Big Bang anyone?

It's amazing that 'educated' people can still make delusional statements defending that which is statistically impossible. Did any or you who are "educated deniers" even read the entire article? Or did the words upset your meme so that you couldn't even finish, and started refuting with pap?
it would be way more productive if we are to have these difficult topic debates to not use name calling or insults. some believe in a higher power others don't, some follow books they think are inspired by divine inspiration others don't.
we know two things, believers don't change their opinion and science will in the presence of new information. So no reason to get mad about the status of current theories, that's the beauty of Science. if and when new information is presented we accept it and change out thoughts. we certainly know if we followed religious books we will surely kill everyone until only one religion remains, just look at the middle eastern muslims
Let put it to you this way. What's more likely. An old man who magically floats around invisible...undetectable...omnipotent...omniscienthe and can not be proven to exist in anyway till after we die.


Your wrong!
Hanzo...we share 98% of our DNA with apes. Of course we evolved from apes. 98%! What's the major difference...our Brain. It's the 2% difference in our DNA that allows us to have this wonderful organ.
Hanzo said:
Never, ever proven, and you know that. If the Big Bang started evolution why aren't there mutated creatures which are evolving right now? Such as half man/half ape creatures. There are waaaaayyyyy too missing links in evolution.
Of course it's been proven. All the evidence indicates a single starting point. We will never be able to look back far enough to see it happen because light energy did not happen till about 500 million years after the big bang. I or no one will ever be able to observe it prove it.

But once again...if you can give a more plausible explanation then must also prove it.

The burden of proof is yours!
Hanzo said:
You haven't matured, you still fall for the argument of old, that what mankind says/does reflects on God Himself.
Prove to me there is a god and I will change my mind. Prove it!
Hanzo said:
Never, ever proven, and you know that. If the Big Bang started evolution why aren't there mutated creatures which are evolving right now? Such as half man/half ape creatures. There are waaaaayyyyy too missing links in evolution.
Human evolution didn't start right after the big bang. The big bang occurred 14 Billion years ago. The earth formed on 5 billion years ago. Humans have been evolving for around 5 million years.

98% of all species that have ever lived on this planet are now extinct. Just like we will be one day! A forgotten race of weak and scared hairless apes who thought they were it!
I must admit I have my doubts in god. That being said I have a feeling inside that cannot be explained. The best part about that feeling is that I dont need it to be explained. That feeling comes from something I know is love and has been with me as long as I can remember. When I look for it I can find it and it feels great. If its all in my head so be it. I really dont see why people are so hell bent on denying others their beliefs. If you dont believe thats cool with me, as I said I have my own doubts. I will not however make up my own facts to push an agenda that someone does not agree with. I am so grateful that I have a tiny bit of faith in something that makes a big difference in my life.

In regards to the brains defense against death and it's logic to understand what happens when we die: true masters know it's about living not dying, that makes spirituality so important.
LittleTom said:
I must admit I have my doubts in god. That being said I have a feeling inside that cannot be explained. The best part about that feeling is that I dont need it to be explained. That feeling comes from something I know is love and has been with me as long as I can remember. When I look for it I can find it and it feels great. If its all in my head so be it. I really dont see why people are so hell bent on denying others their beliefs. If you dont believe thats cool with me, as I said I have my own doubts. I will not however make up my own facts to push an agenda that someone does not agree with. I am so grateful that I have a tiny bit of faith in something that makes a big difference in my life.

In regards to the brains defense against death and it's logic to understand what happens when we die: true masters know it's about living not dying, that makes spirituality so important.
That was very well said. But...I am happy and content in my life. I don't feel there is something missing. And I don't feel I have to fold my hands and pray. If that's your belief then that's great. But I am in the vast minority of non- beleivers. If you want to make me beleive I only ask for proof . Then it won't be based on a feeling there is one but on evidence there is one.
tunaman7 said:
That was very well said. But...I am happy and content in my life. I don't feel there is something missing. And I don't feel I have to fold my hands and pray. If that's your belief then that's great. But I am in the vast minority of non- beleivers. If you want to make me beleive I only ask for proof . Then it won't be based on a feeling there is one but on evidence there is one.

I hear ya tunaman. Theres a bunch of people out there that wish there was solid evidence. I'm not missing anything in my life just trying to get closer to something I dont fully understand. Again I'm not trying to sway you. I don't need to prove to you how I feel. All I can do is tell you and to be honest, just telling you how I feel about it makes me pretty damn happy. I know I will never find solid evidence of God but the more I look the better I feel so I guess I'll just keep doing it. To each their own.
misterB said:
yup think its called Punctuated equilibrium or Punctuated evolution
It's not punctuated...its simple evolution. We evolved our larger brain capacity (our brain is pretty similar to size when compared with chimps). One theory indicates that when we got away from being plant eaters to meat eaters our brain started receiving the fuel for growth...FAT!

But remember that evolution is small changes over millions of years. MILLIONS OF YEARS! Many small changes over a long period. It's not like we went to bed a hairy ape-man and then woke up the next morning in a business suite.
LittleTom said:
I hear ya tunaman. Theres a bunch of people out there that wish there was solid evidence. I'm not missing anything in my life just trying to get closer to something I dont fully understand. Again I'm not trying to sway you. I don't need to prove to you how I feel. All I can do is tell you and to be honest, just telling you how I feel about it makes me pretty damn happy. I know I will never find solid evidence of God but the more I look the better I feel so I guess I'll just keep doing it. To each their own.
Well said again brother! And I am not trying to sway you either. If you find happiness and enlightenment along the way then bonus. I just don't feel the need to search out and find god. But what I do need is some of that Christian tolerance and understanding that allows me to beleive what I want to beleive. I allow you the same luxury. But when articles are posted that basically say there is a god then you must be prepared to back up that statement with evidence! Could you imagine if our justice system allowed people to be convicted because someone "felt" you were guilty. No...our justice system demands evidence and proof. Just like I require for decide there is or is not a god!
Hanzo said:
I don't mind your opinions TK, come on. God loves us so much He created us in His image and gave us free will to choose what we want to do (believe or not). Is that not the ultimate expression of love?
I'm a little surprised hanzo you want scientific evidence, studies and all kinds of crap before you decide which way to tie your shoes but you believe in god which has no real proof? I'm kinda shocked. Lol. I'm not saying anything bad about it. I'm not sure I exactly,believe the big bang theory either. Just seems to me,if there was a god there wouldn't be so,many messed up things happening in the world. Sick Demented people getting sex changes and transgenders....can't believe that would be part,of any gods,plan
tkasch30 said:
I'm a little surprised hanzo you want scientific evidence, studies and all kinds of crap before you decide which way to tie your shoes but you believe in god which has no real proof? I'm kinda shocked. Lol. I'm not saying anything bad about it. I'm not sure I exactly,believe the big bang theory either. Just seems to me,if there was a god there wouldn't be so,many messed up things happening in the world. Sick Demented people getting sex changes and transgenders....can't believe that would be part,of any gods,plan
TK, you're not listening brother. God so loved the world he gave us free will, a choice to live as we choose. Of course there are boundaries to any civilized society, and God does not intervene in any daily event, regardless of anyone's opinion. Mankind corrupted pure Christianity, of his own will and ego. Have you ever heard the phrase "Man's inhumanity to man"? That was once an axiom when slaughter was rampant across the Earth, not that long ago. Men will continue to kill men for any reason, regardless of consequences, the only moral compass we had was religion, and people became jaded because they saw their very own religious leaders living "Do as I say and not as I do". Guess what, Jesus soundly, and I mean physically rebuked these wolves in sheep's clothing and brought the Holy Spirit (your Conscience) by fulfilling prophecy. Now you can have a personal relationship with God, not through any preacher or church. It's.So.Easy.

Will there be payback? Oh yeah .... God has mandated how to live constructively in His Universe.
i like you all and if you believe that's great for you, problem is the moderates enable the radicals by tolerating them and we end up with crazy people killing others.

christians are now relaxed more than others where they say they believe but if you talk to god you're crazy or if he talks to you you're crazy.. i tried very hard but my brain keep asking questions that make no sense in bible terms... so god comes down and makes a woman pregnant so he can have a physical body that he then sacrifices to himself.. and then he comes back to life ... im already lost ... why doesn't he speak to us all telepathically or burn a Message of the day into the sky... id think its more like star trek genesis and aliens just planted the seeds of life here and we call them gods, guess any superior race is a god, but they have no interest in our daily lives. im sorry its my belief but im free from oppression and the guilt inflicted on believes, im also moral by shear humanity not guidelines given to me, i think we are all good and capable of bad, we all know right from wrong
with little teaching
but in a native indian. pamunkey tribe
misterB said:
it would be way more productive if we are to have these difficult topic debates to not use name calling or insults. some believe in a higher power others don't, some follow books they think are inspired by divine inspiration others don't.
we know two things, believers don't change their opinion and science will in the presence of new information. So no reason to get mad about the status of current theories, that's the beauty of Science. if and when new information is presented we accept it and change out thoughts. we certainly know if we followed religious books we will surely kill everyone until only one religion remains, just look at the middle eastern muslims
misterBI cannot believe you posted that. If we followed religious books we'd kill everyone"? Where does it say in the New Testament to kill? I'm not mad, I have Faith in God and I think all of your theories are wet, as well as you may think the same of mine. I do know that many scientists, staticians, etc., have said the "Big Bang" is impossible. Didn't you guys read the article?

I know, I know, the atheists scientists are smarter than Max Planck (Father of Quantum Physics), Galileo Galilei (the life and work of Galileo Galilei were marked by an ironic conflict: despite being a devout Christian believer, he was persecuted by the Church for his revolutionary work as a scientist. Arguably one of the most important and influential physicists, astronomers, inventors and scientists to ever live, Galileo took a non-literal approach to Scriptures that the Catholic Church of the 1600s interpreted to mean that the Earth was the center of the universe. Galileo’s revolutionary research into the earth’s rotation was deemed heretical, and after years of debates and trouble with religious authorities, he was forced to recant them by the Inquisition. Galileo spent his remaining years under house arrest. Today however, his writings and ideas provide the foundation for important understandings about the natural world), Kepler (For Johannes Kepler, belief in a brilliant creator—who ultimately wanted his creation to be further discovered—was a motivating factor in his work developing ideas about the laws of planetary motion. Kepler believed the design of the universe, for which is research in the 1600s helped further reveal, painted an even more detailed picture of the God of the Bible he was so fascinated with), Copernicus, Newton, Francis Bacon, Descartes, Pascal, Robert Boyle, Michael Faraday, Kelvin, Albert Einstein (even though he admitted not being a Christian he said it would be impossible for our Universe to exist without Intelligent Design), Arthur Compton, Erwin Schrodinger, Francis Collins (One of the preeminent geneticists in the world, Francis Collins helped complete a groundbreaking research into human DNA and gene sequences as a leader of the Human Genome Project. Collins, who is currently the Director of the National Institutes of Health, is also passionate about another topic: Exploring the intersections of science and his Christian faith through his idea of "BioLogos"), Liebniz, Gregor Mendel, Marconi, James Maxwell, John Eckles, Louis Pasteur, Werner Heisenberg, George Washington Carver, Samuel Coleridge, Sir James Young Simpson, Samuel Morse, Andrew Pinsent (A triple threat if ever there was one, Father Pinsent is a Catholic priest, a Research Fellow at Harris Manchester College and the Research Director of Oxford's Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion. Some of his earlier work (about 31 volumes which he co-authored) contributed to the creation of the Large Electron-Positron Collider at CERN, but he has moved toward more philosophical work of late, with a Ph.D. in philosophy from St. Louis University. That's in addition to his three degrees in philosophy and theology from Pontifical Gregorian University and his D.Phil in high energy physics from Merton College. When he's not doing groundbreaking research on science and physics, he's working on theology. His book, The Second-Person Perspective in Aquinas’s Ethics: Virtues and Gifts, was published in 2012. That's the tip of the iceberg of People of Faith who have unraveled secrets of the Universe under God's auspices.

Shall we start with artists, or inventors next? No, atheism, or any other ism has a corner on science. God does, He created it!!
misterB said:
i like you all and if you believe that's great for you, problem is the moderates enable the radicals by tolerating them and we end up with crazy people killing others.

christians are now relaxed more than others where they say they believe but if you talk to god you're crazy or if he talks to you you're crazy.. i tried very hard but my brain keep asking questions that make no sense in bible terms... so god comes down and makes a woman pregnant so he can have a physical body that he then sacrifices to himself.. and then he comes back to life ... im already lost ... why doesn't he speak to us all telepathically or burn a Message of the day into the sky... id think its more like star trek genesis and aliens just planted the seeds of life here and we call them gods, guess any superior race is a god, but they have no interest in our daily lives. im sorry its my belief but im free from oppression and the guilt inflicted on believes, im also moral by shear humanity not guidelines given to me, i think we are all good and capable of bad, we all know right from wrong
with little teaching
but in a native indian. pamunkey tribe
Brother, I really value your opinion, you know that. Don't get caught up in fighting organized religion. God wouldn't care if you use the Bible for toilet paper. Seriously. He only cares what is in your heart towards others .... and he knows too. 8)
You can go down and list every scientist and physics researcher who beleive in god. But the issue is what do you beleive. I beleive nothing...I assume nothing...I have never SEEN any proof that there is a god! We all get first hand knowledge on this when we die. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong. I lived good decent life. Yet I'm to burn in hell for eternity because I didn't beleive. What a merciful god.

Look at the ten commandments...if I used that in a relationship I would old and lonely in a jail

Love me
Love only me
Or Die!


Don't curse my name!

Great relationship their.

And I know I have opened Pandora's box don't need the bible for morals. Our morals are there. We are a social species. That give us several advantages such as sharing resources...knowledge and for protection. If the group breaks apart then we leave ourselves open to bad things happening. So rules of society are pretty straight forward. Don't kill (it reduces our number and causes unrest within the group). Don't steal (again causing turmoil among the group).You get the picture!

Need more proof. There have been tribes of natives who have never heard of god...jesus...the bible or the 10 commandments. But they have the same morals as any Christian or theist. How can this be? It's encoded in our DNA as a social species. It helps to survive and propogate the species!
Hanzo said:
I cannot believe you posted that. If we followed religious books we'd kill everyone"? Where does it say in the New Testament to kill? I'm not mad, I have Faith in God and I think all of your theories are wet, as well as you may think the same of mine. I do know that many scientists, staticians, etc., have said the "Big Bang" is impossible. Didn't you guys read the article?

I know, I know, the atheists scientists are smarter than Max Planck (Father of Quantum Physics), Galileo Galilei (the life and work of Galileo Galilei were marked by an ironic conflict: despite being a devout Christian believer, he was persecuted by the Church for his revolutionary work as a scientist. Arguably one of the most important and influential physicists, astronomers, inventors and scientists to ever live, Galileo took a non-literal approach to Scriptures that the Catholic Church of the 1600s interpreted to mean that the Earth was the center of the universe. Galileo’s revolutionary research into the earth’s rotation was deemed heretical, and after years of debates and trouble with religious authorities, he was forced to recant them by the Inquisition. Galileo spent his remaining years under house arrest. Today however, his writings and ideas provide the foundation for important understandings about the natural world), Kepler (For Johannes Kepler, belief in a brilliant creator—who ultimately wanted his creation to be further discovered—was a motivating factor in his work developing ideas about the laws of planetary motion. Kepler believed the design of the universe, for which is research in the 1600s helped further reveal, painted an even more detailed picture of the God of the Bible he was so fascinated with), Copernicus, Newton, Francis Bacon, Descartes, Pascal, Robert Boyle, Michael Faraday, Kelvin, Albert Einstein (even though he admitted not being a Christian he said it would be impossible for our Universe to exist without Intelligent Design), Arthur Compton, Erwin Schrodinger, Francis Collins (One of the preeminent geneticists in the world, Francis Collins helped complete a groundbreaking research into human DNA and gene sequences as a leader of the Human Genome Project. Collins, who is currently the Director of the National Institutes of Health, is also passionate about another topic: Exploring the intersections of science and his Christian faith through his idea of "BioLogos"), Liebniz, Gregor Mendel, Marconi, James Maxwell, John Eckles, Louis Pasteur, Werner Heisenberg, George Washington Carver, Samuel Coleridge, Sir James Young Simpson, Samuel Morse, Andrew Pinsent (A triple threat if ever there was one, Father Pinsent is a Catholic priest, a Research Fellow at Harris Manchester College and the Research Director of Oxford's Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion. Some of his earlier work (about 31 volumes which he co-authored) contributed to the creation of the Large Electron-Positron Collider at CERN, but he has moved toward more philosophical work of late, with a Ph.D. in philosophy from St. Louis University. That's in addition to his three degrees in philosophy and theology from Pontifical Gregorian University and his D.Phil in high energy physics from Merton College. When he's not doing groundbreaking research on science and physics, he's working on theology. His book, The Second-Person Perspective in Aquinas’s Ethics: Virtues and Gifts, was published in 2012. That's the tip of the iceberg of People of Faith who have unraveled secrets of the Universe under God's auspices.

Shall we start with artists, or inventors next? No, atheism, or any other ism has a corner on science. God does, He created it!!
it says keep my fathers laws. meaning all the laws of the old testament, and it adds one more love they neighbor as I loved you. but all the people will believe this to mean "them" their group their race their class .. the bible ( old testament) is a rather wicked book od death to all who stray from the rules

and we are all atheist , i just add one more god to my list than some, we can agree the mornans are wrong and jews didnt build boats and live in america and build cities and the jehovah are not the 16 tribes of isreal and mohamed didnt got to heaven on a flaying horse . sadly religion typically only sticks when taught to kids under the age of 7, this is when we will accpet anything as fact for our own safty. dont go near the water a crocodile will eat you, dont steap off the cliff its too high, santa clause brings gifts to all the children in the world one night a year

you might be truly bless to have such faith, i am only aware that i am also forgive as i know as a student of religious teaching that i can not be damned for disbelieve out of ignorance, only through blasphemy of the holy spirit 🙂) so im keeping that up my sleeve for later .

i accepts the possibility that god is reflected in the beuty and order of the universe, but not as a personal got that cares about my daily goings on
Blasphemy is Punishable by Death

One who blasphemes the name of the LORD shall be put to death; the whole congregation shall stone the blasphemer. Aliens as well as citizens, when they blaspheme the Name, shall be put to death. (NRSV) — Leviticus 24:16
Cheaters Must Die

If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death. (NIV) — Leviticus 20:10
Dishonoring Your Mother or Father is Punishable by Death

Anyone who dishonors father or mother must be put to death. Such a person is guilty of a capital offense. (NLT) — Leviticus 20:9
People Who Work on Sunday Should be Killed

You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but the seventh day must be a Sabbath day of complete rest, a holy day dedicated to the LORD. Anyone who works on that day must be put to death. (NLT) — Exodus 35:2
If a Woman is Not a Virgin When She Gets Married, She Has to Die

“If any man takes a wife, and goes in to her, and detests her, and charges her with shameful conduct, and brings a bad name on her, and says, ‘I took this woman, and when I came to her I found she was not a virgin,’ … and evidences of virginity are not found for the young woman, then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones … (NKJV) — Deuteronomy 22:13-14,20-21
There’s Nothing Wrong With Slavery

Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. (NIV) — Leviticus 25:44
Gays Should be Put to Death

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them. (NRSV) — Leviticus 20:13
Women Should Shut the Hell Up and Do as They’re Told

A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. (NIV) — Timothy 2:11-12
Keep in mind, these aren’t suggestions. They’re not optional. Remember what Jesus said, “Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven…” He also said they’re not open to any personal interpretation. It’s all very clear to anyone willing to actually read their Bible.

But don’t listen to an atheist, we’re the last people you should trust. Read your own Bible. All the references are there for you. It is you who must reconcile this evil.

But luckily there’s an easy solution: Ask yourself which is more likely:

God and Jesus really are evil (which the Bible’s own text proves, if you open yours and look)
It’s actually all made up, so there’s nothing to worry about.
The answer is #2. God is not evil, and neither is Jesus. Man made them up in order to control other men. Few things offer better proof of this than the actual teachings in the Bible.

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