Boston Bombers

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It's a fact that the overwhelming majority of gun owners are peaceful law abiding citizens. Yet because of the isolated actions of a few, that have caused mass death and terror, we have deemed it plausible to restrict the constitutional rights of all gun owners in the interest of public safety.

In the wake of yet another terrorist attack, at the hands of Muslim "extremists", should we not finally consider the potentially dangerous affects that Islam poses to our public safety and take cautious measures that may or may not violate the rights of the 2.5 million practitioners of Islam in this country?
Bro, I couldn't agree more. The religious freedoms offered by this country are turning around to bite us in the ass. There are so many that say Islam is a religion of peace, and it may be as long as they don't have "infidels" to deal with. Realize that infidels to Muslims are anyone who does not believe as they do and all it takes is a devout Muslim to start listening to an extreme cleric to declare jihad on infidels. This isn't just a war against Christians either, its a war against anyone and everyone who does not believe in Islam.

This country will never do anything about islamics here so this stuff will continue to happen over and over and over. That Chechnya kid was put on watch 2 or 3 years ago and this still happened. Now that that's been reported, how much more confidence do you think the underground ones have to carry out plans.
No freedom should be trampled on under the cloak of 'safety'
You thinking religious freedoms should be stifled which are more important than the 2nd in how this country was founded opens up the flood gates to the 2nd being eroded,
I wasn't saying it should be abolished, But it seems the majority of the terror attacks are from one group. I truly don't believe that the founding fathers had Hatred religions in mind when this Amendment was established. Not having studied or read much on the subject, I will plead ignorance for the most part, but from what I see in the constitution, the founding fathers were Christian in nature and were trying to keep a Government system from forcing someone to Practice religion in a certain way. Not necessarily allowing anyone's religion to be accepted. If there was a religion that firmly stated all white males will be executed on their 50th birthday, I don't think that falls under religious freedom.
RockShawn said:
I wasn't saying it should be abolished, But it seems the majority of the terror attacks are from one group. I truly don't believe that the founding fathers had Hatred religions in mind when this Amendment was established. Not having studied or read much on the subject, I will plead ignorance for the most part, but from what I see in the constitution, the founding fathers were Christian in nature and were trying to keep a Government system from forcing someone to Practice religion in a certain way. Not necessarily allowing anyone's religion to be accepted. If there was a religion that firmly stated all white males will be executed on their 50th birthday, I don't think that falls under religious freedom.
RockShawna lot of founding fathers were not christian.
A few nut balls does not make a religion 'hate' christianity has killed far more in its time...
GRIM said:
RockShawn said:
I wasn't saying it should be abolished, But it seems the majority of the terror attacks are from one group. I truly don't believe that the founding fathers had Hatred religions in mind when this Amendment was established. Not having studied or read much on the subject, I will plead ignorance for the most part, but from what I see in the constitution, the founding fathers were Christian in nature and were trying to keep a Government system from forcing someone to Practice religion in a certain way. Not necessarily allowing anyone's religion to be accepted. If there was a religion that firmly stated all white males will be executed on their 50th birthday, I don't think that falls under religious freedom.
RockShawna lot of founding fathers were not christian.
A few nut balls does not make a religion 'hate' christianity has killed far more in its time...
I know that Grim, that's why I plead ignorance on the founding fathers beliefs. I believe there were some who were atheist or deists, but IDK.
Oh believe me, One read through the Old Testament will give perspective on that. I think all religions have the ability to be "extreme" but it sure seems Islam is on that side more often than not. I'll never agree with that stupid church in Kansas that protests military funerals and all that stuff. David Koresh was a whacko and there's plenty more.

What I don't get, is why a religion that promotes violence (read killing) against Americans is "tolerated" in this country, but it's hidden under religious freedoms.
"A few nutballs"? Are you serious? Come on, if only 1% of muslims are "radicalized", then we're looking at 10,000,000 terrorists bro. Have you ever read the Quran? Have you ever actually researched the history of Islam? You're in for a shock.

When the Army Chief of Staff said of the killings by Nidal Hassan that the worst fallout of that incident was "it might affect our diversity program", we are screwed.

That being said, we cannot allow the government to take freedom away from 1 group of American citizens under the pretense of "public safety". This is why the remaining perp in custody must be given his Miranda Rights, because our gov't. made him a citizen last year. If we allow the gov't. to take away the Rights of 1 citizen they can take them away from any of us. What a freaking mess. We ned the cultural 'diversity' and pc doublespeak to stop now, as this is where our problems in this area stem from.

Of course, we need to get out of their respective countries also, that dosen't help.
Btw, our Founding Fathers were indeed Christian, almost to a man. Why do you think our Rights under the Constitution are inalienable? Because they are 'God-given', and can be taken away by no man.
because not all muslims think that way, those who preach killing US citizens I don't believe are really offered religious protection. Seen plenty of them rounded up.
Hanzo said:
Btw, our Founding Fathers were indeed Christian, almost to a man. Why do you think our Rights under the Constitution are inalienable? Because they are 'God-given', and can be taken away by no man.
HanzoThey were not, nowhere does it state a Christian god. That is a far fetching leap...
Hanzo said:
"A few nutballs"? Are you serious? Come on, if only 1% of muslims are "radicalized", then we're looking at 10,000,000 terrorists bro. Have you ever read the Quran? Have you ever actually researched the history of Islam? You're in for a shock.

When the Army Chief of Staff said of the killings by Nidal Hassan that the worst fallout of that incident was "it might affect our diversity program", we are screwed.

That being said, we cannot allow the government to take freedom away from 1 group of American citizens under the pretense of "public safety". This is why the remaining perp in custody must be given his Miranda Rights, because our gov't. made him a citizen last year. If we allow the gov't. to take away the Rights of 1 citizen they can take them away from any of us. What a freaking mess. We ned the cultural 'diversity' and pc doublespeak to stop now, as this is where our problems in this area stem from.

Of course, we need to get out of their respective countries also, that dosen't help.
HanzoThe quaran is written off much of where the bible was, religions that PREDATE either religion...
Please read the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. You're engaging in doublespeak here. Did you see a program on Discovery that claimed all the religious parlance in our history is actually couched in conspiracy terms, and dosen't actually mean what it says?
GRIM said:
Hanzo said:
"A few nutballs"? Are you serious? Come on, if only 1% of muslims are "radicalized", then we're looking at 10,000,000 terrorists bro. Have you ever read the Quran? Have you ever actually researched the history of Islam? You're in for a shock.

When the Army Chief of Staff said of the killings by Nidal Hassan that the worst fallout of that incident was "it might affect our diversity program", we are screwed.

That being said, we cannot allow the government to take freedom away from 1 group of American citizens under the pretense of "public safety". This is why the remaining perp in custody must be given his Miranda Rights, because our gov't. made him a citizen last year. If we allow the gov't. to take away the Rights of 1 citizen they can take them away from any of us. What a freaking mess. We ned the cultural 'diversity' and pc doublespeak to stop now, as this is where our problems in this area stem from.

Of course, we need to get out of their respective countries also, that dosen't help.
HanzoThe quaran is written off much of where the bible was, religions that PREDATE either religion...

Yeah, part of the Quran was taken from the Bible, that's because mohammed totally made up the religion, taking from other's, as you said. So, what's your point?
Hanzo said:
Please read the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. You're engaging in doublespeak here. Did you see a program on Discovery that claimed all the religious parlance in our history is actually couched in conspiracy terms, and dosen't actually mean what it says?
HanzoI have read it numerous times, you are making a religious leap...
Hanzo said:
GRIM said:
Hanzo said:
"A few nutballs"? Are you serious? Come on, if only 1% of muslims are "radicalized", then we're looking at 10,000,000 terrorists bro. Have you ever read the Quran? Have you ever actually researched the history of Islam? You're in for a shock.

When the Army Chief of Staff said of the killings by Nidal Hassan that the worst fallout of that incident was "it might affect our diversity program", we are screwed.

That being said, we cannot allow the government to take freedom away from 1 group of American citizens under the pretense of "public safety". This is why the remaining perp in custody must be given his Miranda Rights, because our gov't. made him a citizen last year. If we allow the gov't. to take away the Rights of 1 citizen they can take them away from any of us. What a freaking mess. We ned the cultural 'diversity' and pc doublespeak to stop now, as this is where our problems in this area stem from.

Of course, we need to get out of their respective countries also, that dosen't help.
HanzoThe quaran is written off much of where the bible was, religions that PREDATE either religion...

Yeah, part of the Quran was taken from the Bible, that's because mohammed totally made up the religion, taking from other's, as you said. So, what's your point?
The bible itself is regurgitation from much older religions, that is pure fact..
Hanzo said:
..... then you have a problem with reading comprehension. ;D
Hanzono you have proven time and again to be blind to anything that doesn't fit right wing...
GRIM said:
Hanzo said:
GRIM said:
Hanzo said:
"A few nutballs"? Are you serious? Come on, if only 1% of muslims are "radicalized", then we're looking at 10,000,000 terrorists bro. Have you ever read the Quran? Have you ever actually researched the history of Islam? You're in for a shock.

When the Army Chief of Staff said of the killings by Nidal Hassan that the worst fallout of that incident was "it might affect our diversity program", we are screwed.

That being said, we cannot allow the government to take freedom away from 1 group of American citizens under the pretense of "public safety". This is why the remaining perp in custody must be given his Miranda Rights, because our gov't. made him a citizen last year. If we allow the gov't. to take away the Rights of 1 citizen they can take them away from any of us. What a freaking mess. We ned the cultural 'diversity' and pc doublespeak to stop now, as this is where our problems in this area stem from.

Of course, we need to get out of their respective countries also, that dosen't help.
HanzoThe quaran is written off much of where the bible was, religions that PREDATE either religion...

Yeah, part of the Quran was taken from the Bible, that's because mohammed totally made up the religion, taking from other's, as you said. So, what's your point?
The bible itself is regurgitation from much older religions, that is pure fact..

That's simply not true. Prove it. Just because there might be similarities dosen't mean it is "regurgitation", as you say. So, do you think the ancient Babylonians made up Christianity, or maybe the Essene's, the Gnostics, or some other 'mystery religion'?
GRIM said:
Hanzo said:
..... then you have a problem with reading comprehension. ;D
Hanzono you have proven time and again to be blind to anything that doesn't fit right wing...

No Grim, I've actually researched these very subjects, at the collegiate level. I had to gather research and prove it.
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