
Iron Killer
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Decided to start a log here instead of just posting in the "TODAY'S WORKOUT WAS" thread.

Just got home with my sons from our 2nd training session today.Earlier was MMA circuit training and now we did MMA technique drills consisting of......

Take Down Drills
Sprawl and Shoot Drills
Striking Drills
2 on 1 Grappling Drills.

Tomorrow its back to the iron.

Chest day today and I LOVE chest day.........

Cable Crossovers------------------5 Sets of 10 ( Warm up and pre-fatigue)
Paused Bench Presses-------------4 Sets of 8
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press-----4 Sets of 10
Decline Bench Press---------------4 Sets of 8
Push Ups--------------------------3 Sets Max Reps

Elliptical for 20 Minutes
Off today from everything.LOL.

Gonna do some shopping with my Queen.
Set to do shoulders today but I felt like hitting arms so switched up my order.Here it is.....

EZ Bar Curls------------------------5 Sets of 8,drop wt 20% and then 1 Set of 20
Incline Dumb Curls-----------------5 Sets of 8 drop wt 20% and then 1 Set of 20
Standing Concentration curls------1 Sets of max reps
Wrist curls & Reverse Wrist Curls---1 Set of max reps

Close Grip Bench Press------------5 Sets of 8,drop wt 20% and then 1 Set of 20
Skull Crushers---------------------5 Sets of 8,then drop wt 20% and 1 Set of 20
Tri Pushdowns w Rope------------5 Sets of 8,drop wt 20% and then 1 Set of 20
Triceps Kickbacks-----------------1 Set of max reps.

Treadmill for 15 minutes.

TooK the day off today.Just went running with my dogs.They needed some exercise.LOL
Shoulder day today...........

Seated Military Press-----------3 Sets of 6
Dumb Side Laterals------------3 Sets of 8
Rear Dumb Raise--------------3 Sets of 8
Cable Delt Ft Raise-------------3 Sets of 8

Rested 3 minutes between sets and increased weight 5-10lbs on each set.

Elliptical for 20 minutes.
Today was all MMA.................

Skip rope for loosen and warm up for 10 minutes.

Fighting practice for 45 minutes consisting of........

5 Minutes of quick bag strikes,rest 30 seconds,

5 Minutes of heavy bag strikes,rest 30 seconds,

5 Minutes of free-style combo's.

Repeat this cycle as many times as possible within the 45 minutes.

Then 30 minutes of practice match fighting.1 on one,2 one one and 3 on one.

100m sprints.

Arm day today............

Warm up

Skip rope for 10 Minutes.


Standing Dumb Curls--------------5 Sets of 8
Dips--------------------------------5 Sets of 8

Tri Set.......

Standing Concentration Curls--------4 Sets of 8
Skull Crushers------------------------4 Sets of 8
Bench Dips w 45lb plate--------------2 Sets of max Reps

Super Set.......

Standing Hammer Curls w Dumb-----4 Sets of 6
Dumb Tri Ext--------------------------4 Sets of 6

Slow Treadmill for 10 Minutes
Another great leg day except for the fact that my damn right hip is a little sore but that goes with the territory at my age.LOL.

Warm up with skipping rope for 15 minutes.

Squats--------------------4 Sets of 8
Walking Dumb Lunges----3 Sets of 20 steps each leg
Ft Squats-----------------3 Sets of 12
Leg Curls-----------------3 Sets of 15
Seated Calf Raises-------4 Sets of 20
Smith Machine Squats---40% Max Wt---2 Sets of 30

Light walk outside for 10 minutes
Back day today.............

Warm up on elliptical for 15 minutes.

Rest Pause Bent Over Rows---------5 Sets of 5
Weighted Pull Ups (35lb plate)------3 Sets of 8
T-Bar Rows(Pyramid up in weight---3 Sets of 8
Chin Ups to Sternum----------------3 Sets of 6
Hyper Extensions--------------------2 Sets of 12

Cool down on Treadmill for 10 minutes.
Chest Day again my brothers..........

Warm Up on treadmill for 10 minutes.

Flat Bench Press-----------3 Sets of 12
Incline Dumb Press--------3 Sets of 10
Decline Dumb Flyes--------3 Sets of 12
Low Cable Flyes------------3 Sets of 12
Dips------------------------1 Set of Max Reps
Push Ups-------------------1 Set of Max Reps

Skip rope for cool down 10 minutes.
Shoulder day today.......

Military Press----------------1 Warm up set of 15 Reps
1 Rest Pause Set------------3 Reps,rest 20s,3 Reps,rest 20s,3 Reps,rest 20s,3 Reps.rest 20s
------------------------------1 Final Set of 12

Upright Rows----------------2 Sets of 8

Dumb Shrugs----------------1 Warn Up set of 20
2 Rest Pause Sets-----------3 Reps,rest 20s,3 reps,rest 20s,3 Reps,rest 20s,3 Reps,rest 20s
------------------------------1 Set of 15 Reps

Super Set...
Incline Dumb Shrugs--------2 Sets of 12
Incline Rear Delt Raise------2 Sets of 12

Dumb Lateral Raise---------1 Drop Set of 10,drop wt & rep till failure.then drop & wt rep till failure

Dumb Ft Raise--------------1 Drop Set of 8,drop wt & rep till failure,then drop wt & rep till failure

Elliptical for 15 minutes.
All MMA Training today.

Kettle Bell workout.Max reps in 25 seconds and move on to next exercise.Repeated circuit 3 times.

Kettle Bell Swings
Shoulder to Shoulder Press
Single Arm Bent Over Rows
Lunges w/Rotations
Tight Core Rotations
Reverse Lunges w/Knee Strikes

Fighter Push Ups
Burpee To Boxer Stance.

Then 45 Minutes of one on one Practice Fighting.
Arm day again today and it was AWESOME.......

Super Set....
Tri Pushdowns w V-Handle-----------8 Sets of 15
Lying Tri Ext on Decline Bench------8 Sets of 15

Super Set....
Seated Tri Cable Ext-----------------6 Sets of 15
Weighted Dips (45lbs)---------------6 Sets of 12

Super Set......
Close Grip Bench Presses-----------6 Sets of 10
Dips Between Benches--------------6 Sets of 10

Reverse Curls------------------------4 Sets of 10
Seated Dumb Curls------------------3 Sets of 10
Preacher Curls w/EZ Curl Bar-------3Sets of 10
Standing High Pulley Cable Curls---4 Sets of 12

Warm down in Tread for 15 minutes.
Off today.Had some running around to do with my Queen for house projects.LOL
MMA Circuit Training today.....

6 Rounds of Each Exercise with 1 minute rest between exercises.

Kettle Bell Deadlifts---------------5 Pyramid Sets------5,4,3,2,1
Russian Twists (10lbs)------------5 Reps Each Side
Dive Bomber Push Ups-----------AMRAP in 30 Seconds.
Sledge Hammer Tire Slams -----AMRAP In 30 Seconds.

Practice Grappling for 30 Minutes.

Got a deep tissue massage after workout today for 75 minutes and let me tell you,IT FELT GREAT!!!
Another MMA circuit training for me.Yesterdays workout felt great and got me motivated for another round today.

Skip rope for 15 minutes as warm up.

4 Rounds of each.

Ft Squats---------------4 Sets of 5 Reps
Dips---------------------AMRAP ( Got 20,14,16,10)
Kettle Bell Swings-------5 Reps each Side
Chins-------------------AMRAP (Got 16,15,15,12 with no kip)

Elliptical Trainer for 15 Minutes.

Off today.Went out with the family.Beautiful weather today.Went to a safari where you can feed wild animals like Buffalo and Deer and Ostriches,etc.Very cool.They also have horseback riding which we love to do.Nothing crazy,just along a trail with a guide.

We've done this many times in the past and absolutely love it.


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