Boston Bombers

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Hanzo said:
GRIM said:
Hanzo said:
GRIM said:
Hanzo said:
"A few nutballs"? Are you serious? Come on, if only 1% of muslims are "radicalized", then we're looking at 10,000,000 terrorists bro. Have you ever read the Quran? Have you ever actually researched the history of Islam? You're in for a shock.

When the Army Chief of Staff said of the killings by Nidal Hassan that the worst fallout of that incident was "it might affect our diversity program", we are screwed.

That being said, we cannot allow the government to take freedom away from 1 group of American citizens under the pretense of "public safety". This is why the remaining perp in custody must be given his Miranda Rights, because our gov't. made him a citizen last year. If we allow the gov't. to take away the Rights of 1 citizen they can take them away from any of us. What a freaking mess. We ned the cultural 'diversity' and pc doublespeak to stop now, as this is where our problems in this area stem from.

Of course, we need to get out of their respective countries also, that dosen't help.
HanzoThe quaran is written off much of where the bible was, religions that PREDATE either religion...

Yeah, part of the Quran was taken from the Bible, that's because mohammed totally made up the religion, taking from other's, as you said. So, what's your point?
The bible itself is regurgitation from much older religions, that is pure fact..

That's simply not true. Prove it. Just because there might be similarities dosen't mean it is "regurgitation", as you say. So, do you think the ancient Babalonians made up Christianity, or maybe the Essene's, the Gnostics, or some other 'mystery religion'?
it is true, the stories have been used over and over well before christianity.
Even the bible is made up of individual 'stories' they put together into 1 book.
Hanzo said:
GRIM said:
Hanzo said:
..... then you have a problem with reading comprehension. ;D
Hanzono you have proven time and again to be blind to anything that doesn't fit right wing...

No Grim, I've actually researched these very subjects, at the collegiate level. I had to gather research and prove it.
yet many far more advanced than you disagree with you...
I guess that means you, right? Hahaha .... and many more far more advanced than you disagree with you bro.
Guns don't kill people, bad people use guns to kill people. Yet we see the need to restrict guns.

Islam doesn't kill people, bad people use Islam to justify killing people. Yet we don't restrict Islam?
The constitution is one of my passion's, I read on it all the time, watch programs on it all the time.
Religious nuts are about the only ones who claim man for man the founding fathers were christian, as well as claim the constitution was based off christian god..

Why do you think even the supreme court doesn't appear to agree with you?

After all if it was the christian god, surely prayers could be in school...
dowork said:
Guns don't kill people, bad people use guns to kill people. Yet we see the need to restrict guns.

Islam doesn't kill people, bad people use Islam to justify killing people. Yet we don't restrict Islam?
doworkI get what you're saying and def think guns should NOT be restricted.
GRIM said:
The constitution is one of my passion's, I read on it all the time, watch programs on it all the time.
Religious nuts are about the only ones who claim man for man the founding fathers were christian, as well as claim the constitution was based off christian god..

Why do you think even the supreme court doesn't appear to agree with you?

After all if it was the christian god, surely prayers could be in school...
Really ... the SCOTUS has always made the proper decision? You don't think the Justices are frequently driven by political idealogy? They also approved the Income Tax (passed illegally), the creation of the FED (directly un-constitutional), etc., etc.

As far as the Muslim question, you can't judge Christianity's past to Islam's present. No doubt, all religions have zealots who will kill in 'the name of God'. But .... where do you see Christian's committing atrocities today? Our problem of today is Radical Islamists, who literally translate the Quran's invocation of 'kill infidels'(nonbeliever's).
GRIM said:
The constitution is one of my passion's, I read on it all the time, watch programs on it all the time.
Religious nuts are about the only ones who claim man for man the founding fathers were christian, as well as claim the constitution was based off christian god..

Why do you think even the supreme court doesn't appear to agree with you?

After all if it was the christian god, surely prayers could be in school...
Actually, GW, TJ, BF, JM ('Father of the Constitution') and others all have actual writings where they assert our Constitution has roots in the 10 Commandments.
Hanzo said:
GRIM said:
The constitution is one of my passion's, I read on it all the time, watch programs on it all the time.
Religious nuts are about the only ones who claim man for man the founding fathers were christian, as well as claim the constitution was based off christian god..

Why do you think even the supreme court doesn't appear to agree with you?

After all if it was the christian god, surely prayers could be in school...
Really ... the SCOTUS has always made the proper decision? You don't think the Justices are frequently driven by political idealogy? They also approved the Income Tax (passed illegally), the creation of the FED (directly un-constitutional), etc., etc.

As far as the Muslim question, you can't judge Christianity's past to Islam's present. No doubt, all religions have zealots who will kill in 'the name of God'. But .... where do you see Christian's committing atrocities today? Our problem of today is Radical Islamists, who literally translate the Quran's invocation of 'kill infidels'(nonbeliever's).
Still most who claim that are religious nuts...

There are Christian religious nuts in this very day...

oh like the bible..

The Supreme Court often does not rule on the constitution and instead rules on it's own sympathies, this however is not the case this time.
GRIM said:
Hanzo said:
GRIM said:
The constitution is one of my passion's, I read on it all the time, watch programs on it all the time.
Religious nuts are about the only ones who claim man for man the founding fathers were christian, as well as claim the constitution was based off christian god..

Why do you think even the supreme court doesn't appear to agree with you?

After all if it was the christian god, surely prayers could be in school...
Really ... the SCOTUS has always made the proper decision? You don't think the Justices are frequently driven by political idealogy? They also approved the Income Tax (passed illegally), the creation of the FED (directly un-constitutional), etc., etc.

As far as the Muslim question, you can't judge Christianity's past to Islam's present. No doubt, all religions have zealots who will kill in 'the name of God'. But .... where do you see Christian's committing atrocities today? Our problem of today is Radical Islamists, who literally translate the Quran's invocation of 'kill infidels'(nonbeliever's).
Still most who claim that are religious nuts...

There are Christian religious nuts in this very day...

oh like the bible..

The Supreme Court often does not rule on the constitution and instead rules on it's own sympathies, this however is not the case this time.

I'm not here to defend Chrisrianity, but, the New Testament is the only salient part of the Bible. Originally called "The New Covenant", it literally means the 'New Pact' with God, meaning that all before the NT was now irrelevant. Jesus was a game changer here, if you will. What he brought to Mankind was a personal relationship with God, in the OT only the Scribes, Rabbi's and Pharisees were allowed to have access to their holy books and, hence, were the only one's allowed to translate what they contained. Interestingly enough, the Catholics also forbade translation of the entire Bible, and hunted down and killed the 1st man to translate the Bible from Latin to English. The reason for the Latin Bible was, obviously, so that the Priests (who were actually halfway educated) could 'translate' the Bible for the rest(since Latin had been a 'dead language' for over 1,000 years), and keep hold of their power over the populace.

Where do you see modern, contemporary Christians following the OT by rote example? Nowhere, that's where. Where do you see Islamists following the Quran ( even the murdering infidels part)? Wherever they are, that's where, When Marco Polo travelled to Mongolia to visit Kublai Khan, the Khan wanted his troops converted to Catholicism, lest they turn to Islam, as he and MP agreed, Islam is a scourge to the Earth. They both agreed that Islam should be wiped from the face of the Earth, as it's the only religion that forbids it's followers to assimilate with any other society. That's another tenet of Islam, move to other countries and change the country, not to adapt. For the life of me I can't understand why women, especially, convert to Islam, as they instantly become 2nd class citizen's.
^^ Hanzo is my hero. Very well put bro. Ill defend Christianity but to unbelievers it makes no sense so its a waste of time at some point. I find most of the time, non Christians can't wrap themselves around how simple Christianity is and try to make it more complicated, this we get spin off "religions" that day they are based on Christianity. The new covenant is all that matters. The rest is history an some o it is gruesome, yes. Islam is a dangerous religion, there is so much that is radical and extreme about it.
Jesus was a game changer here, if you will. What he brought to Mankind was a personal relationship with God...

Wait a minute here. Are you talking about the actual Mankind? The dude from WWE?
RockShawn said:
^^ Hanzo is my hero. Very well put bro. Ill defend Christianity but to unbelievers it makes no sense so its a waste of time at some point. I find most of the time, non Christians can't wrap themselves around how simple Christianity is and try to make it more complicated, this we get spin off "religions" that day they are based on Christianity. The new covenant is all that matters. The rest is history an some o it is gruesome, yes. Islam is a dangerous religion, there is so much that is radical and extreme about it.
RockShawnThanks man. I felt I had to preface my post with the phrase "I'm not here to defend Christianity" (even tho I did) because I didn't want to offend the frail sensibilities of some people. Notice how truth stands on it's own if you simply report it as the truth?

Yeah, I know what you mean by defending Christianity to nonbelievers or atheists, it becomes a waste of time and is very exasperating. "Cast not your pearls before swine". hahaha ... now I'm quoting Bible verses. ;D

Simply put, Islam is still living in the 4th century, and has been very radical and extreme since it's inception.
dowork said:
Jesus was a game changer here, if you will. What he brought to Mankind was a personal relationship with God...
Wait a minute here. Are you talking about the actual Mankind? The dude from WWE?

Haha .... I felt compelled to capitalize 'mankind' in order to place emphasis on it, I wasn't refering to the wrestler. If that's all you find amiss in my post I'll take that as a compliment. 8)
No I gotcha, just thought that looked funny capitalized.

The point I was making in the OP is that we have plenty of examples in our society of privileges and rights that have become restricted once the minority ruins it for the majority. It seems time that this same principle be applied to Islam in America.

You want to own a gun? Fine, but we're going to do a background check on your ass and add your name to a govt list.

You want to join a Mosque? Fine, but we're going to do a background check on your ass and add your name to a govt check list.

I'm agnostic and I really don't care one way or the other whether or not our country was founded on Christian beliefs or flying unicorn beliefs. As long as members of your religion don't start blowing people up, you have every right to fly your unicorn to the front pew every Sunday morning.
dowork said:
As long as members of your religion don't start blowing people up, you have every right to fly your unicorn to the front pew every Sunday morning.
doworkGood point bro.

Tolerance for other religions ...... another Christian principle our country was founded on.
Damn!!! I really wish I wasn't sitting in a CVS parking lot reading this on my cell phone! 😡
I would be able to interject!
TSizemore said:
Damn!!! I really wish I wasn't sitting in a CVS parking lot reading this on my cell phone! 😡
I would be able to interject!
How long does it take you to get a GD card. Did you get mine too?
RockShawn said:
TSizemore said:
Damn!!! I really wish I wasn't sitting in a CVS parking lot reading this on my cell phone! 😡
I would be able to interject!
How long does it take you to get a GD card. Did you get mine too?

Lol!! Maybe he can get us all a couple.
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