I use to do sets of deadlifts. This exercise is a singular movement. What ive been doing now is performing the whole exercise then stand back up and repeat. This burns my lower back good n it prepares me for the singular nature of this exercise.
One bottle of beer is about 100 worthless calories. It offers no value—it's just junk. Throw back two, three, or four more, and you're putting an awfully big dent in your recommended total caloric intake when you add them on top of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
But hey, we get...
[Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]:https://cdn-ami-drupal.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/styles/full_node_image_1090x614/public/media/lunges-643255584.jpg?itok=dL59Hw8u
BraunS / Getty
When to Do It
After any workout when you're feeling particularly enegeric...
Tip: Tap Out to Win
by Chris Colucci | 03/30/18
Want to develop grit and resolve? Tap out, learn something, then get right back in there and fight again.
The phrase "tap out" has slid into the mainstream over the last 25 years or so, but its original meaning has been forgotten, or at least...
i've been following an IIFYM approach... intermittent fasting at times... but mostly just not worrying about meal frequency... just hitting the macro numbers.
also not really worrying about carbs or sugar... just hitting the numbers. feel like success has been pretty good.. attached a pic...
There Are No Rules When It Comes To Muscular Development
January 11, 2017 By John Doe
Bodybuilding is more common nowadays than it used to be. There are more resources available, yet it's become over-complicated. There are so many different training styles and diets, yet bodybuilding is...
So I'm at a training that includes addressing this gender identification issue. We had a speaker come and address our group. At the end of the presentation "he" dropped the bomb and let everyone know that "he" was born female. I sat there thinking, "No shit Nancy Drew." Hell Barney Fife could...
Hey fellas, I like to get as much feedback as possible. I've already posted this elsewhere but like I said I want all the opinions and feedback I can get. I will be starting this blast around Jan 10. Here it Cut cycle 2016
test e- 500mg/week 1-10
Test p- 100mg/eod 10-18
Masterone- 400mg/week...
Kid gone w my mother to Florida wife at her family I'm at my parents fort holding it down. My boy 2 1/2 now man he's probably the best one I've had ever.
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I really like DNP. Nothing beats it for fat loss.
Try to make your cycle in cooler weather. I'm on right now and we're having a beautiful Indian Summer in my neck of the woods. 81 yesterday, so I'm sweating like a whore in church.All.Day.Long.
DNP dose is weight dependent. Use 200-250 for a few...
Okay guys waiting on my npp and mast prop to come in
As of not this is my cycle
Test 400 a week of e/c
Tbol 60 mg
T3 50 mcg
Clen 40 mcg
And in 3 weeks will be trying dnp for the first time
So what do you guys think on how to cycle mast and npp
How To Look Like A Female Fitness Model
by Vince DelMonte
Do you pass by the magazine stands in the store and envy the bodies of the cover models? More and more women today are coveting this body type; strong and muscular while still being feminine. Gone are the days where strong women are...
You've got to give credit to anyone who's in the gym instead of being permanently adhered to a couch with Cheez Whiz. Then again, some of today's gym-goers just drive us crazy.
1. The Misplaced CrossFitter
You've seen them. Tall socks, Reeboks, blank expressions, mindlessly doing whatever WOD...
Saw this many yrs ago and thought it was great advice for all to learn from.
A Males Guide to Training Your Woman
Do encourage the women in your life to train with weights. No matter what her skill level, ability, age, or body shape, every woman can benefit from weight training...
25 years old
195 lbs
15 bf
Goal 9% bf then lean bulk
Test cyp 750 a week
Teen ace 150, Mon,Wed,Fri,Sat
T3 30mcg
Getting a vial of helios from red rihno can someone help me with a cycle of that
Now I went from 25 bf to 15 bf so far.
but does anyone have experience with helios I...
So. I was hoping I could get some advice on a good spring/summer 12-14 week blast. I have different stuff so would love peoples input on past cycles and they have done.
Here is my goal....get in 8%-10% BF. Currently at 14%. Add strength and some mass.
6'1 218lbs
Here is what I have
Test E...
I will be doing my first show this year and I'm curious, to those of you here that compete, how long of a prep do you allow yourself? And how well do you think that allows you your time needed to come in diced? Just curious, still playing around with my prep