
  1. GRIM

    Do you smoke?

    I used to be a chain smoker quit for over 6 years. Stress has me smoking again, out of gym yet again I swear smoking and energy drinks, eg only thing keeping me sane!
  2. S

    Neck Pain Sufferers Any Help

    So my neck has been killing me the last few weeks. Lots of muscular pain. Had an xray and definitely some area between c6 and c7 but don't really want to do an MRI. Im not going to have surgery as there are no neurological symptoms just pain and headache at times. I can still twist my neck...
  3. dowork

    How Many Dad's on EG?

    Married 8 years, son is 6 and daughter is 3, wife is a workaholic. I just spent the whole weekend basically hungry and exhausted from watching kids. I don't know how any other dads can keep the BB'ing thing going, I just can't seem to balance gym life with real life. Sux.
  4. HTFU

    Do Winny pressed tabs go bad?

    I have a bunch of Winny Pressed Tabs from Joker about two years ago, does that shit have a shelf life or can I pop away?
  5. blasson

    Vent - looking for advice

    I've been with my wife the last 7 years and when we got together she had a 1yo daughter who I've been raising since. She's 8 years old and doesn't really know her father. He was in jail when we met. She left him when she found out he was breaking into people's homes and robbing them. Months...
  6. sityslicker1

    New toy..

    2013 ninja 650. Clean title, 2200 miles (new engine broken in basically) and getting it at a steal. So good that if i wanted to flip it i could and make 2-3k extra more than im paying for it. It was just a deal to hard to pass up. The owners is willing to let it go for cheap bc he wants a...
  7. Daredevil

    Thoughts on Savings

    So as many of you know I'm going through a divorce which is tough and can be expensive. Today I was doing a lot of thinking on life. I'm 34 years old with 2 young kids. My concern is that I only have $13K saved and I'm still working towards my retirement. I will be able to retire in 18 years at...
  8. Daredevil

    HGH gut?

    Has anyone known anyone to get the HGH gut from taking HGH and if so what dosages were they taking for how long? Lately that's what I've found interesting and whether HGH alone causes that or if it's the HGH/insulin combo that causes it. Any thoughts?
  9. T-bar

    FBI nails company for scam

    Anyone ever play the McDonald's Monopoly game and get all but one railroad piece? You're not alone. The FBI just nailed McDonald's for scamming customers and keeping the good prizes for themselves and friends. I guess making billions wasn't enough for them...
  10. krustus

    what it takes ...dull ..monotonous... consistency

    in my experience a true change in your body is not so much about being hardcore..killing it ... as its about doing the things every single day that you need too... dull ...boring consistency... the nutrition and getting cals and macros daily are the worst... you can get some good and fun...
  11. Chief swole

    PCT question

    I have a buddy on deca and test.. what would be a basic cheap pct?
  12. 49ER


    Im fucken pissed my dad asked my ex for my babys birth certificate and social for my taxes i dont know if shes lying but acted all surprised like oh no i already did them. She didnt work all fucken year i supported them 100% so obviously her sister took credit, what can i do? Im not letting it...
  13. S

    Anyone make a New Years Resolution

    I know many find making NY Resolutions a waste of time. I still find myself making them like an idiot. I figure keep trying and someday it will happen. This year I NEED TO GET MY DIET IN CHECK. Weak minded Slin has to eat better. Lean out for 2016.
  14. Daredevil

    Need help

    Wife of nearly 4 years asked for a divorce and is planning on leaving the first week of the year. There's no way around it, she's leaving, no way to stop it either. Im not going to write 19 paragraphs etc about the whole relationship. She says she wants to be single and free to do as she wants...
  15. F.I.S.T.

    US Agent Gets Six Years Prison For Silk Road Bitcoin Theft

    US Agent Gets Six Years Prison For Silk Road Bitcoin Theft Joel Rosenblatt | Bloomberg Business - December 8, 2015 Government agent stole $820,000 in bitcoins A government agent who stole $820,000 in bitcoins while investigating an online drug emporium was sentenced Monday to almost six years...
  16. superbee


    Is it better than KAT? I been using them and keep getting junk. How hard is it to get an invite code?
  17. F.I.S.T.

    15 Reasons Kombucha Is Called Ancient “Immortal Health Elixir”

    15 Reasons Kombucha Is Called Ancient “Immortal Health Elixir” By Alijuina Herw Posted Friday, October 16, 2015 Kombucha is a fermented tea that is naturally carbonated. Research shows that foods that are fermented are very good for you. It has a 2,000-year history as a cancer fighter and...
  18. F.I.S.T.

    Uncle Z U.S. Remailer Jailed for 17 Years for Distributing Anabolic Steroids

    Uncle Z U.S. Remailer Jailed for 17 Years for Distributing Anabolic Steroids The former sole U.S. remailer of steroid source ‘Uncle Z’ and Euro Pharmacies, has been sentenced to 17 years in jail for dealing steroids. David Starkey and his wife Holly Starkey, were the sole U.S. remailers of...
  19. F.I.S.T.

    Nick Diaz Suspended for FIVE YEARS, Fined $150,000 For Failed UFC 183 Drug Test

    Nick Diaz Suspended for FIVE YEARS, Fined $150,000 For Failed UFC 183 Drug Test The Nevada State Athletic Commission has reached a new low, Nation. Just a few weeks after slapping Anderson Silva with a one-year ban for a positive steroid test at UFC 183 — which came following an intense and...
  20. F.I.S.T.

    How to Eat Big When You Aren’t a Big Eater

    How to Eat Big When You Aren’t a Big Eater July 28, 2015 By John Doe So by now you should know that if you want to build serious muscle it takes calories. If you didn’t know this, then I’m telling you again… Calories are king when it comes to gaining mass!! I’d say that the bulk of people...