Daredevil's Log

My TDEE calories(daily calories to maintain) is 3,000.

that's a high number imho...unless you have pretty labor intensive job?.. i work out 5-6 days a week and my TDEE is about 2400, but i have pretty much a desk job.
ugggg forget calories and focus on the food and turning on the body's ability to process like a machine, more muscle burns more fat.

i loose fat at over 4000 calories a day
krustus said:
that's a high number imho...unless you have pretty labor intensive job?.. i work out 5-6 days a week and my TDEE is about 2400, but i have pretty much a desk job.
I used the accurate calorie calculator @ scoobysworkshop dot com
ugggg forget calories and focus on the food and turning on the body's ability to process like a machine, more muscle burns more fat.

i loose fat at over 4000 calories a day

you know i love and respect you friend... but calories do matter.. if you are losing fat on 4000 then you are burning more than 4000..

now at your level of muscle and low bodyfat it might be way different...lol... i wouldn't know... never been there...
Ya calories make all the difference. Probably the most important factor there is imo
More muscles burn more fat, keep doing what you've always done but don't be surprised when nothing changes

I'm saying eat like a machine, clean foods as outlined many times in many logs and watch your body change

Stay stuck in counting calories and I know you're not eating 6 meals a day . Let your metabolism do the work, no cardio needed

I'll watch , each must be content with themselves , I make change , I do what's difficult , it's not for everyone
misterB said:
More muscles burn more fat, keep doing what you've always done but don't be surprised when nothing changes

I'm saying eat like a machine, clean foods as outlined many times in many logs and watch your body change

Stay stuck in counting calories and I know you're not eating 6 meals a day . Let your metabolism do the work, no cardio needed

I'll watch , each must be content with themselves , I make change , I do what's difficult , it's not for everyone
Planning this meal plan bro and I don't think I can eat 4,000 calories a day in 6 meals like you. Not living like I got to count calories bro, but I'm looking at 6 meals high in proteins with fats and carbs maybe 3400-3500'ish.

I think if I try to add in more foods I'll be a walking Goodyear blimpie man.
don't count the calories just eat the menu, i never add it up because i'm not going back to the coach and say Um excuse me sir this is more than maintenance sorry in sticking to 4 meals. just eat the stuff, see what a month brings you, then keep doing it

obviously no good deed goes unpunished. do what you want, but don't say you tried it this way until you do it
misterB said:
don't count the calories just eat the menu, i never add it up because i'm not going back to the coach and say Um excuse me sir this is more than maintenance sorry in sticking to 4 meals. just eat the stuff, see what a month brings you, then keep doing it

obviously no good deed goes unpunished. do what you want, but don't say you tried it this way until you do it
Took your menu and made a few minor adjustments scrubbing off some vegetables for greens and lowering the egg whites and adding an egg. Moved some things around ending with 6 meals and at the same calories as yours.

I appreciate the help y'all and especially MisterB .

I will be making some minor adjustments to the cycle soon.

Prepped my food for tomorrow. Took 45 minutes to cook and prep it in containers. This takes a lot of work and dedication for sure.
Nobody counts calories bro come on. Eat and use cardio as a way of dealing with unwanted sides.
I can say for me counting calories has been the single best thing I have done. Started at 31yrs old , 5'7 , 120lbs and now 35, 180lbs. Ive kept my abs the whole time by eating alot but not too much and doing zero cardio. I probably could be at 200lbs with 20lbs of fat hanging on me right now by eating too much but that doesn't sound better to me. Knowing how,much I need to eat to keep gaining has been the most important part for me. At 5 meals a day 800 to 1000 calories each right now
I can say for me counting calories has been the single best thing I have done

me too friend... progress happens when things are measured... need to track lifting also... increased weights, reps, etc... .. know how many cals and macros it takes to hit your goals...etc...

leave nothing to chance if you can
I think what we need to keep in mind here is that we are all at different levels. Not everything works the same for everyone. Some people like misterB know what there body needs for fuel and how to use it. Also misterB and a few others have reached a place that few do, building muscle while losing or maintaining BF %. Now most of us start by counting and measuring the things we eat to get a base and adjust on the fly. Just throwing the calorie count out the window goes against so many articles and IMO is just poor advice. Most people need to know their Macros and calories to start. Now if you have a trainer guess what he is probably doing.... the work for you when it comes to a meal plan.... For the rest of us grunts we have to do that all our self

Me personally, I am getting to the point where I know whats working and whats not and looking to adjust my plan to push to the next level. I do not count cals but I eat the same damn thing every day almost. So when its time to change things I know what to add or subtract but its always changing.

Bottom line for me is I need to do what works. If I dont get results I better do something different. Thats why even though I am making progress, I am always seeking advice and looking to improve.
Made some changes to my cycle and diet about 6 days ago.

I dropped the Masteron and deca, replaced with NPP @ 600mg and upped the test cyp to 600mg.

Also I upped my calorie intake to about 4K but I'm eating as much as I feel as I'm hungry. So really not counting.

Im 10 days in cycle. Current weight is 179.3Lbs. That's early morning weigh in after #1 and a #2.

I'm happy with the way things are going!

In 4-5 weeks I'll be doing Bloodwork for levels.
In on this man! Hope to see some big results bro

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Be very careful upping those cals. If you are at 4k at 180 trust me you are gonna put on fat unless you are working out twice a day balls out. You said you want to get some good definition but you are going about it in the completely wrong direction IMO. You have a pretty decent amount of fat on you (for our standards) you keep eating big like that and with the compounds you are running, all your gonna be is a bigger version of the same person you are now. You will gain muscle for sure but you are not gonna lean out....

This is in no way meant to slam you brother. I am just saying this from experience.
Good luck DD this is why i will never be lean counting calories fuck i barely know math and cant even count my meals. I just saw your starting pic you look good and have a good frame to sculpt
49ER said:
Good luck DD this is why i will never be lean counting calories fuck i barely know math and cant even count my meals. I just saw your starting pic you look good and have a good frame to sculpt
Its really not that hard 49er. You just need to do it once (to start) to get a base meal plan down. It kinda sucks eating the same stuff for a while but its just part of it. once you get used to your cals and macros you can add or subtract things in. Without this knowledge a BB is just spinning their wheels.

No doubt DD has a very good base frame. I just think that the way to go is lean out as much as possible then build muscle. MOST cannot eat a calorie surplus and lose fat at the same time. It can be done with certain compounds and AFTER a lot of training and strict dedication. You MUST (IMO) already have the muscle in place and a great lean starting point.

We have all seen the very lean and muscular person add on 30-40 pounds in the off season and look pretty damn fat. They add on a bit of muscle and then shred down. This is possible because of strict manipulation of Cals and having the solid base in PLACE TO START.
LT your right. I'm definitely not going balls out twice a day though due to time limitations.

However I feel I'm leaning out a good bit. In 3 days I'll be upping my HGH to 5iu a day and T4 to 250mcg a day.

I've just been eating as I feel necessary being when hungry. Except for yesterday wasn't really having a good day and didn't eat much. Had some stress to deal with and I dealt with it.

Thanks gents for your feedback, I love you guys.
Daredevil said:
LT your right. I'm definitely not going balls out twice a day though due to time limitations.

However I feel I'm leaning out a good bit. In 3 days I'll be upping my HGH to 5iu a day and T4 to 250mcg a day.

I've just been eating as I feel necessary being when hungry. Except for yesterday wasn't really having a good day and didn't eat much. Had some stress to deal with and I dealt with it.

Thanks gents for your feedback, I love you guys.

I got ya, I was just confused I guess when you stated you upped your cals to 4k and were eating when you were hungry. eating when we are hungry is one thing. Doing that on top of 4k is another. I also think that some people do not realize how many cals (of clean food) really is. Its a lot of damn food. Keep crushing DD

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