
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Through Commitment I Will Be A Champion

    Motivation is over rated, it's a surface level emotion. To change your body and life, a person needs to make a commitment. "There is no doubt that we make many commitments - such as commitments to our employer, our spouse or significant other, our parents, our friends, etc. However, the most...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    How to Properly Incorporate Cheat Meals Into Your Diet

    It's one of the most popular questions; How do I incorporate cheat meals into my diet without blowing my progress? Learn exactly how with this article. The idea of a “Cheat Meal” is so ubiquitous that it belongs on the highest shelf of wherever the plaques for Hall of Fame of Fitness Ideas are...
  3. EG News

    5 Ways for Boosting Your Mental Health Everyday

    Mastering the methods that can boost your mental health should be a daily occurrence, and not reserved for Mental Health Awareness month, but May is as greater time as any to take stock of our lifestyles and ask ourselves if we are nurturing our minds with the level of care that we deserve...
  4. EG News

    Pushing Physical Boundaries Helps Chadd Wright Push Others to Greatness

    With serving as a U.S. Navy Seal for 12 years, Chadd Wright operated on some of the highest performing teams in the world while battling the most extreme of conditions and situations. During that time, he became a SEAL instructor and a Master Training Specialist, where he discovered a passion of...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    5 Reasons Why Your Squats Suck

    Referring to the “big lifts”—the squat, bench press, and deadlift—is a Catch-22 for anyone writing about them. Telling people, in article after article, that a solid program has to use these lifts as a foundation is somewhat played out at this point, yet the reality of the situation is that if...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Through Commitment I Will Be A Champion

    Motivation is over rated, it's a surface level emotion. To change your body and life, a person needs to make a commitment. "There is no doubt that we make many commitments - such as commitments to our employer, our spouse or significant other, our parents, our friends, etc. However, the most...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Depression And Exercise: 10 Tips To Stay Motivated And Strong

    With the dark and cold months upon us, I figured it might a good time to write a quick piece on the subject of depression, or seasonal affective disorder and how training and diet might be helpful in overcoming those illnesses. As someone who has battled with mild, and not so mild depression...
  8. EG News

    Chris Van Vliet Explains How Successful People Think

    Chris Van Vliet passion for broadcasting began at age 4, thanks to a Fisher Price cassette recorder that he’d been given as a childhood gift. In high school, Van Vliet took communication studies, and after majoring in the subject at college, he pursued his dream of a career in television and...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Bodybuilding for Old Bastards

    Body Building for Older People By Norma Holt One rarely would think that as you age it is far more important to do some body building than when younger. Balance, muscles, and even the pads under one's feet can disintegrate and disappear if nothing is done to enhance them. Often people find this...
  10. EG News

    More Screen Time Linked to Poor Eating Habits, Study Finds

    You spend most of your day looking at a screen — whether that be checking email, organizing your chest day playlist, watching the news, and much more. Hell, you’re looking at a screen right now while reading this story. But once you’re done with this piece you should probably put the phone away...
  11. jolter604

    Weekend plans

    I know covid puts a dent on things but here we can find new simple things to get the hell out of the house. Today I took my 8yr old daughter to the nature center for a mile hike then she wanted to go fishing. We did not caught anything but we were out. We saw this guy on the hike but fishing...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    How do I get Motivated to go to the Gym? February 26, 2020 by John Doe Bodybuilding

    HOW DO YOU GET MOTIVATED TO TRAIN? EASY. YOU THINK ABOUT WHAT'S MISSING IN LIFE AND YOU GET FUCKING ANGRY! You take this anger and remind yourself of it daily until you begin to create a picture in your mind of what you want to be. I'm not talking about what you want to identify as with your...
  13. GRIM


    I plan to get some different length chain and clips to use to 'change' things up Using a v handle for rows with plates for example Plates for easy handle curls etc Figured or thought up a few moves so far Anyone else do this?
  14. Dago


    So I been attending church lately a church I started taking my daughter to when she was around 8 years old. She got baptized in November of 2019 she in turn baptized me this past Sunday. They have a addiction class on Thursday night's im gonna start attending. A new job offer was recently...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    The dilemma of the excuse

    Everyone has them. Excuses that is. What is the old saying? Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one. Sadly, this is very true, you hear more excuses in the health and fitness circle more than any other place. Why? Because people can be just plain lazy or have we gotten to the point where we...
  16. Dago


    Man I talk about things on here maybe I shouldn't. But I know a lot of guys gals ride w clubs and there is nothing wrong w that. If anything I said here disrespected or maybe I got in your land your crowd people whatever I apologize. I been in trouble all my life into it with everyone and...
  17. Dago


    I have never ripped someone off but I'm sure this fella thinks I did. Bro quit responding when I didnt do what I said he sent me cash I never came through. I tried and had every intention but I'll spare the details but I couldn't help it man. Now I'm back on track bro I sent u a pm and I...
  18. GRIM

    My 2 cent rant!

    Please don't make this political as im gonna try my best to control those. I will be ripping on politicians in this rant however BOTH sides. Covid19 is serious is more than the flu BUT the reaction was knee jerk killing economy. Now why was this? I wont get super detailed but much of it...
  19. R2D2

    Dating co-workers

    what are your thoughts on this? i recently have developed an affinity for a young lady at work and begun chatting with her. wondering if i should try to take it to the next step or just remain friendly but nothing more.
  20. Thor

    Good To Go

    Everyone knows the issue I had about not receiving the slin pins and lack of communication, actually Kriss not being on the forum since I paid him and the deal was made. I am not going to apologize for anything I said but I will tell you as of right now KrissRuyak is back in good standing with...