
  1. B


    For those of u who may wanna try or do take ecstasy...or molly The two are not the same...u will never roll from molly. Molly is just bath a different name.... And for those of u who think cause u tested it with a test kit...
  2. B

    Building my next cycle

    12 weeks (mwf pinning,m-f first week to front load) Test e 375mg/week Tren e 600mg/week Primo e 600mg/week Anavar 60mg/day Clen between 40mcg-120mcg/day T3 between 50mcg-150mcg/day (Clen and t3 ramp up, maybe ramp down also haven't decided) Adex 1-2mg/week Caber .5-1mg/week Hcg week 11-14...
  3. 49ER

    Let's see those guns

    Not sure if theres a gun thread but heres a couple of mine nothing special HAI now hes got some bad ass toys [attachment deleted by admin]
  4. S


    Who shaves/bics it What r ur favorite products
  5. B

    UFC President Dana White Can't Make Up His Mind About Testosterone Replacement

    By Jonathan Snowden (MMA Lead Writer) on February 16, 2013 There is a battle brewing in the world of mixed martial arts. On one side is the president of the sport's most influential promotion, a man who is never afraid to speak his mind. And this man is a medical progressive, all in favor of...
  6. C


    Once again we have the dubious pleasure of hosting the New Year's Resolutioners, or as I like to call them "Hasslers". These glorious souls see the New Year as an opportunity to take charge of their body, to finally lose that extra 85-90 lbs of chubbiness they have hanging off of their frame...