Killed back today.Had to go xtra hard and heavy today since I skipped back the other day.

Warm Up-------------15 Minutes skipping rope.

Deads-----------------------------5 Sets of 8
Face Pulls-------------------------4 Sets of 12
Close Grip Pull Downs----------4 Sets of 15
Behind the Neck Pull Downs---4 Sets of 10
Bent over Rows------------------2 Sets of 15

Elliptical for 15 minutes
Stretching for 15 minutes
MMA circuit training today.........

6 rounds of each

Kettle Bell Deads------------------20 reps
Russian Twists--------------------10 each side
Sledge Hammer Slams------------30 Seconds each side
Dive Bomber Push Ups------------12-15 reps
Battle Ropes----------------------30 seconds

Stretching for 15 minutes
Awesome job on the updates bro. Favorite day so far is still the beach day tho. Jk lol
jshredz said:
Awesome job on the updates bro. Favorite day so far is still the beach day tho. Jk lol

Thanks my friend.Im enjoying the extra free time so i'll definitely be continuing with the updates brother.Thanks for following along.

Yea,the beach days are my favorites too.LOL.
Shoulders & Traps today..............

Upright Rows----------------------4 Sets of 12
Military Presses--------------------3 Sets of 15
Cable Side Laterals----------------2 Sets of 15
Dumb Front Raises----------------3 Sets of 15
Rolling Shrugs---------------------4 Sets of 15
Behind the back Shrugs-----------2 Sets of 10

Elliptical for 15 minutes
Stretching for 15 minutes
Chest & Tris again today........

Stretching before and after 10 minutes each.

Warm up--Skip rope for 10 minutes

45 Deg Incline Bench Press-------------------4 Sets of 10
30 Deg Incline Bench Press-------------------3 Sets of 10
Flat Bench Press-------------------------------4 Sets of 8
Decline Bench Press---------------------------2 Sets of 12
Flyes-------------------------------------------3 Sets of 12

Triceps Press Downs--------------------------3 Sets of 12
Reverse Grip Press Downs-------------------2 Sets of 15
Between Bench Dips--------------------------3 Sets of 10
MMA steel mace circuit training today.

Stretching before & after 10 minutes each.

5 rounds of each circuit.1 minute rest between circuits.

Single arm 360's each arm.
360's to Squat for 30 seconds
10-2's for 30 seconds
Overhead Alternating Lunges for 30 seconds
Jump Squats for 30 seconds
Split Jumps for 30 seconds

Elliptical for 15 minutes
Taking the next few days off.Just got home from my trip and I need to recover.LOL.
Ok,back on track and in the game again.Took a few days off to recoup from my trip (which was amazing by the way,but tiring,lol) and now im back at it.

MMA circuit training today......

15 Minutes of skipping rope before and after workout and 10 minutes of stretching afterwards.

4 Rounds Each

Sledgehammer Tire Slams----------------------------50 Each Side
Russian Twists W/20lb plate-------------------------10 Each Side
Dive Bomber Push Ups--------------------------------AMRAP in 30 seconds
1 Arm Kettle Bell Clean & Jerk----------------------15 Each Arm
Dips--------------------------------------------------------AMRAP in 30 seconds

30 minutes of Striking Drills,Take Down Drills and Submissions.

Legs today baby............

Skip rope for 15 minutes before.
Stretching 10 Minutes before and after.

Ft Squats-------------------------------------4 Sets of 12
Smith Machine Back Squats---------4 Sets of 12
Vertical Leg Press------------------------4 Sets of 10
Leg Extensions----------------------------3 Sets of 15
Leg Curls------------------------------------3 Sets of 15
Smith Machine Calf Raises----------2 Sets of 20
Took the day off.Went to the Casino with my Queen and walked out with 4700 from the .25 cent slots!!
Shoulders and Traps today..............

15 minutes on Elliptical for warm up.
Stretching for 10 minutes before and after.

Seated Dumb Presses----------------------------------------12,10,8,6,8,10,12
Upright Rows Supersetted with Barbell Shrugs--------5 Sets of 8
Reverse Dumb Flyes------------------------------------------5 Sets of 12
Front Raises-----------------------------------------------------2 Sets of 20
MMA circuit again for me today utilizing kettle Bells................

Stretching before and after for 10 minutes
4 Rounds each

Double Reverse Lunges---------------------------10 Each Leg
Double Floor Presses------------------------------10 Reps
Plyo Lunge--------------------------------------------10 Each Leg
Clap Push Ups---------------------------------------10 Reps
Pull Ups------------------------------------------------AMRAP in 30 seconds.
Alternating Battle Ropes w Squats-------------30 Seconds

Stationary Bike for 15 minutes.
Back day today...........

Stretching 10 Minutes before and after.
Elliptical for 15 minutes before and after

Lat Pull Downs----------------------------4 Sets of 12
Dead Lifts-----------------------------------5 Sets of 8

One Arm Dumb Rows------------------3 Sets of 8
Super Set With
Wide Grip T-Bar Rows----------------3 Sets of Max Reps

Close Grip Pull Downs-----------------3 Sets of 10
SuperSet With
Hyper's------------------------------------3 Sets of 15
Battle Ropes this morning.

6 Rounds Each Circuit of 30 seconds each

Battle Rope Circle Waves
Battle Rope Jump Slam
Battle Rope Alternating Wave W/Squat
Battle Rope Kneel to Stand Wave
Battle Rope Alternating Wave W/ Side Lunge
Battle Rope Low to High Chop

Tread Mill on low for 15 minutes.

Bi's and Tri's today.

Elliptical 15 minutes before and after.
Stretching 10 minutes before and after.
Wrist Curls Behind Your Back----------------2 Sets of 20

Wide Grip EZ Bar Curls---------------------------4 Sets of 8
Close Grip EZ Bar Curls--------------------------4 Sets of 8
Alternating Dumb Curls---------------------------3 Sets of 6
Rope Hammer Curls------------------------------3 Sets of 6

Decline Skull Crushers--------------------------4 Sets of 8
Close Grip Bench Press-------------------------4 Sets of 8
Press Downs---------------------------------------4 Sets of 10
Chest Day today.......

Stretching 10 minutes before and after.
Elliptical 15 minutes before and after.

Dips--------------------------------------------8 Sets of 8
Reverse Grip Bench Presses-------------8 Sets of 8
Flat Bench Cable Flyes--------------------8 Sets of 8
Dumb Pullovers-----------------------------8 Sets of 8
Push Ups------------------------------------AMRAP ( I hit 45)
MMA striking,take down defense and multiple opponent grappling drills for an hr and a half.

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