
  1. EG News

    Janeen Lankowski Explains Why Posing is Important for Bodybuilding Success

    Posing is a fundamental aspect of bodybuilding that every competitor should be working on. All of that hard work athletes put in is verified by the way the body is presented when facing the judges. No one knows more about this than IFBB Pro League women’s bodybuilder Janeen Lankowski, who has...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    You Blew Your Caloric Intake for the Day… Now What Do You Do?

    By: Matt Weik You blew your caloric intake for the day. You’re probably upset. Maybe you’re flat-out pissed off? More than anything, you’re undoubtedly angry at yourself for slipping up on your nutrition. But do you know what? You’re not alone. It happens to everyone. It’s what you do next...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Top 10 Bonehead Workout Mistakes

    “Common workout mistakes” has always been a very popular topic in fitness publications. But no matter how many times this subject is re-hashed, you almost always hear about the same half a dozen or so mistakes, including poor form, overtraining, going too heavy, not stretching, not warming up...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    7 Reasons You Should Be Using a Workout Log

    by Matt Weik Are you the type of person who goes to the gym without a plan? Sure, you know what body parts you’re going to hit, but you have no idea what exercises you’ll use or how much weight you plan on pushing? If so, you’re probably the type of person who has been going to the gym for...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    The Average Mentality Theory and Why It’s Holding You Back

    by Matt Weik If you’re reading this, you may be stuck in some aspect of your life. Maybe it’s your fitness? Maybe it’s your career or business? Maybe it’s a relationship? You can fill in the blank with whatever you want. The fact is, we all go through life and sometimes feel like we’ve walked...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    20 Gym Hacks You Need to Know

    Life hacks are all the rage these days; everybody wants to know how to cure cancer and solve global warming with a rubber band, some masking tape, and an iPhone. Listen here MacGyver, I know you think you’re the next best thing since Captain America, but Googling doesn’t turn you into Dr. Phil...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Stop Working Out And Start Training: 4 Steps To Better Results

    There are many days when I walk in the gym and I see the same people, doing the same exercises, with the same weights and they look the same as when they did months (or even years) before. It makes me wonder, “How can these people spend so much time in the gym and not be making any strength...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Stop Working Out And Start Training: 4 Steps To Better Results

    There are many days when I walk in the gym and I see the same people, doing the same exercises, with the same weights and they look the same as when they did months (or even years) before. It makes me wonder, “How can these people spend so much time in the gym and not be making any strength...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Maintaining Motivation: What To Do When Willpower Isn't Enough

    Ever feel the rush of motivation after you set a new goal? No matter how lofty, new goals often come with an overwhelming sense that you can take on the world. You’re refreshed and committed, ready to tackle anything that gets in your way! And then… life happens. Your motivation comes...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    25 Ways to Stay Motivated for Your Workouts

    Anyone that has committed to a long-term fitness goal will tell you that it takes serious dedication, determination, and discipline to be successful. Consistency matters but let’s face facts - There are days that we all just need an extra mental boost or a kick in the butt to get going. For...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Sports Psychology: Developing Your Mental Strength And Inner Leader

    It takes a special kind of mentality in this world to be a leader. It doesn’t come as a surprise that leadership and innovation are rare and prized qualities since much of society is structured to operate around these individuals. For example, most workplaces have a general manager (read...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Muscle Building Over 40: Complete Guide & Training Program

    Staring down the barrel of 40-plus years of age brings along some feared and often misconstrued visions of hurt joints, bad backs and deflated fitness goals. “It’s time to accept the fact that you’re getting older and can’t do what you’ve always done in the gym,” says the little old man on your...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    25 Ways to Stay Motivated for Your Workouts

    Anyone that has committed to a long-term fitness goal will tell you that it takes serious dedication, determination, and discipline to be successful. Consistency matters but let’s face facts - There are days that we all just need an extra mental boost or a kick in the butt to get going. For...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    Mind Over Muscle: How To Really Stick To A Workout And Diet Plan

    So you are ready to take that leap. Today is the day you are ready for the new you. You have used the slogan "I will start on Monday" one too many times, and for whatever the reason, you made the decision that today is game time. No more waiting until Monday; it starts right now! It makes no...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    Depression And Exercise: 10 Tips To Stay Motivated And Strong

    With the dark and cold months upon us, I figured it might a good time to write a quick piece on the subject of depression, or seasonal affective disorder and how training and diet might be helpful in overcoming those illnesses. As someone who has battled with mild, and not so mild depression...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Losing Your Motivation

    Have you lost all motivation to train? Do you dread heading to the gym? Maybe you spend half the day looking for excuses to put off today’s training? Losing your motivation is not fun. I know, that’s an understatement. You really want to gain muscle. You really want to get ripped. But it’s...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Recommit to Getting Fit: How to Plan Your Return to the Gym

    Living a fitness-based lifestyle can be incredible. There are many people that can attest to this. Sometimes life gets in the way, and an extended absence from the gym or weight room is necessary. Injuries, illness, business, or burnout could all be factors that result in us taking time to...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    3 Surprising Reasons Why You Need to Rediscover Slow Growth

    3 Surprising Reasons Why You Need to Rediscover Slow Growth written by JAMES CLEAR SELF-IMPROVEMENT STRENGTH TRAINING We all have goals that we’d like to reach. And, if we had the choice, we would prefer to reach them sooner rather than later. There’s nothing wrong with achieving a goal quickly...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    Why Everyone Should Lift Weights

    Why Everyone Should Lift Weights written by JAMES CLEAR STRENGTH TRAINING I'll say it plain and simple: you should be lifting weights. But not necessarily for the reasons that you might think. For example, I don't believe that strength is the main benefit of weight training. Now, don't get me...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    Why Your Weight Fluctuates

    If you are a fan of weighing yourself every day, you probably see the number on the scale change every time you step on it from day to day. Maybe you did actually lose or gain, but more likely, your weight is reflective of something less impactful; simple fluctuations in your daily life. If you...