Corona Crap!


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These corona virus precautions are getting way out of control. Its absolutely ridiculous. People are freaking out because it NEW!...and they don't know anything about it so they panic. ITS NO WORSE THAN THE FLU PEOPLE!!! The CDC should be more concerned about the flu than this corona virus crap. More people have died this year from that then this stupid virus. Everyone says that there is no cure for this virus....PEOPLE>>>>THERE IS NO CURE FOR THE FLU EITHER! I'm just so tired of people over reacting about this virus. They are closing schools, people have to now rearrange their schedules, people are being denied access back into the country.....THIS IS INSANE! Over what....a new virus that will just run its course just like 100s due every year.
I agree they are freaking out.
It however is worse than the flu.
Flu had an entire season corona is new.
Corona death rate is also higher yes itll more than likely go down but 3.4% current corona versus .1 % for flu. .05% actually for flu in US this year.
The unknown and no vaccine is why experts are being very cautious.
It vary well may come and go like nothing.
It however might not we simply dont know.
Infections well flu is all estimates on infections and deaths
Corona is hard facts
US barely even testing many have or had it never tested as did some who died that almost guaranteed.
Both sides are nuts.
Either way its another killer the flus we do all we can. Should we honestly do nothing with a new killer? I totally agree freaking out is beyond stupidity
Live your life, stay informed
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School just cancelled there yearly trip, they were going to Washington DC. My boys were so looking forward to it. Getting on a plane hanging in a hotel site seeing ect...(with no
I understand there looking out for the kid's but I guess I don't buy into the hype. Hate to see my kids and their classmates disappointed!!
I agree that we do not know what the outcome may be. What we do know that this virus effects the same people the flu does....the elderly, the young, and anyone who has low or a compromised immune system. There most likely have been hundreds of people who have exposed to a carrier but because of their strong immune system to fight it off no signs were noticed.
Totally agree especially since the younger you are the less likely catching it will even be severe.
Trust me i see many things that make me shake my head why . containment only thing i can think of that makes even slightest sense. No dr here but kids reported least likely to get severe cases
Pretty much agree with you. As i say live your life both sides are being insane!
Those who say sky is falling
And those who try to make it to be less than the common cold
Grim its not worse cmon already. It has the potential to turn into pneumonia and is only killing people over 70 cmon already
The percent infected to die is FAR higher come on..

Even the experts state after the per cent comes down if it does its expected to remain higher .

Expert after expert i think ill take their word
Btw its not only killing over 70 where the fuck you get that incorrect detail?
Over 70 chances of death increases just like the flu
The statistics are that 4000 people world wide have died from the Corona virus thus far; 16,000 have died from the flu just in the US.
This isnt the page ive Read the experts explain but its similar info

. COVID-19 is just like the flu
SARS-CoV-2 causes illness that does, indeed, have flu-like symptoms, such as aches, fever, and cough. Similarly, both COVID-19 and flu can be mild, severe, or, in rare cases, fatal. Both can also lead to pneumonia.

However, the overall profile of COVID-19 is more serious. Estimates vary, but its mortality rate seems to be between about 1% and 3%.

Ive seen numerous experts explain why comparing the over all flu deaths is a horrible comparison.

Just a few
Flu numerous types..
Flu entire season corona just started
Flu ran in prime flu season its unknown when coronas prime season will be
We have no natural immunity yet
No vaccine
Can easily mutate
The flu we pretty much know when and use estimates not true numbers
Corona well ill end with as ive seen numerous experts explain is the unknown
The 2nd top emergency responder at my states biggest airport got briefed on this, he goes to my gym. He at first thought flu worse, well not what the experts told him.
Airports atm kinda being in the know on this
and again kinda hard to get a number when testing was so horrid.

"Access to more testing is showing us that COVID-19 is spreading more rapidly in King County. Ten long-term care facilities have reported positive COVID-19 cases," county officials said in an update posted online.
The two deaths reported Tuesday include a woman in her 80s who was a resident of Issaquah Nursing and Rehabilitation Center and a man in his 80s who was a resident of Ida Culver House.

sure still barely getting a fraction of cases and deaths.

Gotta say again NO I am NOT panicking, yes I think ppl are going over board and crazy. No I don't think this is the end etc, etc I just really like on anything to be factual and informed. I don't take a sticking point on anything, not politics, not health, not diet, gear etc, I just like facts..
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Just keep in mind your only stating your opinion. Just because you feel strongly about the issue doesn’t make it fact or in any way make you uniquely qualified to use Google and decide that you see a side the CDC or WHO does not. There is a reason there is “scare”, and that is that it could possibly get out of control. And if you don’t have anyone you care about over 70 or immunocomprimised, which you all seem to believe are the only susceptible people in society, then try band think outside of your experience. I have many family members and a fiancé who are in that category. I would hate to lose them... especially over ignorance and something that could have been prevented.
I understand your view and I respect your opinion but in my state there has been three reported cases of this virus....three. IMO there is no need to cancel school classes, my wife had several conferences scheduled and now THEY have been cancelled, and a flight to Chicago for her job that has been postponed,....people have to completely rearrange their schedules, not to mention reporting off work. My wife and I had planned a vacation to Barbados last year for this May....we are unsure if THAT will take place because travelers are being denied reentry back into the US now.
Im stating what EXPERTS state that isnt opinion bro

“I can say we will see more cases and things will get worse than they are right now,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told the House Oversight and Reform Committee at a hearing on the nation’s preparedness for the outbreak Wednesday.

Fauci said COVID-19 is at least 10 times “more lethal” than the seasonal flu, even if the mortality rate drops far below the World Health Organization’s current estimates of 3.4%.

My ONLY opinion is ppl are going over board everything else is stating what experts and the data says
Ummm you do realize there were next to no tests even now they are struggling to test people.
I fully agree with you 'yes my opinion part' people are going beyond nuts.
But cases you really can't put any faith in as testing by the US has been WORSE than fng Iran now thats bad!
I believe it was yesterday a whopping 8600 tests had FINALLY been taken in the US BUT 8600 int even close to 8600 people as several are needed per person.

The Tests not being done is a HUGE blunder which more than likely is causing local governments etc to panic as they are going blind.

The whole situation is BS most of it fear, much of it caused by blundering and misinformation

That TOTALLY sucks on your vacation bro Id be PISSED a well!
This article shows a little more how the 'testing' blunders got us here

This was a 'flu' research, yet it found Corona in samples that were more than likely in stats stated FLU, including a death..

Doesnt take much to fan fear, this sure didnt help
There are zero cases in my state... and people are freaking out. So I get it... but I heard a line in a movie once, something like“ a person is smart, people are stupid”. So an attitude of it isn’t anything to worry about could hurt some people unintentionally. I am finishing my 5th 14hr shift, and 1 day off Friday... then 11 in a row. I am dealing with hundreds off patients a day.. literally. I am not worried about it. I would hate to carry something and pass it on to another less fortunate, so I am following all precautions. I feel a responsibility to do so.

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