Leg Day.Went light wt and high rep today.

Ft Squats----------------3 Sets of 30
Leg Ext------------------3 Sets of 30
Leg Curls----------------2 Sets of 40
Leg Presses-------------2 Sets of 30
Seated Calf presses----3 Sets of 25

Light walk for 15 minutes.
Off from the iron today.Did some running with the dogs but that was it.
Back day today.....

Warm up---skip rope for 15 minutes.

Lat Pulldowns-------------------4 Sets of 12
Deads----------------------------5 Sets of 6

Super Set:
One Arm Dumb Rows----------3 Sets of 8
Wide Grip T-Bar Rows----------3 Sets of Max reps

Super Set:
Close Grip PullDowns----------3 Sets of 12
Hyper Ext-----------------------3 Sets of 15

Cool Down: Stretching for 15 minutes.
All MMA circuit training today......

4 Rounds of each.

Pistol Squats------------------------5 Reps each leg
Double Kettle Bell Clean & Press----5 Reps
Double Kettle Bell Snatch-----------5 Reps
Sledge Hammer Tire Slams---------AMRAP in 30 seconds.
100 meter Sprints

Elliptical for 15 minutes.
Today was a light day for training for me.MMA drills with clients but was only there for a couple hrs and really only assisted today.Did go swimming for 3 hrs with my Queen though so plenty of cardio there.

Tell you what,between the drills and the swimming,im beat.LMAO.
No training today.All family day at the park running around with the kids and the dogs.Then shopping at the mall.
AWESOME shoulder workout today......

[size=12pt]Warm up--Practice grappling for 30 minutes

Behind the back shrugs------------4 Sets of 20
Seated Rope Face Pulls------------4 Sets of 12
One Arm Dumb Lateral Raises-----4 Sets of 10 each arm
Wide Grip Upright Half Rows-------3 Sets of 10
Plate Raises------------------------3 Sets of 10
Dumb Shoulder Press--------------3 Sets of 5 each arm

10 minutes of stretching

Elliptical for 10 minutes.
Chest Day today............

Warm up...Skip rope for 15 minutes.

Flat Bench Press------------------2 Sets of 6
Incline Dumb Bench--------------2 Sets of 6
Weighted Dips--------------------2 Sets of 6
Pec-Dec--------------------------2 Sets of 8
Feet Elevated Push Ups----------2 Sets of Max Reps (got 40 & 27)

Treadmill for 10 minutes
Stretching for 15 minutes
Bi's & Tri's today.............

Warm Up---Elliptical for 15 Minutes

Super Set:
Barbell Curls---------------------------3 Sets of 8
Skull Crushers-------------------------3 Sets of 8

Dumb Hammer Curls------------------3 Sets of 10

Close Grip Bench Press----------------3 Sets of 10

Super Set:
Cable Concentration Curls-------------3 Sets of 10
High Mount Cable Biceps Curls-------3 Sets of 8

Super Set:
Cable French Press---------------------2 Sets of15
Cable Rope Pressdowns----------------2 Sets of 15

Stretching for 15 minutes
Light walk for 10 minutes
MMA 15lb Mace training today..........

3 rounds of each circuit.No rest between each exercise to complete full circuit.Rest 1 minute before starting next full circuit.

10-2's for 1 minute
Sledge Hammers for 30 seconds to right side
360's--15 each direction (10lb mace for these)
Sledge Hammers for 30 seconds to left side
Ballistic Curls for 1 minute
Barbarian Squats for 1 minute
Kayak Rowing-25 touches to each side

Stretching for 10 minutes
Light walk for 15 minutes
MMA circuit training again today.

Warm Up--High Knees--2 rounds 30 seconds each

5 rounds of each circuit.60 seconds rest between exercises and 60 seconds rest between each set for first 6 exercises.

Double Kettle Bell Snatch-----------8 Reps
Kettle Bell Jump Squat--------------8 Reps
Kettle Bell Guerrilla Clean-----------8 Reps each side
Explosive Kettle Bell Pull Ups--------8 Reps
Explosive Kettle Bell Push Up-------8 Reps

No rest for remaining exercises between exercises but 1-2 minutes rest between rounds.

Kip Up's------------------------------8 Reps
Burpee's-----------------------------3 Rounds,60 seconds each
Alternating Jump Pistol Squats------3 Rounds,60 seconds each
Jump Rope---------------------------3 Rounds,60 seconds each

Elliptical for 15 minutes
Stretching for 10 minutes.
F.I.S.T. said:
MMA circuit training again today.

Warm Up--High Knees--2 rounds 30 seconds each

5 rounds of each circuit.60 seconds rest between exercises and 60 seconds rest between each set for first 6 exercises.

Double Kettle Bell Snatch-----------8 Reps
Kettle Bell Jump Squat--------------8 Reps
Kettle Bell Guerrilla Clean-----------8 Reps each side
Explosive Kettle Bell Pull Ups--------8 Reps
Explosive Kettle Bell Push Up-------8 Reps

No rest for remaining exercises between exercises but 1-2 minutes rest between rounds.

Kip Up's------------------------------8 Reps
Burpee's-----------------------------3 Rounds,60 seconds each
Alternating Jump Pistol Squats------3 Rounds,60 seconds each
Jump Rope---------------------------3 Rounds,60 seconds each

Elliptical for 15 minutes
Stretching for 190 minutes.
F.I.S.T.Hahahahahahahhaha............Love it!!! 35 min workout and 3hour 10 min stretch from said workout!!! 😀
TSizemore said:
Hahahahahahahhaha............Love it!!! 35 min workout and 3hour 10 min stretch from said workout!!! 😀

LMFAO.Sorry,typo.Well I would definitely be stretched out after 190 of stretching.

Thats 10 minutes of stretching.Edited.

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