We all have a vision in our heads of what we would ultimately like to look like. Maybe you want to have an athletic, streamlined look with nice abs and just enough muscle to turn heads at a Vegas pool party. Or…maybe you aspire to be massive, with slabs of thick, dense muscle. You want people to...
If you're honest, when someone asks how your workout went, you can't always say, "Awesome!" Sometimes it's just "Meh." Why is that? Why aren't all your workouts incredibly productive—maybe even exciting? What can you do to make sure your workouts are not only "awesome," but moving you closer to...
There are two things that almost every lifter in the weight room cares about: growing their chest and increasing their bench. Fortunately, if you focus on one, you can usually improve the other.
Although strength is usually a bigger priority for powerlifters, bodybuilders can also benefit from...
It is simple. Muscle will burn fat all day and all night! Even when you are sitting down so the more muscle you have the more fat you will burn!
Why You Need Weight Training To Lose Fat
By Conray Knox
There've so many misunderstanding in weight training. People often think that weight training...
Carbohydrates are a very important part of your diet especially if you are a bodybuilder. That is why we need to know what carbs are. Read on!
What Are Carbohydrates (Bodybuilding Nutrition)
By Gerald J. Riches
If you're about to embark on a new health and fitness plan, it's imperative that...
Found this on another site....its a little dated but a good read....
Expert Advice for the Over-40 Lifter
Muscle Growth at Middle Age
by T Nation | 11/08/17
The Question
What's your best tip for the experienced over-40 lifter?
Christian Thibaudeau – Strength Coach and Performance Expert
Top 5 Ways to Stay Healthy on Steroids
By: The Steroid Guru
#1 – Train Naturally Until You’re 25
Until the age of 25, your body is overflowing with testosterone and growth hormone. If you can't make progress without drugs when you're still young, you need to re-evaluate a few things --...
Long ago were the days of cheap cycles with shit like Dbol. I know, I know, it's what all of the “golden era” bodybuilders used right?
But you have to understand that old school guys didn't use Dbol because it was the best oral available, they used stuff like Dbol because it was usually all...
So you're young, in school, working a minimum wage job, or maybe you're not in school and still working a minimum wage/low paying job. Fear not! There are affordable ways to get the foods you need to grow!
I've been there myself. I wanted so badly to be big and shredded but I had to work with...
7 Things Every Seasoned Lifter Needs to Do
How to Train Like a Grown-Up
by Lee Boyce | 09/15/20
Most lifters think that their strength and athleticism will get better and better as they spend more time in the game. Unfortunately, that's not entirely up to them. Father time has a big say in...
Expert Advice for the Over-40 Lifter
Muscle Growth at Middle Age
by T Nation
The Question
What's your best tip for the experienced over-40 lifter?
Christian Thibaudeau – Strength Coach and Performance Expert
If you want to continue progressing, do your best to stay healthy and injury-free...
Reps Don't Matter
Do this and you'll build muscle, regardless of the number of reps you're using.
by Nick Tumminello | 08/11/20
Low Reps or High Reps? Just Go to Failure, Bro
Mechanical tension drives muscle growth. Research shows that lifting a lighter load to failure...
Sure fitness makes your body look great, but it also brings a slew of other corollaries. Here are 19 unexpected side effects to getting fit.
Wearing sweats to work might be a very real necessity. Pro tip: Get to...
4 Myths Many Lifters Actually Believe
Common Misconceptions About Abs, Cardio and More
by Christian Thibaudeau | 04/25/16
Everything works in theory, but some training methods just don't produce enough benefits to justify the effort. Other training beliefs are just plain wrong. Here are the...
So you're young, in school, working a minimum wage job, or maybe you're not in school and still working a minimum wage/low paying job. Fear not! There are affordable ways to get the foods you need to grow!
I've been there myself. I wanted so badly to be big and shredded but I had to work with...
Meal Frequency Confusion
Q: Some diet experts say that having six small meals a day is outdated. Many recommend three (or fewer) meals instead. But what if I feel uncomfortably stuffed when trying to cram all my calories into three meals? Is there any harm in continuing to eat smaller, more...
Doing Tbar rows
No DOUBT about it, felt the disc slip/move
Back is awful pain/frozen and stiffer than stiff
HUGE lump on side of lower spine as well
Still I refused to just leave my shit, PAINFULLY put every plate back and bar PLUS still half assed a short workout
Only thing I'm pissed about...
How to Retain Gains & Lose Fat in Crazy Times
Keep the Muscle, Drop the Fat
by Sohee Lee | 04/28/20
How do you retain muscle when you can't train as hard as you typically do? How about losing body fat? Is that still feasible without your usual workouts?
Whether you've sustained an injury, your...
10 Honest Ways to Gain Muscle Mass for Beginners!
February 10, 2020 By John Doe Bodybuilding
With so much available at our fingertips online it's now easier than ever to educate yourself on lifting weights, proper nutrition, and bodybuilding supplementation.
However, one major problem with...
So you've done your research and you think you're ready for your first cycle. Let me first tell you that the chances of you being ready based on your research is slim to none. In this article I hope to deliver important information that is often missed or looked over during...