You’re ready to start that new fitness regimen … tomorrow. That’s also when you’ll start tracking your calories, catching up on work deadlines, doing those minor fixit tasks around the house and meal prepping for the week. For many people, “tomorrow” gets loaded with good intentions, mostly...
So much attention is focused on how to lose weight that once the weight is off, we’re left wondering: now what? Weight maintenance is an equally big challenge. It can be nerve-wracking to increase your calories, especially since research shows more than 80% of people with obesity who lose weight...
10 Honest Ways to Gain Muscle Mass for Beginners!
February 10, 2020 By John Doe Bodybuilding
With so much available at our fingertips online it's now easier than ever to educate yourself on lifting weights, proper nutrition, and bodybuilding supplementation.
However, one major problem with...
Per Bernal / M+F Magazine
As a veteran at the gym you’ve already nailed pullup variations like overhand, underhand, and neutral-gip. However, have your utilized the Commando pullup? This specific variation increases lateral instability, which in turn will help boost your core, and widen your...
Per Bernal
Most people look for motivation to get them geared up to achieve a goal. Some may need motivation to get to the gym and train day in, day out. It occurred to me early in my life that I didn’t rely on motivation to get things done. Motivation comes and goes. But passion—passion is in...
It’s not enough to merely psych yourself up. There are proven techniques for cranking your workout motivation up to 11. From months in advance to when you set the barbell down, we present the 30 best steps to boost your drive to grow stronger, bigger, and better.
Comradeship is Formed in Battle
April 26, 2014 By John Doe
I think a lot of guys have a distraught view on what comradeship really means. By definition the word COMRADESHIP means to form a bond or friendship under common aims. This does not mean that someone who only calls you because they...
Life Advice That All Men Should Follow
By Unjaded
Improve yourself. Don’t stop. Everyone is good at something. Don’t wallow in excuses to justify being lazy. Work hard and rest properly, not half measures of both. Try everything until you find something you are good enough at. Monetize...
Reading this daily has really helped me keep things in perspective... hope you enjoy!
Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and...
I won't lie...I seen this article on another forum and just felt it is meant to be spread if you haven't already read it somewhere else...was a very good read at a time in my life that I need a little positive thinking and motivation...
Trevor L Smith...