MMA training and Kettle Bell circuit today.......


High Volume Punching------Goal was 3000 punches in 1 minute rounds.Go full out punching on heavy bag for 1 minute and rest 30 seconds and repeat as many times as it takes to hit the 3k mark.I average 245-260 punches per minute rounds.

Speed/Endurance Punching------5 Minute round of punching combos.4-6 punch combinations is my goal.Example is jab,uppercut,hook,straight,uppercut,straight.

Kettle Bell.....3 Rounds of 30 seconds each,except where noted.

Heavy Swings
Over Head Swings
Squats w. Over Head Press
Clean & Jerk
Jump Squats-------15-20 Reps

Stretching for 15 minutes.
No iron today.Only Frisbee in the park with the dogs.Im actually craving some arm workout with the dumbbells though.May do a few light,max rep sets tonight.
Going away this weekend with the family so wont be hitting the gym so I did a whole body workout today.Very light wt (about 40% max) but very explosive reps with xtra slow decent and pause in middle of last couple of reps.

Ft Squats---------------------------2 Sets of 15
Leg Ext------------------------------2 Sets of 20
Seated Calf Raises-----------------2 Sets of 25
Incline Bench-----------------------2 Sets of 15
French Press------------------------2 Sets of 15
Decline Bench----------------------3 Sets of 15
Tri Pressdowns----------------------3 Sets of 12
Close Grip Bench-------------------2 Sets of 12
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down-----------2 Sets of 15
Seated Cable Row------------------2 Sets of 15
Stiff Arm Pull Down----------------2 Sets of 15
Cable Curls--------------------------2 Sets of 20
Preacher Curls----------------------2 Sets of 12
Spider Cable Curls-----------------2 Sets of 15
Cable Ft Raise----------------------2 Sets of 12
Military Press------------------------2 Sets of 12
Single Arm Cable Side Laterals----2 Sets of 12

Elliptical for 15 minutes
Stretching for 10
Back and Bi's today...........

Warm up---Skip rope for 15 Minutes

Deads------------------------3 Sets of 15
Seated Cable Rows----------4 Sets of 15
Wide Grip Lat PullDowns----2 Sets of 10
Reverse Grip PullDowns-----2 Sets of 12

Barbell Curls-----------------3 Sets of 15
Reverse Curls----------------3 Sets of 12
Concentration Curls----------2 Sets of 15

Elliptical for 15 Minutes
Off today.Actually a pretty lazy day for me.I didnt really do shit all day.LOL.

Oh well,got some needed rest so I can hit it hard and heavy tomorrow.
Chest and Tri's today.............

Warm up----Treadmill for 15 minutes.

Incline Bench Press----------------10 Sets of 2, set on locks midway through lift.
Flat Bench Press-------------------4 Sets of 6
Decline Bench----------------------2 Sets of 8

Triceps Press Downs--------------4 Pyramiding sets--------12-10-8-6
French Press----------------------3 Sets of 12
Single Arm Cable Kickbacks-------2 Sets of 15

Light walk for 10 minutes
Stretching for 10 minutes

5 mile run with the dogs today.May hit the dumbbells later though for some arm work.
Back & Bi's today.

Light running for 15 minutes.

Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs-----------------5 Sets of 15
Deadlifts----------------------------------4 Sets of 8
Reverse Grip Pull Downs------------------3 Sets of 12
Stiff Arm Pull Downs----------------------3 Sets of 12
Bent Over Rows---------------------------Sets of 6

Super Set....
Cable Curls-------------------------------4 Sets of 8
Reverse Cable Curls----------------------4 Sets of 8

Lat Pull Down Curls----------------------3 Sets of 12
Preacher Curls---------------------------2 Sets of 8

Elliptical for 10 Minutes
Stretching for 10 Minutes

Off today.Man my arms are beat from yesterdays workout so im gonna enjoy the weekend off.LOL
Another day off for me.Plenty of family stuff today.Movies,the zoo,grilling,etc.

Back at it tomorrow.
MMA circuit training today............

4 Rounds of each.

Barbarian Squats------------------------25 Reps
Sand Bag Shouldering-------------------30 Seconds
Sledge Hammers to Right Side----------30 Seconds
Grave Diggers to Right Side-------------30 Seconds
Sledge Hammers to Left Side------------30 Seconds
Grave Diggers to Left Side---------------30 Seconds
Kayak Rowing---------------------------60 Touches

Elliptical--------------------------------15 Minutes
Stretching-----------------------------10 Minutes
Only cardio today at the park with the dogs.Running with them and threw the Frisbee around for a few hours.Just felt like I needed another day away from the gym.
Chest and Tri's again today.

Warm up on treadmill for 15 minutes.

45 deg Incline Bench Press-------------3 Sets of 12
30 deg Incline Bench Press-------------3 Sets of 12
Flat Bench Press------------------------2 Sets of 10
Decline Bench Press--------------------2 Sets of 15

Triceps Push downs--------------------3 Sets of 15
Reverse Grip Push Downs--------------2 Sets of 12
Between Bench Dips-------------------2 Sets of 12
Cable Kickbacks------------------------2 Sets of 15

Elliptical for 15 Minutes
Stretching for 10 Minutes
MMA circuit training today..........

4 Rounds of each.

Kettle Bell Squats------------------8 Reps
Heavy Kettle Bell Snatch-----------5 Reps each side
Wide Grip Chins--------------------AMRAP

Stretching for 15 Minutes.
Suppose to hit Back & Bi's today but my back was feeling really tight so I just did Bi's.Still felt tight doing some of the standing curls so I really had to focus on staying very tight cored while I did them and all was well.

Alternate Dumb Curls----------------------------------3 Sets of 15
Dumb Hammer Curls (BOTH ARMS AT ONCE)---------3 Sets of 15
Reverse Curls with Barbell-----------------------------3 Sets of 12
Lying lat Pulley Curls-----------------------------------3 Sets of 12
Concentration Curls-----------------------------------2 Sets of 10
No iron today.Family wants to do the beach so have to please them.LOL.Ive been taking the weekends off anyway but I wanted to hit back today since I skipped it yesterday but what can you do?Tomorrow i'll tear it up.
jshredz said:
Damn Beach day already. So jealous. Enjoy the day off

Thank you very much my friend.We had an awesome time.Water was still a little cold but swim-able.LOL

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