Big Bang anyone?

Hanzo...prove your god! You haven't given any! Come on Hanzo...where is the keen intellect...come on!
tunaman7 said:
And still haven't proven there is god! There is YOUR strawman.
You don't understand the term strawman (no surprise there). The definition is misrepresenting someone's argument to make it easier to attack. Kind of like you accuse me of following OT Bible studies to a tee, such as suppressing or even killing someone because a book told me to. Derp again.
tunaman7 said:
Hanzo...prove your god! You haven't given any! Come on Hanzo...where is the keen intellect...come on!
Prove there's not. You are weak. You are a mealy mouth beta male who doesn't stand for anything, everything is simply morally equivalent, right? If there was no God there would be no civilization, as it would be Law of the Jungle. Wrap your head around that, perfesser.
tunaman7 said:
Hanzo...prove your god! You haven't given any! Come on Hanzo...where is the keen intellect...come on!
Could you please use proper grammar so your inanities can at least be guessed at?
tunaman7 said:
No...he is not gods son. He is the physical version of god on earth
That would be called God incarnate, meaning in Spirit, not physically. Learn something new everyday, eh?
tunaman7 said:
Jeez...wasn't Hitler Catholic?
He was born to a Jewish mother and catholic father. Damn, you ARE so uninformed. He also was born in Austria, not Germany. He switched to Odinism because it's creed is the Arayan Race is the World's superior race. You didn't know Hitler was a racist? Hmmm. Books are your friends.
You know win! I will take the high ground and admit your right. You have gave me the evidence of a god. No civilization. Law of the Jungle. That's it...that's why I murdered my neighbor because he had a new law b mower thst I admired. I know murder is wrong and stealing is wrong. Boy is my face red!

I will now drop to my knees and pray to your wait...I mean our god. The one that taught patients, tolerance, and forgiveness.

I'm gonna go now and tell my gay brother-in-law that God has condemned him to hell even though he never harmed another person. Fuck it! I will just kill him. God is gonna burn em anyways! Oh new found morals and that shall not kill thing. GOD DAMN IT! Oops...there goes another one!

Wait...I got it! I will go out now. Do what the fuck I want to do. Murder, steal, rape. And all I will have to do is to look up and say "GOD FORGIVE ME!" I got it!
Seriously...I'm gonna end this. I don't beleive in god. I don't beleive in the bible...and Im not going to change my mind. The only way I would beleive is to see the evidence.

Hanzo...I respect your beliefs and would hope you respect my non-belief in a god.
tunaman7 said:
Hello...This guy is in your Christian corner!
Hitler was actually 1 of your's, along with these guys:

[stalin.png expired]
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tunaman7 said:
You know win! I will take the high ground and admit your right. You have gave me the evidence of a god. No civilization. Law of the Jungle. That's it...that's why I murdered my neighbor because he had a new law b mower thst I admired. I know murder is wrong and stealing is wrong. Boy is my face red!

I will now drop to my knees and pray to your wait...I mean our god. The one that taught patients, tolerance, and forgiveness.

I'm gonna go now and tell my gay brother-in-law that God has condemned him to hell even though he never harmed another person. Fuck it! I will just kill him. God is gonna burn em anyways! Oh new found morals and that shall not kill thing. GOD DAMN IT! Oops...there goes another one!

Wait...I got it! I will go out now. Do what the fuck I want to do. Murder, steal, rape. And all I will have to do is to look up and say "GOD FORGIVE ME!" I got it!
As usual you make less than zero sense. Do what you want.
tunaman7 said:
Seriously...I'm gonna end this. I don't beleive in god. I don't beleive in the bible...and Im not going to change my mind. The only way I would beleive is to see the evidence.

Hanzo...I respect your beliefs and would hope you respect my non-belief in a god.
Nice try to save face and try to appear to the other members that you're better than me. You started the blasphemy with pics, taunts, etc.

I don't respect anything about you, and I don't care if the feeling is mutual.
tkasch30 said:
Even tho hanzo doesn't want my opinion lol here it is anyway. Skunkx I think the ecosystem is thrown off all the time and life still goes on. Animals become extinct, fags marry fags, freaks of nature transgender, sex changes... If there was a god this people would be struck down for being what they are. I would love to believe there is a god looking out for us but it's just hard imagine.
I agree with ya man. This world is going to hell in a hand basket. In the last 10 years I have seen so much change, man since Obama has been in office. Races hate each other now, people hate the cops. We are in real bad shape, and i do believe this world will one day end.

the world was already taken out once. It was a flood as you know. If people are on the fence about that, Noah's ark has been discovered in the Turkish mountains a few years back. It is the exact biblical length and structure. Look it up man it's pretty trippy.
Hanzo said:
Why so immature? It's not a victory for me, it's simple truth. Embrace it Tunaman.
Embrace it! I did embrace it and then as the old gospel hymn goes "I saw the light". I don't hate god (I can't hat that which doesn't exist) I don't need god (hasn't been in my life for 35 years) I still live the same moral life I did when I believed in god (except for the illegal substance we all purchase and use). If a person who does beleives in god wants to, then beleive on. My life will go on as will yours. At the end...if I'm wrong then I will pay the price...if I'm right then I won't know! But just like the Christian who feels that God is real (and it is only a feeling that convinces us of this since there is no physical evidence) I cant base it gods existence on a feeling...I personally need more.

As an aetheist I am in the minority here. I have only one argument to stand on...and I can't prove a negative. I did provoke Hanzo and I shouldn't have. We all have the right to beleive or not to. But when you boil it down to soup there is only one simple truth...none of us will know the answer until the road ends.
We all have a right to our own beliefs........ Remember this here in this constructive argument.......
morrey said:
i guess no one has ever done fucked up shit in the name of God
Well, you have the Inquisition, which lasted a century and has an estimated 3,000-5,000 deaths. Think about it for once morrey.
tunaman7 said:
Embrace it! I did embrace it and then as the old gospel hymn goes "I saw the light". I don't hate god (I can't hat that which doesn't exist) I don't need god (hasn't been in my life for 35 years) I still live the same moral life I did when I believed in god (except for the illegal substance we all purchase and use). If a person who does beleives in god wants to, then beleive on. My life will go on as will yours. At the end...if I'm wrong then I will pay the price...if I'm right then I won't know! But just like the Christian who feels that God is real (and it is only a feeling that convinces us of this since there is no physical evidence) I cant base it gods existence on a feeling...I personally need more.

As an aetheist I am in the minority here. I have only one argument to stand on...and I can't prove a negative. I did provoke Hanzo and I shouldn't have. We all have the right to beleive or not to. But when you boil it down to soup there is only one simple truth...none of us will know the answer until the road ends.
You really need to let your hatred of God just go tuna, it'll eat you up inside. No one wants that, even us Christians. You know, the ones who led the fight against slavery, feudalism, etc.

Btw, you're not an aetheist, you are an atheist. JK!! You know I couldn't resist.

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