Big Bang anyone?

misterB said:
Blasphemy is Punishable by Death

One who blasphemes the name of the LORD shall be put to death; the whole congregation shall stone the blasphemer. Aliens as well as citizens, when they blaspheme the Name, shall be put to death. (NRSV) — Leviticus 24:16
Cheaters Must Die

If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death. (NIV) — Leviticus 20:10
Dishonoring Your Mother or Father is Punishable by Death

Anyone who dishonors father or mother must be put to death. Such a person is guilty of a capital offense. (NLT) — Leviticus 20:9
People Who Work on Sunday Should be Killed

You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but the seventh day must be a Sabbath day of complete rest, a holy day dedicated to the LORD. Anyone who works on that day must be put to death. (NLT) — Exodus 35:2
If a Woman is Not a Virgin When She Gets Married, She Has to Die

“If any man takes a wife, and goes in to her, and detests her, and charges her with shameful conduct, and brings a bad name on her, and says, ‘I took this woman, and when I came to her I found she was not a virgin,’ … and evidences of virginity are not found for the young woman, then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones … (NKJV) — Deuteronomy 22:13-14,20-21
There’s Nothing Wrong With Slavery

Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. (NIV) — Leviticus 25:44
Gays Should be Put to Death

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them. (NRSV) — Leviticus 20:13
Women Should Shut the Hell Up and Do as They’re Told

A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. (NIV) — Timothy 2:11-12
Keep in mind, these aren’t suggestions. They’re not optional. Remember what Jesus said, “Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven…” He also said they’re not open to any personal interpretation. It’s all very clear to anyone willing to actually read their Bible.

But don’t listen to an atheist, we’re the last people you should trust. Read your own Bible. All the references are there for you. It is you who must reconcile this evil.

But luckily there’s an easy solution: Ask yourself which is more likely:

God and Jesus really are evil (which the Bible’s own text proves, if you open yours and look)
It’s actually all made up, so there’s nothing to worry about.
The answer is #2. God is not evil, and neither is Jesus. Man made them up in order to control other men. Few things offer better proof of this than the actual teachings in the Bible.
Here is the response you can expect

"But the New Testament is our current covenant"

But here is the can't simply discount the old testament...their both are intertwined. And...if any portion of the bible (old or new) are deemed wrong then the bible as whole disproves god. God is infallible and the bible is "the word of god"...if it's not infallible then neither is god so then God isn't omnipotent. NO GOD!
The God I believe in is pure love. He does not punish or hate. He gave us choices and because he did so, he wouldn't put stipulations on the choices we make. Lots of stuff happens that I don't understand. I don't think gay marriage is wrong, I don't believe in the bible word for word. I have no idea why men turn themselves into women lol, but I have no issues with it. It's true we don't need the 10 commandments at all. I think those principles were held up a long time before mosses supposedly brought them down from a mountain. The bottom line is no one will have the answers. I think that people fight so hard for and against this subject only reinforced its significance. One thing I can't stand is people who push religion or their lack of it on others. For Christ sake (pun intended) let people find their own path. I am comfortable in my beliefs and have no need to persuade anyone to follow.
tunaman7 said:
You can go down and list every scientist and physics researcher who beleive in god. But the issue is what do you beleive. I beleive nothing...I assume nothing...I have never SEEN any proof that there is a god! We all get first hand knowledge on this when we die. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong. I lived good decent life. Yet I'm to burn in hell for eternity because I didn't beleive. What a merciful god.

Look at the ten commandments...if I used that in a relationship I would old and lonely in a jail

Love me
Love only me
Or Die!


Don't curse my name!

Great relationship their.

And I know I have opened Pandora's box don't need the bible for morals. Our morals are there. We are a social species. That give us several advantages such as sharing resources...knowledge and for protection. If the group breaks apart then we leave ourselves open to bad things happening. So rules of society are pretty straight forward. Don't kill (it reduces our number and causes unrest within the group). Don't steal (again causing turmoil among the group).You get the picture!

Need more proof. There have been tribes of natives who have never heard of god...jesus...the bible or the 10 commandments. But they have the same morals as any Christian or theist. How can this be? It's encoded in our DNA as a social species. It helps to survive and propogate the species!
How do you know they haven't heard of God? You don't! You have no true understanding, you only want to malign because you're a non-Christian, so you think with your intellect you can take apart Christianity of your own volition with your very own itty bitty intellect.

It takes a much smaller mind to preach the Universe is the result of a cosmic fart than the Faith to see the Creator's image everyday. Atheists are too small minded to believe there IS a higher power than their own ego. Just as I predicted, when confronted with very notable researchers, scientists, etc. who see the Creation as it is you dismiss that as if it means nothing. You have the faith in religion alright, it's atheism.
You 2 (tunatheist ;D (JK bro) and B), in particular, are really lost. You know nothing of which you speak of or you'd quit quoting the OT. The NT is ALL that matters. New Testament (New covenant, get it?) Is when Jesus came to Earth with an entire paradigm of how we should behave. Mankind (yeah, through atheism) had gotten so rotten to the core God sent Jesus to bring us the Holy Spirit (Conscience). Most of the entire OT was written by scribes and Pharisees and translated SEVERAL times. Think about that. God only wants us to love each other as we should. You 2 want to make it a pissing contest over "but, but .... the Bible says this", so what?

You are no theologian tunaman, don't pretend to be. The OT and NT are NOT intertwined. Straw man argument much? You're lame attempt to cherry pick scripture is pure bs.


Btw, how's the collective guilt of over 80,000,000 deaths attributed to atheists in the 20th century alone treat you. Happy?
LittleTom said:
The God I believe in is pure love. He does not punish or hate. He gave us choices and because he did so, he wouldn't put stipulations on the choices we make. Lots of stuff happens that I don't understand. I don't think gay marriage is wrong, I don't believe in the bible word for word. I have no idea why men turn themselves into women lol, but I have no issues with it. It's true we don't need the 10 commandments at all. I think those principles were held up a long time before mosses supposedly brought them down from a mountain. The bottom line is no one will have the answers. I think that people fight so hard for and against this subject only reinforced its significance. One thing I can't stand is people who push religion or their lack of it on others. For Christ sake (pun intended) let people find their own path. I am comfortable in my beliefs and have no need to persuade anyone to follow.
I agree in that how can you believe the Bible, which has been translated umpteen x, is totally correct and candid? You can't. That's why we have a CONSCIENCE. You might feel no need to persuade others but perhaps that's just not your calling.
Yeah, sounds real good, from the New Yorker, I'll put it on my "Most Want to Read List".

Coming from the "news" desk and all.
I believe in One God the father almighty however I truly believe their are too many opinions(churches) on how to get to him. I've studied religion throughout school from grade school even in college and I've come to firmly believe most churches are just money organizations eve n dictating how much you should give and when. I do believe the New Testament has extreme value also but some of it is also contradicting itself. I'm very religious in my own ways. I just don't like churches determining how I should do things
That's true. A book that has been translated many, many x will have contradictions.

It's all about what's in your Soul.
Your right ... I am no theologian and I don't pretend to be. But you say they are NOT intertwined. Did god not send Jesus to absolve us all of the original sin from Old Testament.

Aetheist kill! Yes they have. But have Christians?


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Hello...This guy is in your Christian corner!


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Oh ... here is a summary


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tunaman7 said:
Your right ... I am no theologian and I don't pretend to be. But you say they are NOT intertwined. Did god not send Jesus to absolve us all of the original sin from Old Testament.

Aetheist kill! Yes they have. But have Christians?
There were never 12,000,000 American Indians in the USA. Atheists are also liars, they have no sense of morality or ethics. In 1800 the estimated population was 600,000. Wow.

There's a sucker born every minute.

12,000,000 would be less than 5% of our population now. Derp.
You are a slanderous dumfuk. Jesus never said or alluded to any of the bs you posted. He always gave credit to God. He is God's Son, get it?
And still haven't proven there is god! There is YOUR strawman.
No...he is not gods son. He is the physical version of god on earth
tunaman7 said:
Hello...This guy is in your Christian corner!
HELLO!! That was 1933 jackazz, he said it to get elected. Hitler was an Odinist (PLEASE research so you don't seem quite so incompetent and partisan), that was why he believed the Aryan Race was superior. Why in the hell don't you actually research or even read a book instead of furiously trying to find atheist pap?

"I am Christian and I believe marriage is between a man and a woman", Barack Obama, 2008.

Please, for your intellectual integrity (it's in tatters now) stop now. You are waaaaayyyy overmatched.

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