You know how it is. You picked something up that fought back and won. Or maybe you fell and broke a bone. Maybe you threw out your back. Perhaps you just woke up one day with “mystery pain.” But one way or another, at some point in your life, you’ve found yourself injured and unable to do the...
How to Keep Lifting With Tendon Pain
Here's what to do if achy joints are forcing you to take time off. Stop the most common lifting injury dead in its tracks and keep making gains.
Lifting: It ain’t always peaches and creatine. Training injuries happen. It’s the ability to navigate these...
Here's a workout split most people have never tried. Too bad, because it makes a whole lotta sense.
This is the training split I use the most with athletes and strength-focused clients. Think of it as a classic full-body split with the addition of a “bonus” workout.
Whole-body training is the...
The Best Movements for Long-Term, Pain-Free Gains
Love lifting? Want to keep doing it for life? Then you need to balance your workouts and fix your posture with these five exercises.
How to Lift Forever
Love lifting? Love playing sports? Then you need to make certain exercises a priority in your...
Forged from the fires of Mount Randomness come 8 tips to help you get bigger, stronger, leaner, and healthier.
A while ago I wrote an article called 7 for 27 5 in honor of my 27th birthday where I shared seven random thoughts and training tips.
At the end of that article I stated that my goal...
Why Working Out Every Day Won't Work
You might feel accomplished by challenging your body daily, but taking no days off will limit your results and even halt gains. Here's why.
When we don’t like how we look, improving becomes an emotional issue. And those emotions often drive lifters to take no...
The 3/7 Method for Muscle Growth and Strength
A scientifically proven and extremely time-efficient set/rep scheme for increasing muscle growth and strength. Check it out here.
I’m a sucker for metabolic stress. If, after a workout, I’m not short of breath, don’t feel sweat trickling down my...
How to Build Bigger, Stronger Calves
Your genetics might stink, but there's still a way to gain size and look impressive in shorts. Follow these rules.
Want big calves? There are six rules that'll help you get them. But first, let's look at a great exercise that illustrates many of the...
As the chairman of Matchroom Sport, Eddie Hearn has overseen many legendary battles in the boxing ring, but a recent opportunity to grace the cover of a fitness magazine gave him the motivation that he needed to reverse the effects of long days in the office and late nights at ringside. Now, one...
Even though we are all fans of the gym, most of you might agree that it is challenging to make this a usual daily routine, there is so much on our plates and the gym usually isn’t our first or second priority. But, as we still do want to look good and be healthy, we’ve tried various home workout...
We’re only as strong as our weakest links, really – so it’s in order for us to give ourselves a once-over to see what needs to be done to get the most out of our workouts and hit the muscles we’re trying to stimulate into solid growth and development.
With that said, you could be a straight...
3 Strategies to Train Through Shoulder Pain
Live with an icepack on your shoulder? These tactics for training through and around injuries (while also rehabbing) are mandatory.
Shoulder injuries are common, but there's no need to miss workouts or forge ahead despite the pain. Here are three...
How Often Should You Train?
How often should you hit the same muscle or lift? It depends on your primary goal. Here's what you need to know.
I generally favor training each muscle frequently and training the big basic lifts fairly often. However, new studies show that it may not be a great idea...
Effort vs. Volume vs. Load: Part 2
What's the best way to build muscle? Effort, load, or volume-based training? Here's what you need to know.
Note: I examined effort-based hypertrophy training 653 in Part 1 of this series. In the next installment, we’ll look at load-based training. But first...
Bodybuilding, powerlifting, CrossFit, running: Which one will mess you up the most and how can you prevent it?
Which type of training causes the most physical damage? It's one of the most passionately battled debates in sports medicine. With the recent popularization of CrossFit, the fiery...
Finding time for your training can feel challenging, especially when life gets on top of you. We’ve all been there—when your energy drains away, and there is not enough time in the day, leaving little room or energy for your workout. But rather than say ‘screw it” and miss your workout, what if...
Rapid drop-catch training is a unique way to help elevate your fitness routine. It’s an effective, yet underutilized method that incorporates exercises that are designed to improve quickness and stability. It not only helps builds strength but also enhances your body’s ability to respond to...
Suspension training often gets a bad rap because you’re using just bodyweight, and there is no cold, hard steel in your hands. Plus, measuring progression using regular free weights is easy, but not with suspension trainers, where doing more reps is usually the best form of progression. So, some...
How to Cure Workout Laziness
Your lack of progress probably isn't due to your program or your genetics, but instead an atrophied work ethic. Here's how to build it.
You’re lazy. I’m lazy. Heck, human beings are lazy. We are, in many ways, born that way. It’s natural.
If we want to accomplish a...
What's the Optimal TUT for Muscular Gains?
To get big, you have load up a muscle for 30-60 seconds per set, right? Well, maybe, but there are other ways. Check out the latest science.
Surf the internet and you’re bound to see a slew of training recommendations based on the concept of...