
  1. 01dragonslayer


    THE LEGACY OF LEE "Absorb what is useful; reject what is useless." – Bruce Lee For those of you who've been living under a rock for the past thirty years, Bruce Lee was (and is still) the most well know martial artist that has ever lived. Bruce Lee died in 1973. That was over 31 years ago, yet...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    73 Horrible Workout & Diet Tips

    Weed through all the bad advice and misguided information tossed around gyms and the Internet. These tips help you to remove the confusion and improve results. 1. Deep squats are bad for your knees. 2. Crunches and sit ups give you six pack abs. 3. You can only train each body part once a week...
  3. EG News

    It Takes More Than Lifting Weights to Train Like Arnold

    If you’ve been following along on my month-long “Train Like Arnold” Challenge on Instagram (@rocklockridge), then you’ve seen various pics and short videos of me doing several exercises such as incline bench press, squats, various curls, and yes, even Arnold presses. It’s come out to nearly 24...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Why You Need to Have More Leg Days (Workouts Included)

    It’s one of the dumbest ideas around. Not to mention one of the most common. The idea is that you should train legs just one day a week. You hate leg day. I hate leg day. We all hate leg day. You curse it, struggle with it, and then cope with debilitating soreness for three or four days...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Can’t Get Your Calves to Grow? Here’s The Fix You Need

    Today we are going to pounce on a topic that has been grazing my mind for a while – the calves. Why is it that so many gym goers train their calves with halfhearted effort? Or worse yet, they don’t even train them at all. Growing the calves into thick slabs of striated muscle is arguably one...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    5 Reasons To Use Nitric Oxide Supplements

    Nitric oxide (NO) is an important signaling molecule that acts in many tissues to regulate a diverse range of physiological and cellular processes. It's role was first discovered by several groups who were attempting to identify the agent responsible for promoting blood vessel relaxation and...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    73 Horrible Workout & Diet Tips

    Weed through all the bad advice and misguided information tossed around gyms and the Internet. These tips help you to remove the confusion and improve results. 1. Deep squats are bad for your knees. 2. Crunches and sit ups give you six pack abs. 3. You can only train each body part once a week...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Building Muscle: Why Less Is More

    Simplifying the muscle building process to get the results you want. It’s time to get back to basics and start building some real muscle! Only 3 hours a week required. Those of you who have read through any of my articles know that I’m a big believer in the basics. I confidently preach low...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Building Muscle: Why Less Is More

    Simplifying the muscle building process to get the results you want. It's time to get back to basics and start building some real muscle! Only 3 hours a week required. Those of you who have read through any of my articles know that I'm a big believer in the basics. I confidently preach low...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    3 Killer Side Plank Variations to Build Your Obliques

    Solidify your core strength and build sturdier obliques by adding these 3 side planking variations into your core workout routines. Read on to learn more. You probably guessed there was another one of these coming sometime in February. If you remember from my last article on the subject, I had...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    50 Reps for Size - Five Grueling Bodybuilding Finishers

    Years ago I saw strongman competitor Derek Poundstone doing 100-rep work and asked him why he was doing it. One of his main reasons? Mental toughness. Different kinds of work in the gym require different mindsets. A 20-rep set of squats – with a maximum load for that rep range – is brutally...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Why You Need to Have More Leg Days

    It’s one of the dumbest ideas around. Not to mention one of the most common. The idea is that you should train legs just one day a week. You hate leg day. I hate leg day. We all hate leg day. You curse it, struggle with it, and then cope with debilitating soreness for three or four days...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    10/20/Life: The Professional’s Guide To Getting Strong

    Build strength beyond your wildest dreams with Brian Carroll's best-selling training book 10/20/Life. I’m not a “fitness personality.” I don’t want anything to do with that crap. I want to make people stronger and get my information out there for people to learn the right way to train, but I’m...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    Stop Working Out And Start Training: 4 Steps To Better Results

    There are many days when I walk in the gym and I see the same people, doing the same exercises, with the same weights and they look the same as when they did months (or even years) before. It makes me wonder, “How can these people spend so much time in the gym and not be making any strength...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    Stop Working Out And Start Training: 4 Steps To Better Results

    There are many days when I walk in the gym and I see the same people, doing the same exercises, with the same weights and they look the same as when they did months (or even years) before. It makes me wonder, “How can these people spend so much time in the gym and not be making any strength...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Essential Supplementation - Beta-Alanine: Help or Hype?

    You unscrew the lid of your pre-workout and the sweet smell of blue raspberry wafts through the air. Two scoops go in your shaker cup. You shake it like the champ you are, pop the top, and chug that “go-juice." Minutes later you feel a tingling sensation and itchy face sets in. You are now...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Building Muscle: Why Less Is More

    Those of you who have read through any of my articles know that I'm a big believer in the basics. I confidently preach low volume, infrequent workouts that are based around the universal laws of overload and progression (training with maximum intensity and progressing in weight or reps from week...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    72 Muscle Building Questions That Are All Answered With No

    "No" is perhaps a 2 year old's favorite word. It's also a word I find myself repeating over and over again when answering questions about muscle building. Most lifters have a fear that results will only come once a complex magical formula is unlocked. What they fail to understand is that muscle...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    Building Muscle: Why Less Is More

    Those of you who have read through any of my articles know that I'm a big believer in the basics. I confidently preach low volume, infrequent workouts that are based around the universal laws of overload and progression (training with maximum intensity and progressing in weight or reps from week...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    Why You Need to Have More Leg Days (Workouts Included)

    It’s one of the dumbest ideas around. Not to mention one of the most common. The idea is that you should train legs just one day a week. You hate leg day. I hate leg day. We all hate leg day. You curse it, struggle with it, and then cope with debilitating soreness for three or four days...