Daredevil's Log

So I'm in week 4 I believe. On vacation currently and having fun.

Something crossed my mind and I felt like mentioning it.

Currently I'm doing 600mg of Test C and NPP a week, which is going good. For estrogen control I'm doing .50mG of arimadex a day.

I Believe I need to up that to .60mg or .75mg a day.

Has anyone ever needed to run a dosage that high?

Reason I'm saying that is because the last few weeks I've been doing .50mg a day but here and there I've felt my estrogen to be high so once a week I did an extra 1mg pill to lower it. The following 4-5 days my dick was always rock hard etc.

So I'm thinking of just doing 0.60-0.75mg a day forward.

Currently my dick gets hard but not like raging hard like the past weeks.
maybe try aromasin so you just kill the enzymes not simple bind them up for a few hours ? maybe its the rebound you feel when the meds wear off. for me estrogen and dick stuff was always more like in girth, its fatter with more estrogen, but guess hardness can be impacted too, things guys notice about didcks lol
Guys..... We are basing estro on cock hardness.... Get some bloods done when you get back from vacation DD so we can stop this absolutely insaine discussion.
LittleTom said:
Guys..... We are basing estro on cock hardness.... Get some bloods done when you get back from vacation DD so we can stop this absolutely insaine discussion.
Oh my estrogen is not absolutely high. I just want it in the high 20s.

I do plan to get bloods checked next week in about 7-9 days.

I'm going to do 0.75mg a day and then get my bloods checked.
I know we are all different but i have always used adex before i switched to nothing. Tried aromasin and it was a pain in the ass. Ed dosing, not really sure how much is in your system. I dont run high test anymore and always use mast in my cycles so i dont run an AI. Best decision i have made. If i do run a high test cycle again i will go back to adex. .5 every third day and im good. Just what works for me.
My experience with Aromasin wasn't too good either. I think because the half life is so short, even with ed dosing I didn't work well for me. Everyone body handles estro different so blood work is needed to really know
FUCKN arms grew like mad. Nice job. Delts look great as well. Keep doing what you're doing and damn your gonna be huge. 185 looks like 220. Guess my weight is all in my wheels lol.
JuicedVenom said:
FUCKN arms grew like mad. Nice job. Delts look great as well. Keep doing what you're doing and damn your gonna be huge. 185 looks like 220. Guess my weight is all in my wheels lol.
yup, daredevils going to eat and grow into a M..M..monster !

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