
  1. F.I.S.T.

    Make Those Stubborn Calves Grow!

    Make Those Stubborn Calves Grow! Here's a great workout to get those calves pumped up quickly.Great for pumps in the calves!Give a shot. Ankle Circles: 2 sets of 20 reps per leg (see note 1) Seated Calf Raise: 4 sets of 20 reps Calf Press On Leg Press: 'The Burn' method for 55...
  2. Daredevil

    Internet connection speeds

    Are any of y'all getting the connection download & upload speed your promised via your internet provider? Mine says 200 mbps download & 20 mbps upload. I'm barely getting 20/18. Just curious. I feel internet companies are very deceiving.
  3. LittleTom

    Any interest??

    In bringing back interviews? Those of you that were here may remember a couple years ago I had done some member and vendor interviews. Those have all been destroyed by the crash. If there is any interest, I was thinking about doing a few more. Thanks guys.
  4. HTFU

    We're can I Buy jeans that's fit?!

    So I used to rock H&M L skinny jeans, I prefer skinnies with Vnecks and having a 31" waist it would work out... Well my legs have been buldging and nothing fits my shit is ripping left and right... Does anyone know of other good places to buy skinnys or even jeans that have tiny waist but fits...
  5. 49ER

    My bloodwork

    This is after a very hefty blast Deca Test EQ TNE Tren Halo/drol I havent had test since june 4th cuz i ran out but had TNE to get me by. My nips were hurting bad cuz i stop ai as i get closer to competition. Ive also smashed my e2 with letro..... Tell me what you guys think? 1st time ever in...
  6. LittleTom

    What the fuck.....

    So this younger guy maybe in his 20s walked up to me in the gym and asked what my secret was. (No he was not implying gear) I stopped for a second and just told him diet and I had been doing this for a bit now. He asked some dieting advice and complemented my vascularity and said he looked up to...
  7. krustus

    nutrittion priority pyramid

    i think this is totally correct... calories are the most important factor and is often over looked...deficit to loose ...surplus to gain... then macro ratio helps maintain muscle... i don't eat "clean" ... don't get me wrong hit cals and macros i can't eat all pizza and ice cream...
  8. F.I.S.T.

    Ten percent of Canadian females receiving HPV vaccines are sent to emergency ro

    SHOCK STUDY: Ten percent of Canadian females receiving HPV vaccines are sent to Emergency Rooms
  9. F.I.S.T.

    4 Health ‘Shots’ That Alkalize Body,Eliminate Inflammation & Rejuvenate Your Sys

    4 Health ‘Shots’ That Alkalize Body, Eliminate Inflammation & Rejuvenate Your System By Phyllis Bentley Posted Tuesday, December 22, 2015 The body is naturally very acidic in the morning because as it cleanses itself overnight. As we give it a break from food and allow our organs to rejuvenate...
  10. Boston597

    Nord,soma tropin

    Got a buddy with a bunch of 10-15 mg-1.5 ml Flex pens.Does anyone know what a 10 mg somatropin pen and a 15 mg norditropin flex pen goes for..hope I was able to get attatment on
  11. Torres

    8 Dont's When In The Gym , Unwritten Rules !!!

    Here are 8 ‘Gym Don’ts’ we feel every gym rat, bodybuilder, weekend warrior, etc. should be following: 1 – Don’t sit on workout equipment without actually working out (be considerate to those either in a hurry or serious about their training.) 2- Don’t be on your cellphone in the gym (the gym...
  12. F.I.S.T.

    Knife Regulation Arrives: This Is The US Government, Hard At Work

    Knife Regulation Arrives: This Is The US Government, Hard At Work Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/16/2015 When it comes to the contents of the TPP, the most important law of Obama's second term, merely leaking its contents to the press can have result in imprisonment or treason charges...
  13. F.I.S.T.


    Bodybuilding…Period. September 11, 2013 By John Doe Quit being so consumed with whether a guy is natural or not. Worry about you and you only. Chances are that the guy you are criticizing for using steroids is working harder than you and would stand in front of you and make you disappear even...
  14. F.I.S.T.

    What diet soda does to belly fat

    What diet soda does to belly fat Mandy Oaklander Time Tue, 17 Mar 2015 More evidence that diet soda contributes to weight gain, not weight loss A new study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that people who drank diet soda gained almost triple the abdominal fat...
  15. F.I.S.T.

    Make Those Stubborn Calves Grow!

    I found this workout yrs ago and can tell you firsthand,its a killer that you have to try if you are having trouble getting results with your regular calf routine. Make Those Stubborn Calves Grow! Here's a great workout to get those calves pumped up quickly.Great for pumps in the...
  16. ElChango

    hey guys, I saw TSizemore at the gym today!
  17. Wallycn

    Bloodwork for life insurance

    I'm going to have to take a urine analysis and bloodwork for a life insurance policy. Currently I'm on Test P, Tren A and Dbol. Are they going to be able to detect any of this?
  18. RockShawn


    You gotta see this. This guy is not human.
  19. Wacker

    Pin marks

    Do you ever get pin marks like this? Is this a reaction to EO maybe? [attachment deleted by admin]
  20. Dago

    Enhanced Freak

    Defined [attachment deleted by admin]