
  1. LittleTom

    For The Record PAXTON

    If that fag joefixit planted any seeds of doubt in your minds about the legitimacy of Paxtons gear it's time to set the record strait. I have been running his Tren E for a couple weeks and it is no doubt legit. Hope Paxton returns soon. Would not hesitate to place another order.
  2. F.I.S.T.

    Miami PD Still Isn't Testing Cops for Steroids One Year After Promising to Start

    Miami PD Still Isn't Testing Cops for Steroids One Year After Promising to Start By Tim Elfrink Monday, October 5, 2015 Last October, Miami New Times broke the news that at least two Miami Police Department cops had been clients at the notorious Coral Gables steroid den Biogenesis. Hours...
  3. misterB

    PCT-SHOP Update

    WHile PCT-SHop is currently off the vendor list id like to say how well they treated me after the lab was shut down and all the issues in Greece. All of you know how fantastic JuicedVenom is as a rep so that goes without saying he never let a single tab go unaccounted for, whats owed or...
  4. F.I.S.T.

    UFC welterweight Jordan Mein retires at age 25

    UFC welterweight Jordan Mein retires at age 25 Jordan Mein has decided to hang up the gloves at age 25, after almost 40 MMA fights in his career. In a bit of surprising news, UFC welterweight Jordan Mein has decided to leave the sport at just age 25. Word comes from the Wednesday edition of...
  5. Dago

    2 years here

    Time flies it doesn't seem like 2 years ago when I was invited here. When I got here I was under the impression it was a fairly new board then I heard EG been around for a minute I still don't know how old is this forum ? I was around maybe 4 other boards before here not many am on one other...
  6. F.I.S.T.

    Fear The Walking Dead

    Fear The Walking Dead Anyone else going to check this out? How many Walking Dead fans out there anxiously awaiting this new series on how it all started?? All of us in the F.I.S.T. household will definitely be tuning in. Premier is August 23 on AMC. Here's some great insight into...
  7. RockShawn

    WTF happened to Rock

    Guys, I'm very sorry I have been so absent on the site. Things have been very hectic for me lately and It has been hard to get on the site. This is my Busiest time of year work-wise and My head is constantly spinning with all that is going on there. My son's baseball team, which I manage, is...
  8. F.I.S.T.

    Creedence Clearwater Revival - The 40 Greatest Hits

    Creedence Clearwater Revival - The 40 Greatest Hits Another of my all time favorite bands that rocked then and their music is still rockin today.Many great songs from them in this collection that most of you may not have even heard before but are awesome.
  9. F.I.S.T.

    Avengers-Age of Ultron--Review

    Avengers-Age of Ultron--Review Just saw this today with the family and we ALL LOVED IT!! Just as in the first one,lots of great action scenes,great battles,and some pretty funny stuff as well.Also,as with the first one,the Hulk was a BAD MUTHA FUKER!! Go t some new members added to the team...
  10. Torres


    SCAMMER CAUGHT!!! Scammer caught!!! Twisted Labs/Highdose aka Dan Cote / Jay DO NOT use Twisted Labs or anyone who uses the handle "Highdose" and goes by the name of Jay. He's been sending out free samples and he was caught scamming. He is a very well known scammer in our community, his true...
  11. killinit88


    Do you guys ever feel like that? Lately i have been feeling like its me against the world with no crew to call upon. All my "boys" arent down like they use to be, cant count on them for shit. Even though a lot of them wouldnt be alive to flake on me if i didnt have there back like i have. I...
  12. Eman

    Liquid oral ?

    So we all know this cold weather is a bastard and were ready for it to get the hell out of here. Anyways I got some liquid orals in the kind that settle at the bottom and u shake to disperse the powder well the powder had become so hard it would not disperse when shaken this was even after a...
  13. N.O.V.


    Anyone still doing the fina tren deal anymore? I own a pretty large cattle operation and have been able to purchase the kits in the past.
  14. G

    Australian customs still catching steroid shipments from Thailand.

    Australian customs still catching steroid shipments from Thailand. Source: Australian customs still catching steroid shipments from Thailand.
  15. flyingfox

    I got scammed

    First off I am not posting this in the vendors section with whom I had the issue, we all take our chances and there are many ways to lose. It has become painfully obvious to me that at some point I was communicating with someone posing as the sponsor. I was instructed to send funds which I...
  16. Vw4334

    HRT can i still pin other gear?

    Im 26, tested levels @ 168 after being off for 7 wks, endo wants me to start getting HRT, got 2 more tests to do and scheduled to be all said and done by the end of oct. got my gear i was anning on starting here at the beginning if october, should i still start it or should i waitt till after i...
  17. F

    Hey all.. Guess ya gotta start dealing with me again...!!

    Well, had to move to two different states since I've last been on.. I know I know no excuses.. Well I have still been training as much as I can and will soon be fully back on track... I hope.. So anyway fuck me in the eye cuz who gives a shit bout what I've been up to how have all my bros...
  18. jbryand101b

    Ask jbry about ph/ds thread..

    Decided to create this thread in hopes of it cleaning up the profiles thread. I have a lot of experience with designer steroids, & pro hormones, it's what got me into this online thing, and what makes me money, as a number of companies have sought my info of personal experience combined with...
  19. HARD AT IT


    I remember a lot of these guys...some still look good though....ok...not really!!
  20. LBM200

    this kicks ass