
  1. F.I.S.T.

    Is 'vitamania' making Americans less healthy?

    Is 'vitamania' making Americans less healthy? Lindsay Abrams Salon Sat, 21 Feb 2015 A, C, D, E, K and the eight Bs: There's a lot that can go wrong when we don't get sufficient amounts of these 13 chemicals in our diets. Things like pellagra, caused by a B3 deficiency and...
  2. MuscleAddiction

    Staying on ones path...

    I won't lie...I seen this article on another forum and just felt it is meant to be spread if you haven't already read it somewhere else...was a very good read at a time in my life that I need a little positive thinking and motivation... STAYING ON ONES PATH. Trevor L Smith...
  3. LittleTom

    Mental health

    Hey guys. I know the only way to tell for sure if things are good is blood work. Latley I have been having horrible mood swings and depression. Been on cycle since Late dec Superdrol, only three weeks on super, deca, test at 600mg now mast and winny and bold cyp. Gonna stop everything except a...
  4. RockShawn


    OK, This is about my wife. I don't understand shit anymore. Here's the breif history to the current RANT: After we had kids she basically lost all sex drive and we would go months with no sex, like fuckin 6 and 8 months and stuff. It killed me. I developed a porn addiction and started to see...
  5. Z

    Anyone else have emotional issues on test alone?

    I only ran tren twice(probably 10 years ago now) bcuz it really screwed my head up, but never really noticed a problem on test. But I'm on trt 500mg/week for about 14 weeks now, and this past month has been an emotional rollercoaster. A couple of highs, but mostly lows. I'm taking 25mg...

    Burned Out

    I am on a cruise now for about 3 weeks. I have been working at this job I have now for like 9 months. I usually average about 30 hours of sleep a week. My training has been going down the shitter for the last two weeks.... I know a lot of you guys have jobs that take all your time to... Just...
  7. J

    Out with the old...

    So this week ill be starting up again. I had to drop my last cycle 4 weeks in due to life being a bitch, but. Now a few months later things are on the right to. The. Track. New cycle will be.; weeks 1-6. 150mg...
  8. Gibbit

    Advice on primo?

    Hey fella's, I have been wanting to do a cycle now for sometime w primo. I have have ran jst about everything but, do to the fact that alot of counterfeit or it being something else other than primo. Anyways what I'm looking for is what source possibly has real primo w reviews. Thanks guys for...
  9. I

    New guy here

    Hello EG'ers, thought I'd introduce myself and get acquainted with the community. I'm 48 years old and been training for some years and desiring to step things up to get back into serious shape as I been busy with life and work