advice from some who have gotten below 10ish

At the end of the cut you may be at 1500 cals total depending on your progress. Don't let dropping cals scary you into not losing fat.

lol... shit ... that is low... but you are right if that's what it takes...i am pretty
krustus said:
lol... shit ... that is low... but you are right if that's what it takes...i am pretty
do you know john meadows? I believe he started his cut on 2200-2300 cals at 220lbs when prepping for the arnold. He is a freaking beast. I wouldnt dare tell this guy he eats like a girl, bc he looks better than 99.9999 percent of us on the board and knows his shit. Shelby starns had me close to 1800 cals at my lowest with 2 cardio sessions per day when I was at my leanest at 191.
do you know john meadows? I believe he started his cut on 2200-2300 cals at 220lbs when prepping for the arnold. He is a freaking beast. I wouldnt dare tell this guy he eats like a girl, bc he looks better than 99.9999 percent of us on the board and knows his shit. Shelby starns had me close to 1800 cals at my lowest with 2 cardio sessions per day when I was at my leanest at 191.

i've read a lot on both of those guys... they know what they are doing for sure... thanks for that input.

and meadows at 2200 cals!!! he's a monster!... did he do no cardio?
krustus said:
i've read a lot on both of those guys... they know what they are doing for sure... thanks for that input.

and meadows at 2200 cals!!! he's a monster!... did he do no cardio?
you now i' not quite sure, but Im assuming some. I know hes not a big advocate for cardio until its really needed. Let me see if I can pull up his thread and copy and paste the highlights here. He had some real good info to share at promuscle in his very own q&a thread.
My bad Krustus it was roughly 2600 cals I believe 6 weeks out.
krustus said:
lol... shit ... that is low... but you are right if that's what it takes...i am pretty
krustusLast year on my cut cycle.. with my coach.. i started at 2200 then ended up at 1500 cals.. also carb cycling 140 grams. carbs then two days 40 grams of carbs with increase of fat intake .. got down to 8 percent.. just takes some ratcheting down and marco tracking. I used the app Lose it to help me with my macro tracking with my busy schedule..definitely kept me on track.
what was you starting weight vrod... and how many weeks were you 1800 cals or lower
krustus said:
what was you starting weight vrod... and how many weeks were you 1800 cals or lower
krustusStarting weight was 220. Height 5'10 Age 45 last year... i started at 2300 then after week 6 i hit a plateu no weight loss or fat loss even after increasing my cardio and added HiTT training.. i made some adjustments to intake 2100 dropping 50 to 100 cals a week depending on body reaction . Weeks 9 thru 12... 1800 cals with strict cconsoderation on carb intake.. .. then stopped started to drop too fast .. but i was happy with outcome.. ended up at 190 lbs 8 percent bf.. started at 18 bf percent.. i didn't see much muscle loss , except toward then end when i would drop more than 2 lbs a week . Target was 1 to 1.5 lbs a week. Only thing i was running was test e 225 a week...
Krustus ,

Here is something my coach sent me when we were reevaluating my intake...Once I made the change I notice good response to my body .. ( Now this might not work for everyone , just use it as a base or give you ideas .. everyone has what works for them ..... But .. Me and 15 others that we train together all got to 8 to 10 percent BF.. and we were pretty much same weight , age and BF .... ) We kind of had a body transformation contest between us......

2100 to 2300 would be more idea for fat loss. Mon. Tues. Wed. Fri. and Saturday – Macros will be 25 % Carbs, 40 % Protein, and 35% Fat. Carbs should be coming from Complex (Starchy) Carbs like Oats, Rice, Beans, Potatoes, Pasta, etc. and Fibrous Carbs like Vegetables and Fruits.

( I played around with the fat intake.. I felt it was high . but on low carb days i was struggling so the fat intake helped out .. especially on HiTT intervals training days .. )
GRAMS per day 143g 230g 89g
GRAMS per meal 28.6g 46g 17.8g

Thursday and Sunday – Macros will be 10 % Carbs, 45 % Protein, and 45 % Fat.

GRAMS per day 57g 258g 115g
GRAMS per meal 11g 52g 23g

Hope this helps....
wow... some great insight there... thank you so much for sharing!!!... if i could get to 8%!!! that would be incredible... but i would want to hold it or around 10 ....
vrod2002 said:
Krustus ,

Here is something my coach sent me when we were reevaluating my intake...Once I made the change I notice good response to my body .. ( Now this might not work for everyone , just use it as a base or give you ideas .. everyone has what works for them ..... But .. Me and 15 others that we train together all got to 8 to 10 percent BF.. and we were pretty much same weight , age and BF .... ) We kind of had a body transformation contest between us......

2100 to 2300 would be more idea for fat loss. Mon. Tues. Wed. Fri. and Saturday – Macros will be 25 % Carbs, 40 % Protein, and 35% Fat. Carbs should be coming from Complex (Starchy) Carbs like Oats, Rice, Beans, Potatoes, Pasta, etc. and Fibrous Carbs like Vegetables and Fruits.

( I played around with the fat intake.. I felt it was high . but on low carb days i was struggling so the fat intake helped out .. especially on HiTT intervals training days .. )
GRAMS per day 143g 230g 89g
GRAMS per meal 28.6g 46g 17.8g

Thursday and Sunday – Macros will be 10 % Carbs, 45 % Protein, and 45 % Fat.

GRAMS per day 57g 258g 115g
GRAMS per meal 11g 52g 23g

Hope this helps....
That is a solid diet there. And water water water. Don't discount what 1.5 gallons a day will do for you.
The best thing you have on your side is time Krustus. My last cut I went way to fast and even then did not get completely shredded. Take it slow and make sure that your goal is sustainable so you dont rebound too badly. If you look at my log in the last pic I post I was down 14 pounds to 180-ish and I still had a bit of lower ab fat. I was eating very low carb,, doing HIT and running T-3, and Tren E. To get to get to the next level of getting rid of all that lower ab fat (which was not) much, I would have had to drop cals into the 17-1900 range and eat almost 0 carbs. I remember you telling me once to not over complicate things. It sounds like the look you are going for is pre-contest which very few have the discipline to do. Take your time brother and dont get discouraged.
id just try making the meals a little smaller as you go, so you still eat 5 or 6 times a day and get the fats that make you feel full . if you dont you're going to be super hungry
I would have had to drop cals into the 17-1900 range and eat almost 0 carbs. I remember you telling me once to not over complicate things. It sounds like the look you are going for is pre-contest which very few have the discipline to do. Take your time brother and dont get discouraged. are right... dont over think it...get cals and macros right and stick with it.

pre-contest look not quite...just hollywood

id just try making the meals a little smaller as you go, so you still eat 5 or 6 times a day and get the fats that make you feel full . if you dont you're going to be super hungry

dieting sucks so bad.... i gotta find some more will power
adsd some negative calorie items to snack on, celery is great, i simply do what Arnold says, everything i pick up I look at it and if it does not move me forward towards my goal i'm not eating it.
Damn...mistreb... You are a discipline bastard... to look like you 50... I guess that is it takes!
also goot trick is if you are taking something to eat you know you shouldnt be eating, take of your shirt. this is such a small trick but works wonders. i bet if people were eating without clothes on we wouldnt have a fatness epidemic in the world
drakonrep said:
also goot trick is if you are taking something to eat you know you shouldnt be eating, take of your shirt. this is such a small trick but works wonders. i bet if people were eating without clothes on we wouldnt have a fatness epidemic in the world
lol I'm sure that works well.
taking something to eat you know you shouldnt be eating, take off your shirt.

lol... that so funny...probably effective though... i just have misterb's pic printed out and on my every time I'm slipping I'll be confronted by that

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