Cheat meal time has to be the most anticipated day of the week for most in the fitness industry — just ahead of chest day, of course. The feeling of digging into a stack of pancakes, a greasy sandwich, or a sugary baked good after six days of chicken and rice, oatmeal, and 97-percent lean ground...
I started my new blast today. Im running test at 500mg a week. Eq at 500mg a week n npp at 400 a week. Im currently on dbol but that should be done in 2 weeks at wich point ill put anavar in at anywhere from 40-80mg a day. Its drakkon var so its good just first time using it so not sure where my...
Please don't make this political as im gonna try my best to control those. I will be ripping on politicians in this rant however BOTH sides.
Covid19 is serious is more than the flu BUT the reaction was knee jerk killing economy.
Now why was this? I wont get super detailed but much of it...
imageSPACE/Shutterstock / Shutterstock
At age 52, Tim McGraw is a lean, mean country music machine, but if you rewind the clock back a decade, the Grammy-winning star will tell you he was nowhere near the fitness zealot he is today.
As McGraw details in his book, Grit & Grace, life on the...
Joel Auerbach/AP/Shutterstock / Shutterstock
An NFL wide receiver’s career is predicated on speed, timing, precision, and communication. For most of Greg Jennings' 10-year career, those attributes helped him to 571 catches, 8,291 yards, 64 TDs, two Pro Bowl appearances, and one Super Bowl ring...
I have not even asked him so maybe he will tell me to F off BUT what you guys think of Eman giving us a Bitcoin address specifically for the purpose of covering testing costs?
Many times those who use Bitcoin have a little left over OR there are plenty of ways to make a little coin for free...
gradyreese / Getty
This holiday season, people will party hard and eat like there's no New Year's resolution they can’t accomplish. But the sad truth is that those resolutions are most often unachievable or bound to fail. Whether the goal is better overall health or losing more weight, the key...
Carolco/Kobal/Shutterstock (Kevin Smith: Allan Amato)
My first viewing of Terminator was on a VHS. My mom wouldn’t let me see it in theaters because it looked too scary. My friends all saw it, talked about it, and said, “Oh my God, you have to see it, man! It’s Arnold!” When I finally did, it...
Courtesy of WWE / M+F Magazine
When former weightlifting Olympian Mark Jerrold Henry signed on the dotted line with the WWE back in 1996, there were many who said that the then-24-year-old would never make it as a pro wrestler. They were wrong.
Thanks largely to Henry’s unquestionable work...
So, as a new niche gym owner without contracts I have been playing amateur psychologist and trying to categorize those who stay vs. those who leave. It all comes down to motivation from what I can tell. There are many serious lifters but each has a different motivation. So, here is my loose...
Jillian Michaels, personal trainer and former host of NBC’s The Biggest Loser, came under fire after sharing her thoughts about the keto diet during an interview with Women’s Health. Her response has everyone from The Today Show host Al Roker to the Keto Guido himself, aka Vinny from Jersey...
Make Those Stubborn Calves Grow!
Here's a great workout to get those calves pumped up quickly.Great for pumps in the calves!Give a shot.
Ankle Circles: 2 sets of 20 reps per leg (see note 1)
Seated Calf Raise: 4 sets of 20 reps
Calf Press On Leg Press: 'The Burn' method for 55...
Are any of y'all getting the connection download & upload speed your promised via your internet provider? Mine says 200 mbps download & 20 mbps upload. I'm barely getting 20/18.
Just curious. I feel internet companies are very deceiving.
In bringing back interviews? Those of you that were here may remember a couple years ago I had done some member and vendor interviews. Those have all been destroyed by the crash. If there is any interest, I was thinking about doing a few more.
Thanks guys.
So I used to rock H&M L skinny jeans, I prefer skinnies with Vnecks and having a 31" waist it would work out... Well my legs have been buldging and nothing fits my shit is ripping left and right... Does anyone know of other good places to buy skinnys or even jeans that have tiny waist but fits...
This is after a very hefty blast
I havent had test since june 4th cuz i ran out but had TNE to get me by. My nips were hurting bad cuz i stop ai as i get closer to competition. Ive also smashed my e2 with letro..... Tell me what you guys think? 1st time ever in...
So this younger guy maybe in his 20s walked up to me in the gym and asked what my secret was. (No he was not implying gear) I stopped for a second and just told him diet and I had been doing this for a bit now. He asked some dieting advice and complemented my vascularity and said he looked up to...
i think this is totally correct... calories are the most important factor and is often over looked...deficit to loose ...surplus to gain... then macro ratio helps maintain muscle...
i don't eat "clean" ... don't get me wrong hit cals and macros i can't eat all pizza and ice cream...
SHOCK STUDY: Ten percent of Canadian females receiving HPV vaccines are sent to Emergency Rooms