards to this stuff even being someone I...
  6. lith56bigguy

    How is everyone? i see some vets and some newbies in here. i have always loved this board

    Just checking in to see how everyone is. Im in a new job, new state, new house. All is going well aside from my back injury. Training moderately..
  7. J

    Ever seen this

    Anyone here ever do this? Or know anyone that has? Met this guy at the gym the other day. Good build, fairly lean yet still thick and wide. He eats 4500 calories, bulking or cutting. The difference is were the calories come from. So bulking he wont skip pizza, cookies etc. but wont go over...
  8. F.I.S.T.

    Holly Holm Still Believes She’s ‘In The Mix’ For Title Opportunity

    Holly Holm Still Believes She’s ‘In The Mix’ For Title Opportunity Despite her recent losing skid, former UFC bantamweight champ Holly Holm believes she’s still in the title mix. ‘The Preacher’s Daughter’ gained a ton of notoriety after becoming the first woman to defeat Ronda Rousey in mixed...
  9. GRIM

    Quad Injection
  10. F.I.S.T.


    Be sure to add your own. Q) What does a woman and Kentucky Fried Chicken have in common? A) By the time you're finished with the breast and thigh's, all you have left is a greasy box to put your bone in. Q) Why doesn't Mexico have an Olympic team? A) Because everyone from there that can...
  11. T

    Coming off completely

    Hey guys. It's been a while. I don't really come on here very often anymore. Just wanted some feedback on your experiences with coming off gear altogether. I've basically been on for the past 4.5 years straight. Started on TRT, did a bunch of blasts and cruises during that time, but mostly...
  12. T-bar

    MT2 Results

    It's been about 2 weeks now since I first pinned MT2. Today, I am one tan MF'er. I'm amazed how well this stuff works. At this point I'm only pinning every other day. The nausea is gone after 15 min of pinning, and I of course pin right before going to sleep as suggested. The only issue I...
  13. lith56bigguy

    My date from Saturday night, my beautiful wife

    For mid 40's she still kills me
  14. T-bar

    Constantly sore

    Anyone ever deal with this? I am sore every single day. Have been for months. Arms. Chest. Forearms. Legs. Back. Every muscle feels sore like I've worked them for the first time. I can take 3 days off, and I'm still sore. I workout and I'm still sore. I wake up with sore muscles and go...
  15. rboy101

    question bout the boys.

    I know most of you on here blast and cruise, but I'm still in my younger years and haven't felt the need to do that yet. So here's my question, in your earlier experiences when you would cycle on and off, how long would you wait in between? . I came off a test cycle running it at about 500...
  16. T-bar

    Pec tear?

    Being in my early 50's I don't usually throw as much weight on the bench press as I used to. I find I get better results with higher reps. A better pump and better growth. So I stick with 15-20 reps at 225 for most workouts. Three weeks ago however I was feeling strong and pissed at the same...
  17. Z

    Muscle Tear Squatting

    I think I may have a tear. But there is nothing noticeably out of place. (Hopefully just a micro-tear. I've had several in smaller muscles over the years, and they healed with no lasting effects.) Doing squats 3 nights ago, 405lb on the 4th rep, KaPOW!!! The 1st and 2nd reps were VERY easy...
  18. LittleTom

    Rock no longer a MOD?

    Just noticed he was not listed under staff anymore. Whats up?
  19. 49ER

    Venting time

    Inhave no idea whos still member her but ive been gone for over a year i think..... Any ill try and keep this short cuz its long as fuck. I moved back to bay area met the girl of my dreams fell in love got her pregnant. I was there for her the whole pregnancy talking to my unborn child everyday...
  20. Eman


    13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)dien-17-one (MAX-LMG) I love this Anabolic better than dbol or drol..imo.. Let's not get into a battle over it but can any of you lead me in a direction for some. I can't find it any where any more! Thank you!